Bar Tape (6)

With spring around the corner, it’s time to replace my old bar tape with new tape. While doing a google search, there are about 500 different brands and types. Does anybody have a “favorite” or a “recommendation”?

My wish list:

  • Black
  • Thicker to absorb road shock while riding on the aero bars

I enjoy Enve’s bar tape but it is expensive. Just went with Lizard Skin 2.5mm at my spring tune up. So far so good.

Zipp SC tape is good and often on sale for around $20. I also like Salsa cork gel, which goes on my bike that does (crappy) pavement and gravel.

With spring around the corner, it’s time to replace my old bar tape with new tape. While doing a google search, there are about 500 different brands and types. Does anybody have a “favorite” or a “recommendation”?

My wish list:

  • Black
  • Thicker to absorb road shock while riding on the aero bars

You lost me with your second wish… are you talking the tape you might put on the ends of the extensions, or bar tape for the base bar, or?

I just bought Silca’s 3.75mm bar tape for my road bike. It is spendy, but really plush. It’s my new standard.

Supacaz make a gravel version which has a little extra cushion. Plus it comes in black.

My all time favorite bar tape is the Bontrager Perf Line. A little pricey though.
It is very easy to wrap, has a nice grippy/tacky feel to it, even with wet hands (coming out of t1), and still provides a nice firm grip even when the hands get sweaty over the course of a ride. And it lasts for a long long time, still staying tacky.

Interestingly the Zipp Service Course (the non textured one) seems to be made out of the same material (probably even at the same factory).
It’s almost identical to the touch and wraps as easy as the Bontrager one. It’s usually on sale somewhere, but has the “Service Course” imprinted all over, which I’m not a big fan of.

Silca for sure, with Supacaz second. The slice tape is amazing and on all my bikes.

I enjoy Enve’s bar tape but it is expensive. Just went with Lizard Skin 2.5mm at my spring tune up. So far so good.

I have actually just gone to Dick’s Sporting goods and got Lizard Skin baseball bat tape for like…$11 and it’s more than enough for handles and bar ends. Probably the same stuff? Has lasted for forever!

Does anyone know the brand of bar tape that came stock with my Cervelo P3X? It is perfect. I’m assuming that they are not making their own and they are just rebranding someone else’s tape.

I was turned onto fishing pole shrink tubing for my Aerobars, it’s great. Slide over, heat. Done. Has zero plushness, fits perfect and has some grip when needed.

However, I’m confused why you need to absorb the road on the Aerobars? Your hands should just rest there so it isn’t like you are hanging on.