when you (rightly) castigate lance armstrong for being a dick and a bully, and then i read you write to a fellow slowtwitcher, “i’m laughing at how stupid you are” on this forum, i hope you can at least see how easy it is to fall off the cliff into the chasm of dickness.
it’s fine if you’re moved by lance’s interview last night (and tonight); likewise if lance’s interview does not move you. you may hold the view you want. but you will not treat other people here with contempt and sneering or you will not be posting here. if you just cannot help yourself, you have emotional and ethical problems that rival lance armstrong’s - it’s just that your mediocrity keeps your frailties on the down-low. if you think this is just the way forum boards are and i should just reconcile myself to this, you’ll be reconciled right off this forum board.
I really just come here for triathlon tips, training, etc. The LA threads diluted the usefulness of ST. I’m not 100% sure what the mission or purpose of the ST forum, but it appears to center around LA. I look forward to all the LA ending so those that come to ST for information can stop going hunting for useful threads among the LA threads.
I really just come here for triathlon tips, training, etc. The LA threads diluted the usefulness of ST. I’m not 100% sure what the mission or purpose of the ST forum, but it appears to center around LA. I look forward to all the LA ending so those that come to ST for information can stop going hunting for useful threads among the LA threads.
I’m not 100% sure what the mission or purpose of the ST forum
WHAT CAN I POST HERE? Anything associated with swim, bike, run, or triathlon in general. Off-topic posts belong in the Lavender Room. Notices belong in Notices, jobs sought or advertised in Jobs, items for sale in Classifieds. There are rules for each of these forums posted in “sticky” threads on the tops of each of those forums.
LA is a big topic, because of his background, story and ongoing saga. Add to that, he was and wants to be again a triathlete competing at the high levels. So, it is topically relevant. Add to that the polarity between the Lancophiles and the AA’s (Anti Armstrong), and it tends to overshadow things when it comes up.
“I’m not 100% sure what the mission or purpose of the ST forum, but it appears to center around LA.”
that’s just silly. that’s a silly thing to write. if what you write is true then you could write the same thing about the l.a. times, n.y. times, CNN, or ESPN. lance is hot today, and every news outlet is therefore lance-centric today. further, because his chosen sport as of now is THIS SPORT do you think people here, uniquely, are going to omit talking about the interview last night?
there are 9 threads on the home page right now that are in some way or other about either lance or doping. there are 41 threads not about lance or doping. by next week there will be 2 threads about lance and 48 about something else. by next month there’ll be no threads about lance.
the purpose of this forum is for people who are interested in themes specific to triathlon to talk to each other. we have a notices, classifieds, jobs, and off-topic forum to bleed as much non-specific discussions from the main forum as possible. further, we limit the lance threads when they are out of hand and i don’t know of any other forum that does this.
i don’t mind if you complain about things we do. but THIS complaint is transparently unfounded.
I agree with what you are saying, but is it really that difficult to avoid the LA threads? The title of the thread usually indicates the nonsense that will be contained within.
Just don’t pay for the Lance threads that you don’t read or have any interest in reading.
That’s what I do, I don’t pay for any of the threads that I don’t care for.
I was just sharing my opinion. I come to ST (and other forums) for information on triathlon training, gear, advice, etc. The pro sport aspect is not so important to me. I know ST prides itself of being a simple forum (lack of organization) which is fine. Some forums do have endless amounts of sub-forums. For my purposes, LA threads are nothing but noise on the forums. It’s not hard to avoid the threads if they are properly titled, just annoying. Also, your statement about NY Times, CNN, ESPN is not entirely accurate. Those are media outlets who’s sole purpose is to report the news. It’s how they make their money.
In the end it’s not a big deal, was just sharing my opinion. I have seen people posting in other forums (and even at a race this year) who state that they’ve moved away from ST due to the forums infatuation with LA. I don’t think I’d go that far. There is some great information in some threads, you just have to find what your looking for.
Also, your statement about NY Times, CNN, ESPN is not entirely accurate. Those are media outlets who’s sole purpose is to report the news. It’s how they make their money.
I think the point Slowman is trying to make is that if the recent events related to Lance are of so much interest to people these non-sport focused media outlets are reporting extensively on it today, it would be really weird if a triathlon-focused media outlet and community ignored it, or even if it paid less attention. It is right and reasonable for this community to explore Lance-related issues in more depth than the mainstream media.
There is still a ton of information being generated on the forum TODAY that is useful to everyday triathletes. I have contributed today to running routes in San Antonio and how to handle a little too much stress in your training day and what that means for your schedule. I’m sure there are 50 other useful topics being discussed today. ST is not becoming less beneficial to the average age-grouper because there are 4 or 5 threads about Lance that lots of people are contributing to.
Although the LA melodrama on ST does in ways smack of the punditosphere, I have to agree, John, that posters sometimes bring an “aha” moment to the discussion/debate for me. But Slowman is right on about keeping the spirit with tolerance & respect.
“further, we limit the lance threads when they are out of hand and i don’t know of any other forum that does this.”
All for this, which is why I was shocked to see ST thought it was necessary to put an opinionated open letter to you know you on the main home page. My thoughts after reading it were that it belonged in a forum of some kind and has no business taking up space on the main home page. Curious about your thoughts on why it was deemed appropriate for the main page? (I know you didn’t write it, but asking bc of association and topic…)
“further, we limit the lance threads when they are out of hand and i don’t know of any other forum that does this.”
All for this, which is why I was shocked to see ST thought it was necessary to put an opinionated open letter to you know you on the main home page. My thoughts after reading it were that it belonged in a forum of some kind and has no business taking up space on the main home page. Curious about your thoughts on why it was deemed appropriate for the main page? (I know you didn’t write it, but asking bc of association and topic…)
I agree with this sentiment. However, it seems to me that the point he’s trying to make is NOT that there can be NO threads on LA. Unless I’m missing something, the point is that there should not be posts that degrade and insult others for their opinions. It’s sometimes intimidating to post on the board because you never know when someone is gonna take it out of context and then blast you for it. And sometimes those responses are downright crude. I think a lot of people are emboldened by the fact that this is a message board with a certain amount of anonymity.
it’s no secret i have a longstanding acquaintanceship with lance armstrong. accordingly, i have the possibility of, the possible appearance of, and perhaps the reality of, a bias. i think our editor in chief just wanted our readers to know that there is a variance in approach to the lance armstrong phenomenon represented on our editorial staff. i think it’s absolutely appropriate that all editorial views on our staff are represented.
herbert’s view is valid. it’s wise. i don’t know that he and i would see things exactly the same way in terms of precisely what and when lance armstrong should have a continued intersection with triathlon. however, what i do know is that herbert is a man of good will, and honest and pragmatic, and knowledgeable, and that if there was any space between herbert and i, and somehow god bestowed upon the two of us the right to determine lance armstrong’s future in triathlon, it would take us about 15 minutes to craft a solution that we would both be happy to sign our names to.
and that’s the unfortunate aspect of this thing, that some people are unable to talk about this in any sort of rational pragmatic way.