Ban Me! (How is the most effective way of getting banned from ST?)

It came up, innocently enough, on the Dr. Alex Harrison thread.

I think the poster was sincere.

You don’t have to be.

Fire away.

The shorter the better.

Residents of California are exempt from posting.

Fat shaming LS. He’s looking a bit chubby in his latest videos


Fat shaming LS. He’s looking a bit chubby in his latest videos

This is, unfortunately, a Lavender Room special.

(If you must ask, the fastest way to a ban is to intentionally antagonize moderators on a repeated basis, followed by perpetually being an asshole to everyone.)

This is, unfortunately, a Lavender Room special.

(If you must ask, the fastest way to a ban is to intentionally antagonize moderators on a repeated basis, followed by perpetually being an asshole to everyone.)

So you could do one, but not the other and be good? 😊

This is why one never Slowtwitch’s before coffee.

Those are #1 and #1b on the list of “how to get banned.” Separate. Not equal.

Mock intellectually challenged people by using the R word.

Mock intellectually challenged people by using the R word.

This is the way.

They may have different rules on the nonsense side of the forum, but on this side, intentionally antagonize moderators on a repeated basis, followed by perpetually being an asshole to everyone. doesn’t seem to work very well.

Mock intellectually challenged people by using the R word.

This is the way.

They may have different rules on the nonsense side of the forum, but on this side, intentionally antagonize moderators on a repeated basis, followed by perpetually being an asshole to everyone. doesn’t seem to work very well.

We need a brief synopsis of recent bans and why they were banned.

I don’t pay enough attention to know when someone has been banned and when they just leave.

Was Big John banned? Was he the last one?

The single most effective way to get banned is to be exposed as someone who was previously banned but snuck back into the forum.

We need a brief synopsis of recent bans and why they were banned.

I don’t pay enough attention to know when someone has been banned and when they just leave.

Was Big John banned? Was he the last one?

Meanwhile I’m just sitting here wondering where SDG has been.

We need a brief synopsis of recent bans and why they were banned.

I don’t pay enough attention to know when someone has been banned and when they just leave.

Was Big John banned? Was he the last one?

Meanwhile I’m just sitting here wondering where SDG has been.

Maybe the one wife found out about the other wife and he’s dealing with the fall out from that? Normally I wouldn’t wish that kind of hell on anyone, but if it keeps him away from here…

This is why one never Slowtwitch’s before coffee.

Those are #1 and #1b on the list of “how to get banned.” Separate. Not equal.

So is there then a #1a reason that shall remain unknown?

The single most effective way to get banned is to be exposed as someone who was previously banned but snuck back into the forum.

Good observation and speaks to how rare it is that someone actually gets banned in the first place.

This is why one never Slowtwitch’s before coffee.

Those are #1 and #1b on the list of “how to get banned.” Separate. Not equal.

So is there then a #1a reason that shall remain unknown?

the surefire way to get banned is to want to get banned and to keep testing the edge until you find it. the second easiest way to get banned is to be angry and spiteful and to choose this as the place you exercise your spite muscle. (probably because you can’t do it at home or work.) there is no clear line between these two ways.

there is a view among the hard righties that being a hard rightie gets you banned. but i maintain this is not true. being an inveterate jackwagon gets you banned. in my experience inveterate jackwagons have more often been hard righties than hard lefties. (moderates are pretty much not ever jackwagons.) but a number of hard lefties have gotten the boot, and there are some here today who have gotten temporary bans. i think this makes sense, as the hard-anything mindset tends to be more animated, more sure he is right, more strident in his rightness, less interested in alternate views.

The guys who run this place are pretty thin-skinned and controlling, opposite of the brojos on letsrun who let almost anything go especially if it meets their right-wing political agenda.

I asked a simple question here about a poster that was mentioned in a thread and they locked the thread and kind of gave me a warning, like don’t ask don’t tell. I was like WTF?

So I’m skeptical of both sites.

Mock intellectually challenged people by using the R word.

That is not true, you can say republican.

Mock intellectually challenged people by using the R word.

That is not true, you can say republican.


opposite of the brojos on letsrun

I think I will always take my chances with opposite of the brojos. I am embarrassed to admit I know who you are referring to.

The guys who run this place are pretty thin-skinned and controlling, opposite of the brojos on letsrun who let almost anything go especially if it meets their right-wing political agenda.

I have never been to letsrun but I find it so odd that there is a big enough group of right wing runners to establish that reputation for a forum. Where I come from the very act of going out running is a pansy ass liberal thing to do.