Bad News for Drinkers

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.;mc_eid=b29a33498a

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.

Saw this post yesterday. Interesting weighing the risk factors of drinking vs genetic.

I wanted to look into this more. I thought there were some issues with Mendelian R. Though I’m not a statistician.

I’d have to look back at what he classifies heavy, moderate, light drinking is.

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.;mc_eid=b29a33498a

I mean I never thought it a net positive necessarily, I just would always be curious the venn diagram overlap of “drinker with CVD issue” and “otherwise crappy physical condition person” also.

As in, it’s all the habits together, not just one (unless you are on the extreme of drinking or the on/off of smoking).

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.;mc_eid=b29a33498a

Saw this post yesterday. Interesting weighing the risk factors of drinking vs genetic.

I wanted to look into this more. I thought there were some issues with Mendelian R. Though I’m not a statistician.

I’d have to look back at what he classifies heavy, moderate, light drinking is.

It’s in the study. I think light was less than 8 drinks per week, but they also showed that risk increases or decreases for each drink, more so the more you drink.

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.;mc_eid=b29a33498a

I mean I never thought it a net positive necessarily, I just would always be curious the venn diagram overlap of “drinker with CVD issue” and “otherwise crappy physical condition person” also.

As in, it’s all the habits together, not just one (unless you are on the extreme of drinking or the on/off of smoking).

That’s the problem Mendelian Randomization studies are suppose to solve, removing all the confounding variables.

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.;mc_eid=b29a33498a

Somethings gonna kill you. Look at your genetic past, and choose your behaviors from that.

Debate seems to have gone back and forth forever about whether not low levels of alcohol consumption are OK, if not even beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Recent Mendelian randomization study suggests any level of alcohol consumption increases CVD risk.;mc_eid=b29a33498a

Phew - I was afraid a big distillery burned down and there was going to be a shortage.

Interesting data.

I consider myself a light drinker. I would think 8.4 drinks a week was a fairly heavy drinker. This helps me understand why my daughter’s softball team booze wagon raffle is so successful (tickets currently available).

Even the article says positives could outweigh the negatives on light drinking though. So I’m not sure your summary is a completely accurate representation.

I would think 8.4 drinks a week was a fairly heavy drinker.

I don’t know…one drink per day with two on Saturday or whatever sounds pretty light. Unless it’s binge drinking (8 drinks on Saturday). That’d be heavy.

News is good timing for me, though. As a light drinker I’ve recently lost all interest in any drinking. Not for any reason related to risks. I just don’t feel any inclination at all to drink.

The social aspects are weird. Last weekend went to a bar with a bunch of co-workers after a successful presentation and when I said “diet Coke” when everyone was putting in their orders everyone sort of paused and looked at me weird. Sheesh.

I would think 8.4 drinks a week was a fairly heavy drinker.

I don’t know…one drink per day with two on Saturday or whatever sounds pretty light. Unless it’s binge drinking (8 drinks on Saturday). That’d be heavy.

News is good timing for me, though. As a light drinker I’ve recently lost all interest in any drinking. Not for any reason related to risks. I just don’t feel any inclination at all to drink.

The social aspects are weird. Last weekend went to a bar with a bunch of co-workers after a successful presentation and when I said “diet Coke” when everyone was putting in their orders everyone sort of paused and looked at me weird. Sheesh.

Well yeah. Diet Coke is disgusting.

If you don’t want calories, drink water.

As a non-drinker I get a lot of strange looks when ordering at a work social event. I figure half of them think I am in AA.

If you don’t want calories, drink water.

Water’s pretty good, and that’s my go-to. But I don’t mind a Coke.

And for the Diet part, I don’t care about calories. I just don’t like drinking a ton of sugar. Not for the caloric content, just for the overall health issues with drinking corn syrup.

If you don’t want calories, drink water.

Water’s pretty good, and that’s my go-to. But I don’t mind a Coke.

And for the Diet part, I don’t care about calories. I just don’t like drinking a ton of sugar. Not for the caloric content, just for the overall health issues with drinking corn syrup.

The real issue here is that aspartame tastes like ass.

The real issue here is that aspartame tastes like ass.

Acquired taste, like alcohol itself. I also like burnt-as-eff coffee. Some level of pain and discomfort is a desired thing. Maybe I was abused as a child.

I would think 8.4 drinks a week was a fairly heavy drinker.

I don’t know…one drink per day with two on Saturday or whatever sounds pretty light. Unless it’s binge drinking (8 drinks on Saturday). That’d be heavy.

News is good timing for me, though. As a light drinker I’ve recently lost all interest in any drinking. Not for any reason related to risks. I just don’t feel any inclination at all to drink.

The social aspects are weird. Last weekend went to a bar with a bunch of co-workers after a successful presentation and when I said “diet Coke” when everyone was putting in their orders everyone sort of paused and looked at me weird. Sheesh.

I have a problem with your weird request for a Diet Coke, too. Why do you drink it? Isn’t it worse than regular Coke? What are you trying to do by drinking it? Cut calories to keep your girlish figure? I thought you exercised and ate reasonably well for weight management? Am I wrong?

As far as drinking alcohol, 8 drinks per week seems like a lot. I’m a lightweight so that would buzz me up everyday of the week. I can’t properly manage my affairs in that state. The harm from drinking isn’t limited to the impact of the ingredients. It has accompanying bad impacts— garbage food and bad choices.

I consider myself a light drinker at 0-2 drinks per week. That means 2 days per week of frolicking fun—who needs more than that? I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.

I’m more curious about caffeine. I get buzzed up on caffeine every single day. I’m a moderate/heavy 2-3 cups per day drinker. For instance, right now! I’m getting a lot of work done. Thanks, Coffee! I don’t think caffeine has the accompanying bad impacts.


I would think 8.4 drinks a week was a fairly heavy drinker.

I don’t know…one drink per day with two on Saturday or whatever sounds pretty light. Unless it’s binge drinking (8 drinks on Saturday). That’d be heavy.

News is good timing for me, though. As a light drinker I’ve recently lost all interest in any drinking. Not for any reason related to risks. I just don’t feel any inclination at all to drink.

The social aspects are weird. Last weekend went to a bar with a bunch of co-workers after a successful presentation and when I said “diet Coke” when everyone was putting in their orders everyone sort of paused and looked at me weird. Sheesh.

I’m a 0-3 drinks a week person. I occasionally enjoy a beer or glass of wine or cocktail- but see no need every day.

You get used to ordering no alcoholic drinks. Seltzer water looks like a cocktail especially if you have them add a lime.

Another tip if you are in a drinking work environment is to order it and pour it in a plant. I apologize to one particular plant in Seoul - but my Korean co-workers still talk about how much I can drink 🤣

I apologize to one particular plant in Seoul - but my Korean co-workers still talk about how much I can drink 🤣

Oh yeah, and Korean work-related after-hours drinking is next-level stuff. I haven’t had to do that in decades, but would definitely be on the plant “watering” plan if I had to do it again.

I have a problem with your weird request for a Diet Coke, too. Why do you drink it? Isn’t it worse than regular Coke? What are you trying to do by drinking it? Cut calories to keep your girlish figure? I thought you exercised and ate reasonably well for weight management? Am I wrong?

I can’t speak for Trail, but I drink it because I prefer it.

I have a problem with your weird request for a Diet Coke, too. Why do you drink it? Isn’t it worse than regular Coke? What are you trying to do by drinking it? Cut calories to keep your girlish figure? I thought you exercised and ate reasonably well for weight management? Am I wrong?

I can’t speak for Trail, but I drink it because I prefer it.