Baby Shampoo for Aero Helmet Visor?

I dont go a swim practice without a baby shampoo solution on my googles (and zero fogging ever ) .

Has anyone ever done this on the inside of an aero-helmet visor to limit fogging during a race? any luck?

I tried the same anti-fog spray that I use on my swim goggles on my helmet visor and it didn’t help. Next time I get to T1 and the visor is foggy I’m just going to leave it behind.

I’ve done it in training and racing. Diluted spray of baby shampoo to the inside of the aerohead visor. Definitely helps, but not perfect, but I do it regularly.

I have had good results with the Rain-X formula for plastic and regular rainx. Kind of a pain to travel with but they do make wipes that you can find at auto parts store (typically at the register) or online.

Interesting extension of the topic:

F1 had the issue long ago. Some drivers had tiny holes drilled in the visors.

Yup, use it all the time. Works perfect. Here’s my recipe for my Giro Aerohead.

Wet visor, then with finger wash visor with mild dish soap both sides. Cleans all the sweat and crap off from the previous ride. Micro cloth wipe and let air dry.

Wet inside of visor, get tap running with warm water ready to rinse. Water is a light flow just past not dribbling and not a fast heavy flow.

Put a small line of baby shampoo (Joshnstons is my go to) across the inside of the visor. Maybe .5-1mm wide, not much. Try not to create big drops of shampoo. With finger, spread the shampoo all over the inside of the visor. If you do have a big drop of shampoo, just rub it out, maybe add a touch of water to help. The goal is not to wash the shampoo off the visor, but to spread the shampoo across it so a film of shampoo is left behind.

Rinse lightly (about 2-3 seconds), tap visor on bench (to get excess water out from the magnets), let sit to air dry.

Without the shampoo the visor fogs up in humidity/rain.

high level of success.
Washed it
dried it
sprayed it with baby shampoo and then added a little extra water so most of it could run off the lenses and let it dry.

At clash, even with 90% humidity, 0 fogging

Good stuff. Thanks to everyone that shared. I’ll try this.

Interesting extension of the topic:

F1 had the issue long ago. Some drivers had tiny holes drilled in the visors.

Similarly Nico Rosberg has used feminine hygiene products in his helmet to stop sweat dripping down his face. YMMV

Gonna try this. About 50% field of view for first 20 miles in Rudy Project Wing at Clash Daytona’s 90-something% humidity. Come to think of it, similar tunnel vision for most of the run too and I didn’t even have eyewear on then.