Attn. Ben Weiser

The plot thickens…

yep, except that andrew doesn’t like to be called andy…

LOL… I picked that up as well… but then again I’m an expert on the subject :-p

Actually, he does use “Andy Coggan” on at least one other forum.

Is this Ben fellow related to Bud Weiser?

There was a guy on the trinewbies forum a couple of years ago that stole my handle and tied to post a pyramid scheme. That was annoying enough even with the anonyminity of my “cerveloguy” handle. Stealing your name is even worse.

We don’t think this ben weiser fellow ever actually posted under your name, be your name andy, or andrew.

We also think this ben weiser fellow may not actually be named ben weiser, and that particular email name, benweiser, may be a spin off of budweiser. As such, we don’t think you are actually andrew coggan, as he is supposed to be smart and we think he would have done his research before publicly accusing a likely very innocent Ben Weiser of identity theft.

We also think that this benweiser fellow might have a friend whose actual birthname is andy coggan, not andrew coggan. Perhaps this freind stole the big sleazes, or some other douchebags identity and started posting on here on slowtwitch. You should attempt to prosecute and find out for yourself.

Now that you are out of the woodwork, perhaps you could elaborate on your internet identity. There are Big Cheeses, commitees, and rip van winkles around the world that want to know who has been soiling there good names on this forum. Have you been posting on this furom with revealing your true identity?

Just for the record, I’m not sure that the authorities really care about “identity theft” on an anonymous message board.

Either way you are a pussy for hiding behind his name and other names as well.

It wasn’t me, screwball.

Now I am completely confused.

“You should know that identity theft is a crime”

as regards an identity on THIS forum, were i called to testify i would not necessarily be a good witness for the complainant. as the real “andy coggan” has taken great pains to conceal his own identity (adopting successive nomes de plume no fewer than four or five times, and never using his own name until now) one must wonder whether new law is being formed here.

so the question becomes, for what period of time must one abandon, and flee from, his own actual god-given name before it becomes open platform? case in point: if I was walking along and found a perfectly good name lieing on the ground, being unused, would i be acting feloniously if i stooped and picked up this name and invested it with utility, if no one else was going to use it?

in intellectual property law, the rule would be three consecutive years of non-use, with no attempt at any use. this argues in favor of the defendant. however, there is also the rule of “confusingly similar,” so one must take that into consideration and, i think, it might be the one leg the real andy could stand on.

i write this because using coggan’s name is confusing (since i’ve just gotten used to the idea that it will never be used by coggan himself) and it’s similar (because there used to be a guy in my distant memory who would actually take possession of that name).

therefore, i must render the following opinion: andy coggan probably still owns his own name. but i thought it was the coach in portugal who was using it. who is this other guy?

slowman…post ips etc.

therefore, i must render the following opinion: andy coggan probably still owns his own name. but i thought it was the coach in portugal who was using it. who is this other guy?
Oops. … one of the skinny pasty-white guys from Portugal was caught red-handed impersonating a healthy tanned American =P

“slowman…post ips etc.”

the real andy coggan is posting as the real andy coggan, that is, the one who says “don’t post as andy coggan” is actually andy coggan.

all jokes aside, i’m with andy on this. no identity theft (unless you want to do it on tri newbies, or on that forum downunda that’s for sale).

ben in fl, aka the fake andy, aka so on and so forth, is attached to florida state university, and keeps his ip leases for several months at a time. i know the ip address of every lease he’s had since 2002. it would take me 20 minutes and a phone call or two to find his true identity and, probably, get him into a firey spitball of trouble.

but i’m not going to do that, because he’s going to stop stealing andy’s identity and be a good boy now, because fun is fun and then after a while it’s less fun. at least that’s my guess.

That’s what I love about this place. Justice is swift. It’s like the Old West. It’s how I would run the world.

Mr. Coggan–Please keep giving the CompuTrainer people hell.

hey Monk - I’m doing my best to keep Roger on his toes as well you know :slight_smile:
I’m now Racermate public enemy #2!


I believe that all the posters in this thread are the one and same person and this person is having a major personality disorder breakdown…
Personality Disorders are Axis II diagnosis, this thread seems more like an Axis I issue . . . :slight_smile:

or, maybe we are all just part of the Matrix?

Has there ever been a Monk impostor?