Athletica AI?

Signed up, thank you for your help!

Hey Paul, is there a glossary somewhere that explains things like L2 power? I’m guessing that L = level and it corresponds to zone? But I’m not seeing it anywhere in the Help section, on the figure 1 diagram etc

Levels are what Coggan originally called them - so L2 power is what you’d refer to as zone 2.

Thanks, appreciate it.

There’s a helpful user guide on the website that does a decent job clarifying the language.

Latest releases:
Races can now have ‘Goals’ set — for the most part free-text fields but also include times as appropriatePossible to do from Settings / Training as well as through ‘Edit Session’ on a raceFirst step towards closing the loop on the training process as it relates to goal attainment (or not)‘Maps’ added to session chart pop-upAthletica Workout Reserve Garmin App Version: 1.3.9 debugged and working on most devices now

Latest releases:
Races can now have ‘Goals’ set — for the most part free-text fields but also include times as appropriatePossible to do from Settings / Training as well as through ‘Edit Session’ on a raceFirst step towards closing the loop on the training process as it relates to goal attainment (or not)‘Maps’ added to session chart pop-upAthletica Workout Reserve Garmin App Version: 1.3.9 debugged and working on most devices now

I like that last one, the “Workout Reserve”. One could use that on a day you are feeling strong and see if you can exceed it. I think this is the same (or similar) to Xert’s breakthrough performance, correct?

Latest releases:
Races can now have ‘Goals’ set — for the most part free-text fields but also include times as appropriatePossible to do from Settings / Training as well as through ‘Edit Session’ on a raceFirst step towards closing the loop on the training process as it relates to goal attainment (or not)‘Maps’ added to session chart pop-upAthletica Workout Reserve Garmin App Version: 1.3.9 debugged and working on most devices now

I like that last one, the “Workout Reserve”. One could use that on a day you are feeling strong and see if you can exceed it. I think this is the same (or similar) to Xert’s breakthrough performance, correct?
I think what you mean is Xert’s MPA which works similarly, when it is equal to your current power output (for a small amount of time maybe 10 seconds or more) you get a breakthrough.

Latest releases:
Races can now have ‘Goals’ set — for the most part free-text fields but also include times as appropriatePossible to do from Settings / Training as well as through ‘Edit Session’ on a raceFirst step towards closing the loop on the training process as it relates to goal attainment (or not)‘Maps’ added to session chart pop-upAthletica Workout Reserve Garmin App Version: 1.3.9 debugged and working on most devices now

I like that last one, the “Workout Reserve”. One could use that on a day you are feeling strong and see if you can exceed it. I think this is the same (or similar) to Xert’s breakthrough performance, correct?
I think what you mean is Xert’s MPA which works similarly, when it is equal to your current power output (for a small amount of time maybe 10 seconds or more) you get a breakthrough.

Yes, you are right. That’s what I meant. I used to use Xert more in the past, and I loved that thing.

Latest releases:
Races can now have ‘Goals’ set — for the most part free-text fields but also include times as appropriatePossible to do from Settings / Training as well as through ‘Edit Session’ on a raceFirst step towards closing the loop on the training process as it relates to goal attainment (or not)‘Maps’ added to session chart pop-upAthletica Workout Reserve Garmin App Version: 1.3.9 debugged and working on most devices now

I like that last one, the “Workout Reserve”. One could use that on a day you are feeling strong and see if you can exceed it. I think this is the same (or similar) to Xert’s breakthrough performance, correct?

Correct in terms of one way you can use it. You can also take the alternate viewpoint around leaving something in the tank for tomorrow’s session (enables training consistency).

Is it the same as Xert’s MPA? While we are acquainted with Xert’s MPA concept, there’s a relative lack of publicly available detailed documentation, unlike what we offer for Athletica’s WR. When we reviewed available materials for MPA, our intuition suggests that while there might be superficial resemblances, particularly in the exponential aspects also seen in Wbal models, the methodologies diverge significantly. Specifically, MPA’s discussion around energy and Time to Exhaustion (TTE) signals a distinctive approach.

At the end of the day, what really matters to you is: does the number help my training? As Athletica WR is now presented as a real time Garmin App (updated version 1.4.0), we believe it can and will for many.

Update: Endurance Sports Legend Matt Fitzgerald Joins Backed By Olympian Alistair Brownlee. Press release.

Update: Endurance Sports Legend Matt Fitzgerald Joins Backed By Olympian Alistair Brownlee. Press release.

That’s awesome. Congrats!!! That’s an awesome addition to the team.

Thank you!

Two new Athletica integrations:
Biketerra - indoor cycling app that lets you virtually ride real-world routesicTrainer - indoor cycling software; just train, no game
More on the way.

Thank you!

Two new Athletica integrations:
Biketerra - indoor cycling app that lets you virtually ride real-world routesicTrainer - indoor cycling software; just train, no game
More on the way.

Are workouts automatically transferred to those platforms? That would be awesome.

Thank you!

Two new Athletica integrations:
Biketerra - indoor cycling app that lets you virtually ride real-world routesicTrainer - indoor cycling software; just train, no game
More on the way.

Are workouts automatically transferred to those platforms? That would be awesome.

That’s correct. If you follow this thread you can watch videos with set-up instructions, how they appear on those platforms, etc.

Dear ST community. To help meet your requests and expectations, please circulate our JD to any full stack developers in this space. Thank you.

Do bike workouts push to TrainerRoad like Training Peaks? Meaning, if you have a bike workout in Training Peaks, you can open up TrainerRoad and that session will be there so you can just load the workout and get started. If not, is there a way to? Thanks!

Do bike workouts push to TrainerRoad like Training Peaks? Meaning, if you have a bike workout in Training Peaks, you can open up TrainerRoad and that session will be there so you can just load the workout and get started. If not, is there a way to? Thanks!

Hey Ray,
While they don’t push to TR, you can download any Athletica session and import to TR to ride. I believe both .erg and .mrc files work for TR. .zwo for Zwift. Other integrations above in thread. Everything pushes to Garmin Connect (swim, bike, run).

Screen Shot 2024-03-02 at 12.34.27 PM.png

Do bike workouts push to TrainerRoad like Training Peaks? Meaning, if you have a bike workout in Training Peaks, you can open up TrainerRoad and that session will be there so you can just load the workout and get started. If not, is there a way to? Thanks!

Hey Ray,
While they don’t push to TR, you can download any Athletica session and import to TR to ride. I believe both .erg and .mrc files work for TR. .zwo for Zwift. Other integrations above in thread. Everything pushes to Garmin Connect (swim, bike, run).

Oh that’s fantastic. Thanks for speedy reply!

Latest releases:
Adjustable plan start datesAdded details on power / pace profile charts - shows peak session along with direct link to sessionAdaptive plans for sport of Rowing now in beta. Rowers interested in trialing please reach out.