Fit aside, can anyone provide a comparison for the two from a perspective of a motion control wearer? I currently use the Foundation VI that came out last summer and the changes made in fit in the toebox has made this my favorite.
I’m now looking for a short distance shoe, one that has fewer stability components but still enough cushioning. I know “enough” is vague, by that I mean the Foundation VI seems to have an adequate amount.
I’m not a minimalist convert, but I like the idea of a short distance shoe that provides a different kind of support to your feet, but doesn’t lead to injury. My current SD shoe is the Adrenaline 5 is okay in terms of support, but the fit hasn’t worked out. Runs over 8 mi and I feel the lack of stability in them.
By short distance I mean speed workouts and runs 10k and shorter.
Here is the only .02 that I can give you based on my experience with both and a definite lack of ‘technical terms’. Being 6’3" and 210, I wore the Kayano and I did not feel like I had a premium shoe on. Yes it felt good and it helped resolve a lot of the back problems that I experienced with other shoes. I went to a specialty running store and the guy there told me I was crazy and pointed me in the direction of the 2080’s. Felt great and the price tag felt even better. I usually buy them three pairs at a time just in case they become extinct. I have worn the 2100’s and they feel the same for me. No more Kayano.
I know this is probably not as technical as you would like but I saw no one else was giving you any love!!
Of the two models you mention, I would try the Kayano then the GT-2110. The Kayano has a bit more motion control and cushioning than the 2110, but is also slightly heavier. Another option, although maybe harder to find, is the GEL-Empire. This shoe has a unique fit (at least, IMO), so you would need to make sure it fits. Good luck.
I have had the exact opposite experience. I am 215-220. I am on my 10th or so pair of Kayanos. Every once and a while I try the 2080’s, 2090’s, whatever is new. I always wind up returning them because something starts hurting that never hurt before. Keep the Kayanos coming. I will say that the 2090’s feel like much lees of a substantional show than the Kayano. I am still looking for something to run shorter races in - 10k or less. I will probably look at a stability performance trainer like the NB 901. Hope this helps a bit.
Thanks Shawn, its my understanding using the too-convienent-for-my liking 5-bar rating on that both models seem to have more than the Foundation VI.
So if the Foundation has enough… perhaps either Kayano or 2100/2110 will be fine (and maybe the Kayano has too much). So then I look at stability features. The Kayano seems to have a lot, which it does well and why so many like it. I think to accompmplish what I want, I’m leaning towards the 2100/2110. The Kayano seems too much shoe for what I need.
The Foundation is a great shoe by the way. Before, I never found a pair of Asics that fit - that one shoe changed that and has me sold. Very nice. If you all change it, give us a heads up so I can stock up. I’m hoping this change in fit in the 2110 will prove helpful.
I went to the store for a pair of 2100’s last winter and tried the Kayano X on just to see how they felt. It seemed like a much higher quality shoe than the 2100. My only other shoe experiences have been the Brooks Addiction 6, Brooks Beast and NB 765.
I am not a heavyweight but I still like the Kayano. I’m going to try the 2110’s this winter just to know if I can save the $40 on shoes.
For racing and short training I use the DS Trainer. It is much lighter than the Kayano but I’m not able to run in it for all of my runs yet. Just once or twice a week plus racing up to Half Marathon distances so far.
Edit: I was under the impression that the Foundation was more controlling than the Kayano, just not as much cushioning.
what they said, Kayano has a more fitted upper and contoured arch, a touch more stability than the 2110 and is geared towards heavier runners or hard hitting runners. 2110 a little less stability, softer (I think) rearfoot IGS system (aka fancy engineered crash pad), is lot lighter, less supportive but nice and airy mesh upper, and although the arch is still pretty high it doesn’t snug down like the Kayano. The 2110 also wears out a little quicker than other shoes in it’s category but when you consider the weight and sweet stable and fast ride, you won’t care one bit:) But yeah try them both out. The Empire Shawn mentioned is a really really nice shoe, targetted towards forefoot to midfoot pronators but is basically a more stable version of the 2110, kinda in between the 2110 & Kayano. Hard to find though, we sell them but are either can’t keep them on the shelves or can’t move then no matter what we try, it seems to come in cycles.
I’m a moderate pronator and find the Kayano quite stable. No IT band problems. And a comfortable shoe. What is weird is that the ball of my foot, and my toes, go numb after about the first mile. The shoe is not too small, so I’m mystified. If it weren’t for that, I’d buy it again. Oleander
Well, my foot doesn’t go numb in other shoes (including other Asics shoes, and Brooks). So, mysteriously, it is a problem just with these Kayanos. I am told that numb feet are often the result of lacing too tight, so I loosened the laces but that did not help. Mystified. Oleander
totally bizarre! I dunno what the story is with my right foot, but once in a while when it does happen loosening the laces or stopping and wiggling seems to do the trick. Maybe the Kayanos aren’t the best fit for you then??