Army Issues statement about Trump campaign's behavior at Arlington Cemetary

sometimes it can be hard to find just the news on this topic on this forum. so, here’s the statement. or at least liberal quoting from it from from the article:

"In a relatively strong statement for a military service, the Army said Thursday that the employee ‘acted with professionalism’ when she sought to remind the campaign about federal laws and policies banning political activities on cemetery grounds.

"‘An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,’ the Army said in its statement, using an acronym for the military cemetery.

“‘This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked,’” the statement added. “‘ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the armed forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve.’”
Advertisement"An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside," the Army said in its statement, using an acronym for the military cemeter"This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked," the statement added. “ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the armed forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve.”

What that POS Steven Cheung had to say about this yesterday:

“The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony,”


These people are loathsome.

These people are loathsome.

Yeah, but Kamala Harris laughs funny so… both sides.

Along with others, I just came here to post the Army’s statement.

This whole incident serves as a litmus test for each person’s character.

The people you are asking to care, do not care.

How many red lines, or what kind of red line does he have to cross before it’s a deal breaker? We’ve been told it exists. We just haven’t crossed it yet.

We never will.

The people you are asking to care, do not care.

How many red lines, or what kind of red line does he have to cross before it’s a deal breaker? We’ve been told it exists. We just haven’t crossed it yet.

We never will.

I mean if sending a mob to the Capitol Building to ransack the place and try to kill Mike Pence didn’t cross the line… nothing will.

What that POS Steven Cheung had to say about this yesterday:

“The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony,”


These people are loathsome.

“whatever reason” being federal law.

This whole incident serves as a litmus test for each person’s character.

I called the police to our house once when my wife’s ex showed up to retrieve some things he’d left at the property. Within minutes he was throwing her things on the ground, damaging things that didn’t belong to him, and when she told him to knock it off and leave, he accused her of having “anger management problems.” It wasn’t his abusive behavior that was the problem, it was her standing up to him that was evidence of her mental instability.

This is narcissism 101. I don’t need your consent, because I’m me, and if you’re not an accomplice you’re the problem, and whatever happens to you if you stand in my way is your fault and your problem.

The fact that this photo op actually happened is shameful. The fact that they abused and smeared the woman who was doing her job to preserve the dignity and reverence of that sacred place, I don’t think there’s a word in the English language to convey how despicable that is.

The people you are asking to care, do not care.

How many red lines, or what kind of red line does he have to cross before it’s a deal breaker? We’ve been told it exists. We just haven’t crossed it yet.

We never will.

i didn’t post it to try to change peoples’ minds. my only point here was to post this because of its relevance to the topic discussed on a couple of tangential threads.

personally, i think it’s getting harder and harder to show fidelity with the armed forces and also show fidelity with trump, because he routinely tests veterans and active duty military and then says, “choose between your devotion to me me or your devotion to the military.” likewise to christians and to those who value democracy and rule of law. “show me i’m your first love.” and his people choose him. but i think he loses a few every time. like skin cells.

but i digress.

The people you are asking to care, do not care.

How many red lines, or what kind of red line does he have to cross before it’s a deal breaker? We’ve been told it exists. We just haven’t crossed it yet.

We never will.

I agree but there is always hope the cumulative amount of these things may change someone’s mind. The more and more these stories pile up some people just won’t have the stomach to vote for him or won’t vote at all, which is fine too.

Particularly the military members that served and now see this guy doing these things.

The people you are asking to care, do not care.

How many red lines, or what kind of red line does he have to cross before it’s a deal breaker? We’ve been told it exists. We just haven’t crossed it yet.

We never will.

I agree but there is always hope the cumulative amount of these things may change someone’s mind. The more and more these stories pile up some people just won’t have the stomach to vote for him or won’t vote at all, which is fine too.

Particularly the military members that served and now see this guy doing these things.

Like the fact that the Sandy Hook school shooting didn’t do anything, there have been more than enough of “these stories” to have changed someone’s mind if a change were to occur.

The people you are asking to care, do not care.

How many red lines, or what kind of red line does he have to cross before it’s a deal breaker? We’ve been told it exists. We just haven’t crossed it yet.

We never will.

I agree but there is always hope the cumulative amount of these things may change someone’s mind. The more and more these stories pile up some people just won’t have the stomach to vote for him or won’t vote at all, which is fine too.

Particularly the military members that served and now see this guy doing these things.

Like the fact that the Sandy Hook school shooting didn’t do anything, there have been more than enough of “these stories” to have changed someone’s mind if a change were to occur.

My point is we have to keep telling everyone these stories and letting them know how bad Trump is. It most likely won’t change many minds, but every vote matters.

There’s only one answer, clearly the Army are a bunch of never Trumper liberals and RINOs. SAD!!!

Comment on “it won’t move the needle”:

I’ve posted this before, but the needle is moving.

In the last week she has gained about 1% across the swing states and leads in many. Over a month she has gained from 2% to 6% across those same states.

Yes, he hovers around the same ceiling in his approval ratings. None of us have to go back and forth on this again. But these things have to be adding up to swing undecideds and independents her way, a few people out of a thousand per Trump/Vance screw up.

there’s a good quote from *The Sun Also Rises *that applies to most topplings

“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.
“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

Trump’s campaign spokesman has said that they are prepared to release footage that shows otherwise. We’d all like to see that, along with the big beautiful healthcare bill.

It’s “unfortunate” that an organization allows people to flagrantly violate it’s rules and laws and then publicly denigrate it’s employees while doing nothin in response other than to call those actions “unfortunate”. Why weren’t there police or MP’s there to shut it down and write tickets? If they’ve broken laws and there is clear evidence, why can’t they bring charges? I have a hard time blaming Trump for being Trump…we know he’s an asshole and will do anything he can get away with…I blame the people responsible for preventing it who didn’t. I know they have armed soldiers stationed at ANC…don’t tell me they couldn’t have done anything, or can’t still.

It’s “unfortunate” that an organization allows people to flagrantly violate it’s rules and laws and then publicly denigrate it’s employees while doing nothin in response other than to call those actions “unfortunate”. Why weren’t there police or MP’s there to shut it down and write tickets? If they’ve broken laws and there is clear evidence, why can’t they bring charges? I have a hard time blaming Trump for being Trump…we know he’s an asshole and will do anything he can get away with…I blame the people responsible for preventing it who didn’t. I know they have armed soldiers stationed at ANC…don’t tell me they couldn’t have done anything, or can’t still.

MPs were called and responded. The administrator that was involved in the physical altercation opted to not press charges.

Personally, I think the army or whomever is in charge of this handled it correctly, and they had few viable options. If they had escalated this confrontation, it would have just been made worse. Let’s also not forget that (presumably) armed Secret Service personnel would have also been on site. Let’s say MPs roll in and demand Trump and his people leave? Or that they go to arrest the person in Trump’s camp that did this and Trump intervenes. What does that look like? Are they going to physically remove the 45th President? How would the Secret Service respond to MPs laying hands on their charge?

The only acceptable way out of this mess is Trump and his staff not act like assholes, but we all know that’ll never happen.


Trump and his minions where entirely in the wrong. An apology would be good but won’t be forthcoming.

You’re right about the apology, only it’s the donald who is going to be demanding the apology. So unfair.