Ari's Australian Adventure

The Australian Method according to Ari…

good luck to him! he’s always seemed like a relatable and decent guy. i hope he can put a run of form together.

The Australian Method according to Ari……?si=Mnz-gqUmSKr0BM2v

Nick - Very nice, thanks for posting. Ari’s personality is very relatable and he doesn’t get mad and curse himself like a certain other prolific Youtuber does, Very easy to watch this video. :slight_smile:

The Australian Method according to Ari……?si=Mnz-gqUmSKr0BM2v

Nick - Very nice, thanks for posting. Ari’s personality is very relatable and he doesn’t get mad and curse himself like a certain other prolific Youtuber does, Very easy to watch this video. :slight_smile:
Yeah,I think that this whole trip will be a huge learning experience for him not only as a swimmer and triathlete but as a person.I also love the way the girls give him “stick” (a hard time) during his training and in their comments. That is so Australian and the more they get to know him and like him the more shit they will give him.

As for the pools and how empty they are,if you aren’t part of a squad then you swim late morning and you generally have a very quiet pool. It is the same for me here. I swim at around 10am and the newbie pro/top age group girls aways jump in around then.

I am looking forward to next month when he is in my neighborhood. (I used to play schoolboy football in Ballarat in winter and the place sucks. Summer is nice though and lucky for him it isn’t Magpie season)

Good to see him back on track after his mental health struggles following his time in Tucson with Lionel. Hope to see him as a factor in 2024 and beyond.

Can’t imagine he will stick down in Ballarat too long? If I wanted to train for tri I would probably do Adelaide or Sunshine Coast. Don’t know what the biking is like on Sunshine Coast but good climate and he will see some better swimmers up there than in Ballarat . Adelaide has lots of biking options and pretty decent climate for the most part.

He goes on about doing 110 pace but if he can do 114-117 pace for 4k with a wet suit that’s pretty decent right? Who is holding 110 in half and full racing?

Someone needs to shave that brown slug off his face

Can’t imagine he will stick down in Ballarat too long? If I wanted to train for tri I would probably do Adelaide or Sunshine Coast. Don’t know what the biking is like on Sunshine Coast but good climate and he will see some better swimmers up there than in Ballarat . Adelaide has lots of biking options and pretty decent climate for the most part.

He goes on about doing 110 pace but if he can do 114-117 pace for 4k with a wet suit that’s pretty decent right? Who is holding 110 in half and full racing?

Someone needs to shave that brown slug off his face

Branding lol

I think he’s in Ballarat specifically for that swim group. And if there are better swimmers than him there - he doesn’t really need REALLY fast swimmers to work with as long as the coaching is in place.

First off - I’m really impressed he committed to this. Shows his heart is truly in this sport and he’s willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals.

With that said, did he really need to travel all the way to Australia to get better at swimming? Are there really no coaches or clubs in the USA that could bring his swimming level up to where it needs to be to compete at the top level in 70.3’s? Most of the world’s best swimmers train in the USA…

First off - I’m really impressed he committed to this. Shows his heart is truly in this sport and he’s willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals.

With that said, did he really need to travel all the way to Australia to get better at swimming? Are there really no coaches or clubs in the USA that could bring his swimming level up to where it needs to be to compete at the top level in 70.3’s? Most of the world’s best swimmers train in the USA…
I think there is more to it than just swimming. There is the chance to leave a rainy miserable PNW winter to have a solid two month training block surrounded by some super enthusiastic and talented triathletes and coaches. I am sure his whole perspective will change during this trip and he will return to the USA with a different mindset towards his training and the sport in general.

He will flip out when he gets to Noosa and is introduced to the Triathlon and Surf Lifesaving culture here. There is a big ocean swim in Noosa next month and I really hope he gets here in time to do it. Then of course there is the Mooloolaba Tri just down the road on the first weekend in March for him to do.

Sometimes you have to remove yourself from what you are doing to realize that what you were doing wasn’t working.

First off - I’m really impressed he committed to this. Shows his heart is truly in this sport and he’s willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals.

With that said, did he really need to travel all the way to Australia to get better at swimming? Are there really no coaches or clubs in the USA that could bring his swimming level up to where it needs to be to compete at the top level in 70.3’s? Most of the world’s best swimmers train in the USA…

It’s a different culture in AUS compared to the US.

Every trip there I’m blown away/it’s reinforced at how much more relaxed my Aussie athletes are vs my N. American based athletes. Hard to describe it/the difference. Taking a stab at it I’d say it’s a work to live vs a live to work

Cost of living seems lower, lifestyle is different, cycling is typically better than US.

FWIW I had a pro, now retired by several years, go to AUS to learn to swim. Went from something like 59 to 56:xx in the US working with squads/groups. 6mo later in AUS was swimming 52 min for IM swims.

.With that said, did he really need to travel all the way to Australia to get better at swimming? Are there really no coaches or clubs in the USA that could bring his swimming level up to where it needs to be to compete at the top level in 70.3’s? Most of the world’s best swimmers train in the USA…
Remember that this all started with Ari listening to Jack on The Triathlon Hour. Jack is the one who set him up for this trip down there. Ari gets to do the actual swim work, while also having a pretty cool YouTube series and Jack gets to grow The Chase Pack pod and I’m sure Ari will be doing a proper Triathlon Hour show at the end of this. It’s a great story and content play on top of being a wise athletic choice for Ari.

First off - I’m really impressed he committed to this. Shows his heart is truly in this sport and he’s willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals.
With that said, did he really need to travel all the way to Australia to get better at swimming? Are there really no coaches or clubs in the USA that could bring his swimming level up to where it needs to be to compete at the top level in 70.3’s? Most of the world’s best swimmers train in the USA…

I think a big part of it is a commitment thing. i.e., he’s thinking “here I’ve gone half-way around the world to learn to swim faster. Boy am I going to look dumb if I’m not swimming at least 2-3 min faster in an IM after this training camp.” This is big motivation to swim harder than before. :slight_smile:

It’s very much a lifestyle and cultural thing here

Heard a podcast with Amelia Watkinson who is a kiwi, except when the r- she said that when Australians say they can swim they mean they can do 20x100 on 120.

What she means is that when others say they can swim they mean they can do 25m doggy paddle

Ari could head down to local pools for a swim and be out swum by some locals giving away a few years or the life guard. USA is a terrific nation for swimming success but Australia is a much smaller nation with a much higher percentage of success in swimming.

Plus we smashed you like guitars

Hope you detect some irony, nationalism, truth and pink text in this

First off - I’m really impressed he committed to this. Shows his heart is truly in this sport and he’s willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals.

With that said, did he really need to travel all the way to Australia to get better at swimming? Are there really no coaches or clubs in the USA that could bring his swimming level up to where it needs to be to compete at the top level in 70.3’s? Most of the world’s best swimmers train in the USA…

It’s a different culture in AUS compared to the US.

Every trip there I’m blown away/it’s reinforced at how much more relaxed my Aussie athletes are vs my N. American based athletes. Hard to describe it/the difference. Taking a stab at it I’d say it’s a work to live vs a live to work

Cost of living seems lower, lifestyle is different, cycling is typically better than US.

FWIW I had a pro, now retired by several years, go to AUS to learn to swim. Went from something like 59 to 56:xx in the US working with squads/groups. 6mo later in AUS was swimming 52 min for IM swims.

I saw the youtube promo and thought he was swimming with John Rodger as that was the podcast he was referring too. It doesn’t seem like he is so ???

Not sure his workouts and past intervals ect, but he mentioned that he usually gets out by now when tired and , when I am tired I slow down to keep it easier!!!

I guess the pressure of youtube and vocal commitment to prove a goal is taking him further lets hope his shoulder can hold up to get the results.

I saw the youtube promo and thought he was swimming with John Rodger as that was the podcast he was referring too. It doesn’t seem like he is so ???


I think the plan is,four weeks in Ballarat and four weeks in Noosa.The time in Ballarat will get him ready for the Noosa part of his trip.

I saw the youtube promo and thought he was swimming with John Rodger as that was the podcast he was referring too. It doesn’t seem like he is so ???


I think the plan is,four weeks in Ballarat and four weeks in Noosa.The time in Ballarat will get him ready for the Noosa part of his trip.

ODD, I will go across the world for 4 weeks of what I need rather then 8, and you need 4 weeks of training to get ready to get good for the next 4 weeks later???

I saw the youtube promo and thought he was swimming with John Rodger as that was the podcast he was referring too. It doesn’t seem like he is so ???


I think the plan is,four weeks in Ballarat and four weeks in Noosa.The time in Ballarat will get him ready for the Noosa part of his trip.

ODD, I will go across the world for 4 weeks of what I need rather then 8, and you need 4 weeks of training to get ready to get good for the next 4 weeks later???

Probably building up both endurance and mental fortitude? Like…does JR have a lower limit for how slow people can be in his group? How much volume can he sustain without getting injured? I know it kind of doesn’t make sense to not find a group near JR perhaps - but probably the split might give him a new sense of motivation after the newness of the first situation gets old when he’s deep in the grind. A lot of this could be just for his mental health too - there’s some reasoning behind it, I’m sure…

I saw the youtube promo and thought he was swimming with John Rodger as that was the podcast he was referring too. It doesn’t seem like he is so ???


I think the plan is,four weeks in Ballarat and four weeks in Noosa.The time in Ballarat will get him ready for the Noosa part of his trip.

ODD, I will go across the world for 4 weeks of what I need rather then 8, and you need 4 weeks of training to get ready to get good for the next 4 weeks later???
You can be a total dick sometimes Tony.

He is on a fun trip that used to be normal for pro and top ager triathletes all the time. Penticton used to have a bunch of them ,just like the Gold Coast and Noosa every summer.

If he turned up in Noosa and was whining like a little jet-lagged baby the way he was in Ballarat he would have been told to HTFU and laughed out of the pool. You turn up to the top training squads prepared and fit. You don’t turn up in the middle of their season unfit,hoping just to hang on and hope for the best.

As an American who has swam their entire life, circle swimming clockwise is not easy. At least it’s not scm.

I saw the youtube promo and thought he was swimming with John Rodger as that was the podcast he was referring too. It doesn’t seem like he is so ???


I think the plan is,four weeks in Ballarat and four weeks in Noosa.The time in Ballarat will get him ready for the Noosa part of his trip.

ODD, I will go across the world for 4 weeks of what I need rather then 8, and you need 4 weeks of training to get ready to get good for the next 4 weeks later???
You can be a total dick sometimes Tony.

He is on a fun trip that used to be normal for pro and top ager triathletes all the time. Penticton used to have a bunch of them ,just like the Gold Coast and Noosa every summer.

If he turned up in Noosa and was whining like a little jet-lagged baby the way he was in Ballarat he would have been told to HTFU and laughed out of the pool. You turn up to the top training squads prepared and fit. You don’t turn up in the middle of their season unfit,hoping just to hang on and hope for the best.

So this coach is good because he only take the top 1 % ??? After they have made sure they can handle the big boot camp.

If you’re not being a bit of a dick you aren’t asking the right questions. Just some more clarification, do you know his plans or are you guessing ???