Are you all getting ready for trump's "unified reich"?

I sure am. Can’t wait ! Milk and honey for all.

At least, for once, trump and his minions are being honest about what is coming.

But Biden wants to cap the price of Insulin so both sides are the same…

After posting the infamous word “reich,” Trump’s campaign attempted to distance itself from itself.

It seems we have a pattern. Trump says things that carry a particular meaning to his extremist base.

How plausible is the denial when saying terrible things is always a “misunderstanding” or “joke” or “unauthorized”?

Who will come to Trump’s aid today to normalize his words?

chad and SDG will

How plausible is the denial when saying terrible things is always a “misunderstanding” or “joke” or “unauthorized”?

Trump will come out and say it wasnt him who posted it, it was his wife. Similar to Alito.

I sure am. Can’t wait ! Milk and honey for all.

At least, for once, trump and his minions are being honest about what is coming.

BLEP posted about this earlier this morning and now I cannot find the topic? Was it deleted?

chad and SDG will

Don’t forget tyler and matt. Tyler will come in with some whataboutism, that is all he has. Oh Biden made a funny face yesterday, he must have dementia, etc, etc, etc. The cult doesn’t know any other play book.

Chad = Tyler

After posting the infamous word “reich,” Trump’s campaign attempted to distance itself from itself.

It seems we have a pattern. Trump says things that carry a particular meaning to his extremist base.

**How plausible is the denial when saying terrible things is always a “misunderstanding” or “joke” or “unauthorized”? **

Who will come to Trump’s aid today to normalize his words?

Which, coming from someone his cult lauds as “telling it like it is”, seems… odd?

Almost seems like his affinity for “straight talk” is yet another steaming pile of bullshit he’s managed to sell the rubes on.

Chad = Tyler

Thank you for the clarification. Made a mental note of it. Chad = maga cult

After posting the infamous word “reich,” Trump’s campaign attempted to distance itself from itself.

It seems we have a pattern. Trump says things that carry a particular meaning to his extremist base.

How plausible is the denial when saying terrible things is always a “misunderstanding” or “joke” or “unauthorized”?

Who will come to Trump’s aid today to normalize his words?

This is one of the huge differences between these two candidates.

One surrounds himself with competent people who know what they are doing and can be effective in their job.

The other chooses the worst possible people for every role. The seeming qualification is a willingness to kiss Trump’s ass and to be the exact opposite of what most reasonable folks would want in the role. Then they post garbage about a Unified Reich and the his followers all pretend that it isn’t really Trump; just someone that works for him, and represents him, and does his bidding.

I’ll take a cognitively declining Joe, who has good people around him over a cognitively declining Donald, whose entire platform seems to be to do what makes liberals the most angry and stokes his base.

BLEP posted about this earlier this morning and now I cannot find the topic? Was it deleted?


This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement.

Except it was reportedly posted while the court was in a lunch break. So it might not have been a staffer.

Chad = Tyler

Thank you for the clarification. Made a mental note of it. Chad = maga cult

We are not allowed to call him Karen. Matt was offended on his behalf, empathetic guy that he is.

I have to say, Trump and the Trumpkins sure have blown Godwin’s Law all to shit since they bring up Hitler and the Nazi’s about themselves all the damn time.

Meanwhile JD Vance tells us we could learn a lot from Orban.

Hopefully he doesn’t look north to Canada for Lebensraum…

We are not allowed to call him Karen. Matt was offended on his behalf, empathetic guy that he is.

Did Matt threaten to speak to the manager?

Shades of BigJohn whose thing was saying that referring to him by the abbreviation “BJ” wasn’t allowed because that’s also used to refer to “blowjob” and he took that to mean we were calling him gay, and we all know being called gay is an egregious insult.

The list of words and phrases associated with Hitler isn’t actually too long. Even if a candidate has inexperienced staffers, it would only take about 20 minutes of focused attention to create the “Do Not Say” list.

Particularly since Trump has been criticized for using Nazi phrases and downplaying Nazi rhetoric, you might think his campaign would pay special attention to the issue.

The fact that they are either willfully ignorant or intentionally embracing Nazis becomes irrelevant because both are terrible.

Chad = Tyler

Thank you for the clarification. Made a mental note of it. Chad = maga cult

We are not allowed to call him Karen. Matt was offended on his behalf, empathetic guy that he is.

I have to say, Trump and the Trumpkins sure have blown Godwin’s Law all to shit since they bring up Hitler and the Nazi’s about themselves all the damn time.

Meanwhile JD Vance tells us we could learn a lot from Orban.

Painfully stupid. The Hungarian economy is a mess. Orban is a corrupt clown.

The list of words and phrases associated with Hitler isn’t actually too long. Even if a candidate has inexperienced staffers, it would only take about 20 minutes of focused attention to create the “Do Not Say” list.

Particularly since Trump has been criticized for using Nazi phrases and downplaying Nazi rhetoric, you might think his campaign would pay special attention to the issue.

The fact that they are either willfully ignorant or intentionally embracing Nazis becomes irrelevant because both are terrible.

I’m confident that his campaign knows exactly what words they are using and what those words mean. They use them because they know they will rile up his base, and trigger his opponents. It’s calculated and intentional. They can then delete the post and blame it on some unknown staffer, but the goal has been achieved at that point. As others have said many times on this forum, it’s a feature, not a bug.

We are not allowed to call him Karen. Matt was offended on his behalf, empathetic guy that he is.

Did Matt threaten to speak to the manager?

Shades of BigJohn whose thing was saying that referring to him by the abbreviation “BJ” wasn’t allowed because that’s also used to refer to “blowjob” and he took that to mean we were calling him gay, and we all know being called gay is an egregious insult.

Well he also told me I would have to find the video clips he was referring to myself, so …

The fact that they are either willfully ignorant or intentionally embracing Nazis becomes irrelevant because both are terrible.

They may be Nazis, but I think they’re leaning towards *Hogan’s Heroes *flavor of Nazis (= comically inept). Unfortunately there are also some who mean serious business, and those are the ones we don’t often see, and the ones who are most dangerous