April Fish

10 mi run and 1200 yd swim for me this morning - straight swim with some kicking.

Welcome to long course swim

WU 900 mix
MS 3 x (500IM as 50fly/100bk/150br/200fr, 100k fast, 400pull neg split, 100IM hard)
4600 LCM

I decided I need a small break from swimming. Resume tomorrow… small break.

Got a bit behind on posting.

3/30 - 4500scy main set 15x200 pull on 3:00, PM weights
3/31 - 90’ AM ride with 2x20’ big gear climb at low HR, PM 30min run
4/1 - 4200scy main set 50x50 pull on :50 odds cruise evens hard/paddles, 50 minute run
Today - 90’ AM ride with 20x1’ hard 1’ ez

Might run later today depending on how I’m feeling.

Started going to PT on Monday for the hip issue that started back in November. Currently hitting it hard - 1 hour at least per day. Next week is spring break so I’ll be training hard and rehabbing harder!!

I feel ya with the hip pain…no fun.

A really strong swim for me this morning -
WU - 3 X (1x50@:50, 2x:50@:45, 3x50@:40, 4x25 IM order)
MS - 12x50 @1:00 best avg (:29/:30), 300pull
6x100@2:00 best avg (1:03), 300p
3x200@4:00 (2:17-18), 300p
20x25 fins and mix CD for 5000 scy

HAH, I didn’t even swim this AM! I feel the tension leaving my upper body. I think this is a well deserved break.
On the other hand, I rode at lunch yesterday: 15 miles in 49 minutes for 18.4 mph average. 1168 feet of climbing, though. It was awesome, I felt really good.
Going to run some steep singletrack today.

3 mi bike, 9.5 mi run, 2000 yd swim. Did 500/400/300/200/100 with 100 kick after each, done continuously.

Had a nice swim at lunch, bit of a breakthrough as I don’t think I’ve managed to hit these off times before.

500 warmup (SKPKS BY 100)

4x50 desc 1-4 @ 60

8 x 100 @1:20 (just make em) - 1:17’s for all but the first, which was a 15

200 warmdn.

Had a nice swim at lunch, bit of a breakthrough as I don’t think I’ve managed to hit these off times before.

500 warmup (SKPKS BY 100)

4x50 desc 1-4 @ 60

8 x 100 @1:20 (just make em) - 1:17’s for all but the first, which was a 15

200 warmdn.

You need to find a 400m race to swim.

Next chance at a 400 will be at provincials (May).

Next weekend I’m doing 200 fly and the 50 / 100 free combo.

Next weekend I’m doing 200 fly and the 50 / 100 free combo.

Next weekend for me = 3 day meet, all of the possible freestyle events!

Morning 4/3

Had a great swim this morning after a long day yesterday. Felt tired when I got in, then had a great main set that hardly felt challenging. Added a rep from last week and swam a but faster.

400/300/200/100 skps
4x200 fins 100k/50dr/50build
4x50 on :45 get ready
16x100 on 1:40 avg 1:17, fastest 1:14, slowest 1:20 (8th)
Felt relaxed, could have done at least a few more.
10x50 on :50 paddles/buoy

Very happy with today’s swim. Going to lift later and do a ton of PT.

On the other hand, I rode at lunch yesterday: 15 miles in 49 minutes for 18.4 mph average. 1168 feet of climbing, though. It was awesome, I felt really good.
Going to run some steep singletrack today
Man did I enjoy my week in Tucson over spring break for this reason, hills are so much fun compared to Gulf coast flat. Your swim speed will come back fast, I fretted about my last few months swim break, upon return on 1 to 2x/wk swims I’m 90% back to my usual middle age swim times,

yesterdays AM swim,
500 wu
3 x 500 @ 7:30 (~6:40)
5 x 100 @ 2:00 (1:12-1:13)
200IM cd

2700 scy

You guys are lucky that you can get it back quick. I’m still trying to ingrain form to where I can take time off and get the feel back within a few weeks!

Saturday AM swim (also have a looooong ride this afternoon):

1000 easy
fins on 8x150 k/d/s by 50 on 2:20
Main Set (3x through)
20x25 paddles build to fast on :25 (avg :17-:18)
200 moderate buoy/paddles on 3:00 (avg 2:45)
200 easy buoy on 3:10

100cd for 5000scy

Got this set from Sutto’s website. First round had me wondering if I’d do 3 rounds or cut back to 2. After 2 I felt good so went for it. Struggled mightily to hold form on the last mod 200. Overall, I really liked the set. Forced me to work on getting up to speed fairly quickly! Got a 3hr ride later.

I’m just getting back into my swimming groove for the season. Yesterday’s set beat me up:

Warm Up
200 skp
8x50 on :60 (descend 1-4, 5-8)

Main Set:
10x 150 broken
as 100 cruise-shorter rest, then 50 hard- longer rest
(I held 1:22-4 on the 100s, pushed off on the 1:30. I held 36-7 on the 50s, pushed off on the :60. So, send off on the 2:30 for the entire 150)

12x 50s on :60 as 25 hard IM order down, 25 easy free back

200, practice left side breathing, sometimes 2:3 breathing.

3300 SCY

I’m not really going to lose any swim speed over a few days off. In fact, I bet I get faster. I think I got all bound up - perhaps bit overtrained for my last race. Anyway, swam this AM in the ocean. 65 deg and beautiful. On my return trip, I crossed paths with the Oak Street gang doing their annual Easter Float Parade swim.
There were at least 20 out there. Cracked me up.
I got in 3.5 miles in about 1:40.

Still need skates here if you want to get out on the lake. :frowning:

I had 2 things working for me today: 1) I created fake motivation by getting into a debate about flip turns 2) I wore a wetsuit in the pool to get used to it per race next week.

Warm up was 4 x 200s kick on back the 4th and 8th 25. Good sign when you are cranking out 2:40s in warmup on this kind of set.

Mainset: 12 x 150s on 1:55 went between 1:42 and 1:45 on all of them. Tried to find a groove pace, tht ended up being around 1:09 / 100

200 warm down alternate back / free. Took about 2:45 to complete. In total I swam 2800 METERS in less than 39 minutes.

6x 300 warm up
4x 150 pull on 2:15 descend 50’s

8x 75 on 1:05 (57’s)
100 ez on 1:30
4x 150 on 2:05 (1:55’s)
100 ez on 1:30
4x 75 on 1:00 (55’s)
100 ez on 1:30
2x 150 on 1:55 (1:45’s)
100 ez on 1:30

2x (6x 25 fly on :30, 150 back on 2:15 descend 50’s, 2x (25 scull, 50 breast pull))

200 down


4 years ago you said you were a 6:00 in the 500. You are way faster than that now! Still swimming 50k per week?