April fish: we have a lot of Free time

and back time. And breast and fly time. But mostly free time…

M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick

40 x 50 on 1 swim
100 breast kick
6 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
5 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
4 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
3 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
2 x 100 IM kick
100 sidestroke kick
1 x 100 IM kick
600 sidestroke kick

and back time. And breast and fly time. But mostly free time…

That’s good! I like it!

I somehow managed 18 sessions in March, despite 2+ weeks with a hip flexor thing that caused my nights to be hell. I seem to be gradually emerging from this.

Our pools are closed on this Zombie Jesus Monday.

Re: Easter monday closure - might as well celebrate; you only live once - except if you are Jesus

T Apr 2- 3250 free, 150 kick; 1 mi jog; 2.17 mi walk
5 x 50 on 1
4 x 75 on 130
3 x 100 on 150
2 x 125 on 220
1 x 150 on ?
50 kick
6 x 50 on 1
5 x 75 on 125
4 x 100 on 150
3 x 125 on 220
2 x 150 on ?
1 x 175
75 kick
75 swim
25 kick

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick

I never chime in on this thread (and am not even swimming right now due to recent shoulder replacement) but I just had to say those are two of the best Easter/Jesus jokes I have ever heard.

Agreed… great jokes

I swam today. My partner in speed opted for 10 days in mallorca so im solo… i dont know why she would want to leave new england but whatever…

So today was less inspired for speed but have to comment that some days, the water just works w me. Today was one of them. Started to work on my “undies” as they call them, the underwater dolphin kicks off the wall for fun. Started slow and easy and built up intensity but man i was flying in there. And I am NOT A KICKER, like, at all. But it was workin. Other fishies here can testify that some days its magic. Today was that.

I dont really have stats to back anything up, like this is some new secret or something everyone should do, hell, I prob wont do it the next time I am really trying to go fast but today was just a super special feeling in the water. I was playing and going fast and having fun in there.

Thats all. Thanks for reading. Keep swimming!!


Ps oh 4k total scy

re: jokes - thanks!
keep us updated as to how the shoulder surgery recovery goes!

After a week with LOTS of swimming and riding, I got to the pool on April 1st for an easy 2500 (all free):
500 w/u
8x50 drill/swim
3x500 pull descending, negative split
100 c/d

took until the second 500 before I felt “normal”

Apr 3- birthday swim, the 50s are the bday set. That is what my body can do right now and I am trying to be grateful for it. 2900 free, 400 kick; 3.7 mi walk

3 x (6 x 50 on 1, 6 x 50 on 55)
Right into one more 50 to make 37 of them for 37th bday
50 kick
10 x (100 swim, 25 kick)
50 swim
100 kick

month for my purposes
M Apr 1- 2000 free, 3300 yd kick
T Apr 2 - 3250 free, 150 kick
W Apr 3 - 2900 free, 400 kick


Hope you have a great day.


Thank you! So far so good!

Took a 25 minute diagonal swim in a Holiday Inn Express pool before an opening season duathlon on Saturday morning to do it, but I hit 100 straight days of swimming today. Going to see how long we can keep it going!

congrats on 100 days! That’s awesome!

Thanks…and I hope it’s not too late in the day to wish you a Happy Birthday Alyie!🏊🏻‍♀️🎂
I’d send off a Panera Cinnamon Crunch bagel, but that’s like 15 years ago now!😊

Been largely out of the pool for three weeks, but looking forward to more this month

Why? You been sitting in the same chair Skuj has?

Why? You been sitting in the same chair Skuj has?

Haha, not by design…a cracked crown lead to a tooth infection at the exact same time as everyone at my office was dropping like flies from Covid and seasonal flu, so I was fighting it all at the same time, during a big deal closing stretch at work and my immune system went on strike. I actually think the crown cracked on a hard butterfly interval when I slammed my jaw shut after breathing before “head in” close to the wall (trying to practice a Phelps vs Cavic finish) haha. It was 11 days before swim provincials and I had to scratch that meet, because the fevers started around 5 days before the meet when the tooth infection blew up.

In any case, things are dealt with and hope to get back to pool tomorrow, Likely no swim meets because the last swim meet I can go to in 2 weeks is same weekend as funeral of one of the guys in my wedding party who I went to college with (died from massive heart attack a few days ago…which added to me funk as you can imagine…we both used to race triathlons together in the 80’s). So need to go minimally for a virtual swim with him since he used to always beat me to T1. Now I have to swim for both of us…at my college 35 year reunion last fall I tried to get him to go for a run and swim and he said he actually got inspired by me to get into shape because his son who is a senior in college is racing tris now. So between the two of us, we were going to kick his ass back into shape, but that’s not gonna happen now.

So one of us better get in the pool! That’s my sorry set of excuses. Enough excuses !!!


That’s rough going mate. Hope you get to have some time in a few weekends with old friends and remember the nice times. I can remember sets I used to do with great friends and I swim a lot by myself now but I feel like I am swimming right there with them when I do them

That’s rough going mate. Hope you get to have some time in a few weekends with old friends and remember the nice times. I can remember sets I used to do with great friends and I swim a lot by myself now but I feel like I am swimming right there with them when I do them

I think the other guys are going to be drinking like fish like it is 1988 and I’ll be the designated driver who will be the only one getting up for a run and swim the next morning !!! If it was 1988 I would be drinking with them, but I would be the one kicking their asses out of the bed for workouts the next morning LOL. I think it will be a fun road trip. We all gotta go. I told the guys when I go, my wife is going to make them run laps around the track until the moral improves and they stop complaining about training!!! In the mean time, I can run and swim laps for those jokers but when I die, they better pick it up.