Apologies (3)

Hello all,

I would like to apologize for my initial post and subsequent posts on the Trump shot thread. It was a terrible attempt at dark humour and when called out on it I doubled down and kept it going. I won’t remove the posts but I do want you to know I am genuinely sorry both for the specific post and for replying to many of you in a rude and hostile manner. You all deserve better than that and by the time I had time to reconsider I was already banned and could not reach out.

After taking some time away from the LR, I reached out to Dan and apologized to him and he offered to reinstate my account. He did not instruct or advise me to apologize to anyone. I hope I can interact with you and all in the future in a civil and respectful manner, although i totally understand if that does not sit well
with you and you choose to put my posts on ignore.

Thanks for reading


Hope you got some good training in while you were away.

(and good on you for owning your mistakes, and good on Dan for letting you back in)

Hope you got some good training in while you were away.

I do CrossFit now… both hands :slight_smile:

All good on my end. We all say things we regret.

Welcome back. Glad you’re here.

Welcome back. A friend of mine reached out to Dan over a year ago to find out why he was banned and never heard a word.

It’s good to have you back.

Hope you got some good training in while you were away.

I do CrossFit now… both hands :slight_smile:

How’s the crossfit going? I’ve really been enjoying it.

Hope you got some good training in while you were away.

I do CrossFit now… both hands :slight_smile:

How’s the crossfit going? I’ve really been enjoying it.

Really enjoying it as well. Always challenging and interesting and a great supportive environment…

I am averaging about 15 classes a month and the results have been very good. Lost a lot of fat and gained muscle even at the advance age of 57 ;).


Hello all,

I would like to apologize for my initial post and subsequent posts on the Trump shot thread. It was a terrible attempt at dark humour and when called out on it I doubled down and kept it going. I won’t remove the posts but I do want you to know I am genuinely sorry both for the specific post and for replying to many of you in a rude and hostile manner. You all deserve better than that and by the time I had time to reconsider I was already banned and could not reach out.

After taking some time away from the LR, I reached out to Dan and apologized to him and he offered to reinstate my account. He did not instruct or advise me to apologize to anyone. I hope I can interact with you and all in the future in a civil and respectful manner, although i totally understand if that does not sit well
with you and you choose to put my posts on ignore.

Thanks for reading


You said what millions in this world (not me of course, because that would be terrible) wished for.

(There. I said it.)

I might make a thread about “How many people have died because of Trump?”

(Something tells me that my time here at ST is coming to an end.)

Trump & MAGA deserve mockery

Welcome back CC!

I hosted my book club yesterday with a bunch of nice southern ladies and me. One southern lady of a certain age (+70), said, “I am glad that guy missed, but honest to God, I wish he would be struck dead by lightning on the golf course.” There was 100% agreement around the table.

I thought you were timed out?

Welcome back CC!

I hosted my book club yesterday with a bunch of nice southern ladies and me. One southern lady of a certain age (+70), said, “I am glad that guy missed, but honest to God, I wish he would be struck dead by lightning on the golf course.” There was 100% agreement around the table.

Keep the ember alive.

Hello all,

I would like to apologize for my initial post and subsequent posts on the Trump shot thread. It was a terrible attempt at dark humour and when called out on it I doubled down and kept it going. I won’t remove the posts but I do want you to know I am genuinely sorry both for the specific post and for replying to many of you in a rude and hostile manner. You all deserve better than that and by the time I had time to reconsider I was already banned and could not reach out.

After taking some time away from the LR, I reached out to Dan and apologized to him and he offered to reinstate my account. He did not instruct or advise me to apologize to anyone. I hope I can interact with you and all in the future in a civil and respectful manner, although i totally understand if that does not sit well
with you and you choose to put my posts on ignore.

Thanks for reading


You said what millions in this world (not me of course, because that would be terrible) wished for.

(There. I said it.)

if i wrote a few of the things millions wish for i’d be wasting my time because you already know that millions wish for foolish, dangerous or evil things. putting a voice to it is not always a good idea. captain canada learned that. you apparently did not.

Trump & MAGA deserve mockery

I agree, if they had been held to account back in 2015-2016 we wouldn’t be in this mess with him trying to take over the country.

I thought you were timed out?

My ban was lifted, Constantine.

One thing about experiencing a ban is that you realize it ain’t so bad. There are other equally good places to develop friendships. The world is rich with opportunities! It’s healthy to remember that.

Slowman has a tricky job. He has a weapon that isn’t precise, and its improper use chills speech. He doesn’t want to misuse it. The content here isn’t good unless it’s authentic and true. We need a sense of freedom to say want we (including slowman) want.

More than ever, I like the block function. As a person who has been blocked by users, it is very frustrating to be blocked. (I realize now that my ex was really good at being an asshole and then blocking me with the silent treatment. We were not a good fit for each other.) Blocking is not a feature in a healthy relationship. But blocking here, where we have lots of relationship, allows us to get along better. Less open fighting. Less stress.

Blocking is a pretty good, more precise tool for users to safeguard their own peace of mind. Blocking helps Slowman do his job. We should ALL take such steps when necessary to preserve our own happiness.

I meant to write more last night, but I was distracted with other things.

I wanted to remind people that Trump is very predictable and is guaranteed to deliver more lies and chaos. It’s best to face the chaos with truth and a strong heart, not fear. What I saw after the WEIRD assassination attempt was twofold: Dems who were deeply shaken and thought Trump might get a boost from it, and MAGA who were elated that the violence might benefit them. Neither of these things came to pass. A weird assassination attempt will not change the truth about Trump in all his shittiness.

Chaos is disorganized. Chaos is not the best, most effective route for change. Trump is gambling and he’s going to try weird shit. Everything related to him and in his circle is not to be trusted. We have a sufficient foundation of evidence to know he is not to be trusted at all.

We are not going to gamble with our future. We know truth. We know what we are going to do in November. So we should not get rattled and think that Trump’s chaos will doom us.

Laughing at Trump’s chaotic efforts and failures is good. It’s a dark humor. Speaking the truth is helpful to combat lies. Trump cannot change reality. His lies will never be truth.

Oh fuck. Someone is going to complain about my barking & purring. Too bite-y. Too rah-rah-rah. Whatever. You don’t have to like me. Isn’t that great? It is.