Anyone with afib still competing?


on my way back to the US after a failed holiday/training week overseas - i am seeing a cardiologist tomorrow

I had a few episodes of a thumping heart , spiking HR and labored breathing in April and May which i put down to a side effect of Zyrtec (only two occasions i had taken it)

Arrived in spain last week breathing through a straw, felt like i had lost a ton of fitness and was breathing a little labored even at low heart rates - i gave up trying to do anything by day 5 and had some chest tightness and felt dizzy walking to dinner - it was all a bit scary, got the doc out, had an EKG which returned normal

since then a few mild flutters and nothing much more but too nervous to do any exercise

in November last year just out of an abundance of caution (have been an endurance athlete right at the pointy end for 45 years), i had a whole barrage of tests, echo, stress test, CT MRI and the last words from the doc were “you are in great shape, your heart is strong”

so no diagnosis as yet but preparing for the worst and wondering if anyone was diagnosed with afib and is still out there competing ?

thank you


on my way back to the US after a failed holiday/training week overseas - i am seeing a cardiologist tomorrow

I had a few episodes of a thumping heart , spiking HR and labored breathing in April and May which i put down to a side effect of Zyrtec (only two occasions i had taken it)

Arrived in spain last week breathing through a straw, felt like i had lost a ton of fitness and was breathing a little labored even at low heart rates - i gave up trying to do anything by day 5 and had some chest tightness and felt dizzy walking to dinner - it was all a bit scary, got the doc out, had an EKG which returned normal

since then a few mild flutters and nothing much more but too nervous to do any exercise

in November last year just out of an abundance of caution (have been an endurance athlete right at the pointy end for 45 years), i had a whole barrage of tests, echo, stress test, CT MRI and the last words from the doc were “you are in great shape, your heart is strong”

so no diagnosis as yet but preparing for the worst and wondering if anyone was diagnosed with afib and is still out there competing ?

thank you

plenty here on afib, including but certainly not limited to this thread. pay attention to anything dtoce writes, including in that thread.

you just finished a week in spain, i’m in the middle of a week and a half in spain the difference between you and i is that i had an ablation for my afib and, yes, i’m back riding as strong as ever, age and fitness adjusted. there’s certainly life with and after afib.

Thank you Slowman, very helpful

The fish oil caught my eye - been on it for the first time for about 3 months, seems to be a high dose compared to the studies i have quickly scanned