Anyone using Saris H3+ with AXS?

I loved my original Hammer trainer but had to get rid of it when I went to AXS, so I got a Kickr Core. But I want to go back to Saris now that the H3+ is officially compatible, so I picked one up. But I can’t get the XDR hub body working. When I hand tighten the end cap, the hub body can no longer spin. And when I put the bike on, when I stopped pedaling the pedals kept moving like the gear was fixed. Worked with Saris support and they couldn’t figure out what was going on, so they sent me another trainer. I’m having the same issue with the replacement.

Is anyone using this trainer with AXS? I feel like I’m doing something wrong but I’m following their instructions to the letter. They are closed today for the holiday but just wanted to see if anyone here is using this set up with success.

Probably an obvious question, but if you’re using XDR, have you removed the spacer? if You’re using an XD driver, do you have the spacer installed?

Probably an obvious question, but if you’re using XDR, have you removed the spacer? if You’re using an XD driver, do you have the spacer installed?

I’m using the XD/XDR hub body that Wahoo sells and Saris confirmed it would work. But I’m confident the problem is with the way the hub body itself is interacting with the trainer and the end cap. I have the issue without the cassette even on.

Uh… ok. What about that spacer question?

I’m not using a spacer. But that isn’t the issue. When I put the XDR hub body on the trainer spindle, and tighten down the end cap, the hub body cannot move.

Are you using an XD driver, or an XDR driver?

I’m using the XD/XDR driver from Wahoo.

Sorry, I’m multitasking here.

What cassette are you using, XD or XDR?

I’m using an XDR, Rival AXS 10-36.

what happens if you put the cassette spacer back on?

It won’t make a difference. I’m not sure you are understanding what I’m saying. The issue I’m having is before the cassette is even on.

When I hand tighten the end cap onto the trainers spindle, it pushes in on the driver to a point where the driver can no longer move. A cassette spacer isn’t involved in this equation.

I wasn’t :slight_smile:

DO you have the shorter end cap on the drive side?

How tight is “hand tight”? What happens if you thread the cap(s) on less tightly?

I wasn’t :slight_smile:

DO you have the shorter end cap on the drive side?

How tight is “hand tight”? What happens if you thread the cap(s) on less tightly?

The H3+ doesn’t come with a shorter end cap, so far as I know.

So, there is a distinct point where it starts binding. If I back slightly off, where the hub body seems to spin freely, I worry that it isn’t safe or being properly tightened.

And when I do it with the stock Shimano HG hub body, I can fully hand tighten and there is no binding of the free hub.

I looked at the spindle, and there is a clear stop after the threads end. With the stock Shimano hub, I believe the end cap is hitting that stop, with the XDR driver, I don’t think it’s getting to the stop, so it is binding the hub body.

try swapping the end caps around.

Like I said, I don’t believe it comes with a shorter or any different type of end cap.

Would it kill you to try it?
Parts list has l&r endcaps listed for all axle types, just fwiw.

I’m not sure what list your are looking at. The one I’m looking at shows the end caps are drive side or non drive side specific.

The caps are different lengths for drive and non drive side. Is it possible you have them reversed?

I am using the correct end caps.

Probably an obvious question, but if you’re using XDR, have you removed the spacer? if You’re using an XD driver, do you have the spacer installed?

I’m using the XD/XDR hub body that Wahoo sells and Saris confirmed it would work. But I’m confident the problem is with the way the hub body itself is interacting with the trainer and the end cap. I have the issue without the cassette even on.

I don’t know how you got Saris to confirm a Wahoo body would fit, but it does not. You need a XD/XDR body from Saris to make it work