Anyone using Garmin Edge to drive a trainer? Low power problem

I have structured workouts written in TrainingPeaks and connected to my Garmin account. I’ve been doing this for years and it works great for riding outside. However, when I use my Edge 1030 Plus to drive my Wahoo trainer in ERG mode, the power is consistently too low. In the attached picture, I’m riding in a steady state for a long time. Cadence is a consistent 90. The trainer was calibrated through the Edge before starting the workout. It is always like this, every time I have tried to use it for an indoor workout.
(The drop in power at the end is me stopping so that I could take a steady picture)

Here is another way to look at it. The Edge was telling the trainer to set ERG mode at 181 watts, but all it was getting was 159 watts. Again, I was riding as steady as possible and it had been at that power level for several minutes.

Do I really have to pay for a software subscription just to ride a simple workout indoors? Is there any free software that will run a trainer in ERG mode using a TrainingPeaks workout file?


GoldenCheatah is free and will run workouts to control your trainer. What I don’t know is if you can import your workouts from TrainerRoad.

I do TP to Garmin Edge 830 to Kickr 3x per week. No subscriptions (besides TP). I had used Trainer Road on an iPhone for years before trying this and then was almost in disbelief it could work, my little Edge driving an ERG workout. The power works for me. Some things to consider;
Are you using a power meter separate from the Kickr? You mention training outdoors so do you have a power meter crank or power meter pedals? Is the Kickr configured for that?
Is the crank length set properly of using power pedals?
If you are just using the Kickr’s built in power meter, I believe you need to calibrate it with the Wahoo app (and do a spin down)
I would suggest you call Wahoo and have them help you to fix this. It shouldn’t be too hard.

I think the answer is no, you don’t have to have a subscription to another service. I run this setup but without this issue. I have found that planning the working outs using target power instead of range helps accuracy.

This is a strange one. Have you ensured you have the latest updates? Possibly a reset of the head unit could help.

The trainer is a Wahoo Kickr Core. I have tried the spindown calibration from both the Wahoo app and the Edge.

My wife has an Edge computer also, I’ll try hers and see if it is just a problem with mine …
Hers works perfectly. Same trainer, same calibration process, same workout. I’ve been seeing other problems with mine so I’m not totally surprised. I guess it is time for a new one. Mine is just out of warranty.


Is the Kickr set to be your powermeter too on the Edge? Or is the power readings coming from your normal powermeter?

If you are using the power feed from another PM, might be worth doing a test where you de-activate your other powermeter (the one you use on the road) and take the power readings from the Kickr as a powermeter.

Or if you have a Garmin watch or second Edge, connect one to your normal PM and one to the KICKR and see if the readings are different.

Just to rule out a difference in PM readings.

If all Power data comes already from the Kickr, no clue. :slight_smile:

I think all data is coming from the kickr, but I can’t rule out the Edge connecting to my PM and getting the data confused. When I just tested with my wife’s Edge, hers would not have known anything about my PM.

Off for one more test before I blow a lot of money on a new Edge.

Sidebar since my trainer is consistently +/- 15w from my crank PM. Is there any program or app that will set a trainer to Erg mode but use the on bike power meter as the input? Surely it’s possible, the controller part doesn’t care where the input number comes from. I just haven’t been able to find one.

I always reference my crank power meter just for consistency between indoor/outdoor and adjust the trainer Erg set point to get crank power to the wanted value.

That was it! I went into sensors and completely disabled the PM and then the trainer ERG mode works perfectly.


Now the question is that what you really want. I have similar issue (although discrepancy is much smaller). When you get back on the road you will have to account for the difference as opposed to staying consistent on other PM.

Well, as I thought what you see is simply a difference in power meter readings.

  • Your Garmin sends instructions to hit a certain power in ERG mode… and the trainer does it according to its own readings
  • Your PowerMeter reads much lower for the same effort for one reason or another.

Yikes - that’s a large gap. What power meter do you use on your bike? Is it single sided? That could help explain the difference if your power delivery is not well balanced.

Anyhow, like DFW has said, if you train and race outdoors based on your bike PM, then might be better to keep reading it even if it ends up the one being off, so that you work off the same numbers indoors/outdoors.

p.s. If you use a PC, there are some applications that will allow you to have the trainer set the effort based on your PM readings.

The PerPro Studio program (runs on PC/Windows) does it.

From the Feature Sheet:
Power Meter Control: You may pair up your power meter with a controllable trainer and have the power meter adjust the resistance to follow its power output. This is useful when you know for certain your power meter is more accurate than your trainer.
Also a one-time purchase model as opposed to the annoying monthly-membership craze out there.

I have it and like it. I often use it in the winter for ERG mode workouts.

Zwift can do this.

I also believe you can do this in the wahoo app if you have a wahoo trainer. There is a setting to pair your trainer to another pm. I’ve tried to test this before but I’ve never been able to confirm if it will work since my pm and trainer read pretty close to each other.

I’m using the dual sided Garmin Vector 3 power meter

Sidebar since my trainer is consistently +/- 15w from my crank PM. Is there any program or app that will set a trainer to Erg mode but use the on bike power meter as the input? Surely it’s possible, the controller part doesn’t care where the input number comes from. I just haven’t been able to find one.

I always reference my crank power meter just for consistency between indoor/outdoor and adjust the trainer Erg set point to get crank power to the wanted value.

I believe what you’re looking for is called PowerMatch.
Many softwares/apps can do it nowadays, Not entirely sure about GoldenCheetah, but all the big boys can do it and a lot of the small apps too

BreakAway: Indoor Training