Anyone tracking this P Diddy saga?


Only the best people.

i had already decided, when i first heard about yesterday’s arrest, that there was a very good chance DJT would come out publicly in this jackwagon’s defense, promising a pardon, railing against yet more victimization of black men by the justice system (notwithstanding his own continued stalking of the exonerated 5). which has not happened yet. but i predict it will in a transparent and shameless attempt to lure more black men to his side. we will see.

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Well, he does have a soft spot (or is that a hard spot) for people who abuse and victimize women. But you are right, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see him do that. We still haven’t seen the lowest thing he will do to get back in office.

DJT could come out with something like: “he says he didn’t do it. I’ll say this, I don’t see why he would. He can have any woman he wants. He’s a supporter. The justice system has been weaponized against successful people, including black men.”

the girlfriend he beat up and settled with, Cassie, is black. Don’t know about the others.

coming out in Combs’ defence could mobilise women voters of all backgrounds

not that DJT would think that through

He’s already commented on this:

“Yeah, I wish her well,” he said. “I’d wish you well. I’d wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty.”

Wait, sorry, that was about his other sex trafficking friend Ghislaine Maxwell.

As if proving someone guilty means anything to him.

I read the indictment. Truly shocking, even for P Diddy. Epstein level depravity. I have no doubt the feds have the goods to convict based on the public comments made by the US attorney and the specificity and scope of the indictment.

And to deny him - a b/millionaire global celebrity - bail … surprising. The judge clearly recognizes the threat and likelihood of him becoming a fugitive if he’s allowed out. I wonder who is next?

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Thanks for your analysis with your level of knowledge/understanding. When I heard that bail was denied, I assumed it was simply because they felt he was a serious flight risk. But again, I know jack squat other than what I have seen in legal television shows (which is likely only partially based in reality if at all).

Is it though? Epstein didn’t get bail, nor Maxwell. And didn’t Weinstein also have to stay in pending trial(s)?

One of the argument to keep him in was that if he was out he’d have the means to intimidate witnesses etc. … like celebrity’s do.

Historically, it is unusual, for all but murdfer. I can’t speak to federal charges, but for state chargers, it is presumed a person will be given the chance to post bond for almost all charges except for murder, unless there are extenuating circumstances.