Anyone ST'ers live near Millerton, NY/Western CT & MA?

Wondering if anyone on here is from this area? I’m heading to visit in-laws there at the end of June and hoping to find a person or more to ride with who knows the area.

I will call some of the local bike shops to see if there are some group rides as well as rent a bike since I dont want to schlep my bike half way across the country.

I’ve ridden before in strange lands and dont love it. Very much prefer riding with people who know the roads.


I’m in Western MA–what kind of riding are you looking to do? We have some great gravel and climbing routes. You can search for ideas. I don’t think you will find many shops who rent–we don’t have the population density to support that. How long will you be in town?

Thanks for your reply! I will be in town for a week and prefer to ride roads but not opposed to gravel if thats my only option. I assume there are safe roads to ride, but maybe there are not.

I have a friend who’s about an hour away that I may go meet for a ride as well (closer to civilization)

Bike shops I found. So9me said rent and two very clearly had a group ride.

Pleasant Valley
Berskhire Bikes
Bikers Edge

I am so glad to hear you found shops who rent! They look to be closer to the Berkshires, so that makes sense. My time on low-traffic roads has surely changed my opinion about “safe roads,” so your mileage may vary. In truth, we all know that any road can be unsafe. . .I had planned on join the BBandB gravel ride last summer, but never made it up. If you are closer to Northampton, the NCC puts on a bunch of rides too, and NoHo Bikes would be able to provide that info. Valley Bikes is starting a mt bike ride too. I’ve done one of the Biker’s Edge rides out of the Bristol shop–it was a nice route!

Let me know which ride you end up doing. If I’m around I’ll see if I can make the trip. Always nice to meet some STers!


Epic riding in those parts and would generally say it’s as safe as anywhere you’ll find anywhere in the world. Would just plot a map on Strava heat map and go from your doorstep. Wouldn’t bother with group rides given same point made about density.

If you stay on pavement, Bash Bish is the climb you’ll want to hit.

Also Harlem Valley Rail Trail can keep you off the roads if you’re concerned about it (but again I’d reiterate that I think you’d be hard pressed to find safer roads to ride generally speaking).