Anyone score some Alphafly 3s

Logged into Nike app as soon as I got the drop notification and only size left was men’s 11. I needed 10. No larger size women’s left either. Hopefully more released soon.

Logged into Nike app as soon as I got the drop notification and only size left was men’s 11. I needed 10. No larger size women’s left either. Hopefully more released soon…

Was fortunate to snag a M12. Looking forward to giving them a go at Boston this spring.

Had my pair in the “bag”/cart but pay failed - no longer available (was around 7:01 PT on my phone).

Women’s size equivalent was still “available” - not greyed out - but couldn’t even add it to the bag.

Good thing they’re available on kickscrew for $550…

Got a pair of 11.5. Hoping the proto colorway is as good as everyone says.

Got a pair of 11.5. Hoping the proto colorway is as good as everyone says.

Was definitely hoping for more colorful options

Ya, I don’t know what Nike’s strategy with the colors on this stuff. It’s bizarre how long it takes them to build out a colorway lineup on their most high end shoe.

There are two basic marketing strategies, push and pull. Most of the world works on push marketing. For running shoes, produce lots of them in multiple colors and push them out to runners. Nike going all the way back to the first Jordan and the Agassi shoes has used a pull strategy. Limit everything at first. Pull the people in and leave them wanting for more.

Their pull marking on the Alpha Fly 3 is worth and entire college course on the subject. Kipchoge wore them in Berlin. Kiptum and Hassan had them on the Chicago. In Chicago and NYC they seeded club members with the shoes and let social media take over. Then they began seeding the shoe reviewers. Finally, they showed up at the running event which has become a big marketing tool for the brands and the running influencers. They were able to tell their story about the shoe in their way. Nike doesn’t usually show at The Running Event. Finally they hyped a January 4th release and as most found out, sold out in only a couple of minutes.

You can bet there will be colors and more supply for Boston and London.

Got a pair of 11.5. Hoping the proto colorway is as good as everyone says.

What difference does the color make?

Next color way comes out 4/4. Not a lot of time for delivery and a few runs in before Boston or London.

Seriously. I’m more interested if people are still getting hot spots in the arch. The 1’s and 2’s were a no go for me because of that.

Seriously. I’m more interested if people are still getting hot spots in the arch. The 1’s and 2’s were a no go for me because of that.

I was able to get a pair (at the fourth place I tried), but I have this problem with the Alphafly 2 and cannot get over it with more miles in the shoes. Hopefully 3 is different, but the good news is the Vaporfly is also quite good and easily available.

Seriously. I’m more interested if people are still getting hot spots in the arch. The 1’s and 2’s were a no go for me because of that.

my n=1, but I’m someone with zero arch in my feet, so the arch feels very weird in the 1s and 2s, and yes, will blister if I just save the shoes for race day or similar. But if I train and race with the shoe, I think the arch flattens out enough and my skin seems to adjust enough that it’s totally not a problem by race day. Yes, I end up doing almost all my runs in the AF but they seem to hold up well at least at my weight - my AF1 is hitting like 350 miles and still feels way more springy than the non CF-plated shoes.

And I hate to admit it too but I also like the AF1 more than than AF2. Thought I’d like the AF2 better but after a few races and runs in it, I was thinking “weird - doesn’t feel as poppy and exciting as AF1” - turns out most online reviewers felt exactly the same way.

Am def looking forward to AF3, which seems to be loved by all reviewers as bringing back the snap and pop of AF1. And I’m still going to train in my AF1 for quite awhile - its nowhere near it’s end of use - I’d even race in it right now if I had to!

Seriously. I’m more interested if people are still getting hot spots in the arch. The 1’s and 2’s were a no go for me because of that.

I was able to get a pair (at the fourth place I tried), but I have this problem with the Alphafly 2 and cannot get over it with more miles in the shoes. Hopefully 3 is different, but the good news is the Vaporfly is also quite good and easily available.

Yeah the Vaporfly will be my next option if I’m able to try on the Alphafly 3’s and they don’t seem like an option. I’ve raced in and liked the Hoka’s but want something a bit faster.

What places have you tried and where did you succeed?

What places have you tried and where did you succeed?

I tried,, and Running Warehouse. Ultimately got them at Dick’s. This was about 15-20min after they “dropped”, so my guess is this was a pretty limited release. Surprised to hear that there won’t be more before 4/4, seems too close to Boston and London for people to get them and try them out pre-race.

Thank you. Yeah, kind of bummed that I didn’t think of trying places other than, sounds like I could’ve managed it since I was trying within a minute of the drop.
Gathering intel so I can try getting a pair on 4/4 and hope to get it in time before Boston…

Usually the prototype colors are the hardest to get. Once a new color comes out, it gets easier and is usually accompanied by other colors too. I’ve never been able to score a prototype colorway but never had an issues once the new color comes out.

Not sure if you have tried it but adding an insole makes a massive difference. I have arch issues and returned v1 2 times before reading about putting an insole in. And that solved problem 100%. Ran 2 marathons with them and no issues at all. Got v3 yesterday and tried them on and did not notice an arch issue for me. With v1 I could immediately feel the arch hitting the foot so glad v3 seem to be different.

Good to know. The V1’s were an instant no-go for me. I could tell running to the mailbox down the street that they would destroy my arch. I wasn’t able to get a pair of the V3’s so I picked up a pair of Vaporfly 3’s in the meantime. Are the insoles glued in? I’ve read about people replacing them altogether, is that what you did?

An insole in Vaporfly? Might be just me, but I am already maxing out the upper with the existing paper-thin insole. Putting in anything thicker or more structured, would block bloodflow to my feet - or worse… what insoles are you using?

Not sure if you have tried it but adding an insole makes a massive difference. I have arch issues and returned v1 2 times before reading about putting an insole in. And that solved problem 100%. Ran 2 marathons with them and no issues at all. Got v3 yesterday and tried them on and did not notice an arch issue for me. With v1 I could immediately feel the arch hitting the foot so glad v3 seem to be different.