Anyone know if a feller can get a 650 Aero Wheel Cover?

I was investigating an aero wheel cover for the rear. I can only find 700. Any suggestions?? Do they make 650’s? If so… where!

If by “get” you mean purchase, you might be out of luck - but there are lots of instructions on how to make them. Do a search on CH Wheel covers or surf back a few pages. Ken posted some great links on how he built his.

I went through the same search when I switched to 650 last year. I started out looking for covers ala CH but found nada in 650. CH appears to only make 700 and nobody else seems to be making them at all.

Four options: 1) make your own. There was a thread on this a couple of weeks ago with some good advice and some good links 2) Chuck’s bikes has 650 Falcon Trialists pretty cheap ($225?). I started a thread asking about these maybe six months ago and the things I heard, along with the fact that they are tubular only, convinced me not to buy one. Check out the thread and see if the issues raised there (heavy + the hub seems to come disassembled, not sure about that though) bother you 3) Get a Renn. My plan when I switched to 650 was to buy one of the old ($320) Renns but they switched to the 575 and I didn’t want to spend $400. 4) Ebay Hed disc. This is what I wound up doing. If you’re patient, you can get a casette disc for 225 +/- or a freewheel for under 200 but you have to be willing to let a lot of them go by. It has been a frustrating process but I guess that’s what I get for being a cheap bastard. It is especially frustrating since now that I’m set up with 650s, I may be going back to 700s. Can’t win for losing.

Good luck.

Not as far as I know. You could probably cut one down to fit however. For making your own discs here is a place to start.

If you can find an old Uni-disk, the mounting system on them was fairly flexible and allowed most any size wheel.