Apparently, oral contraceptives with estrogen are verboten for women who have a history of migraines with aura. (Mine have decreased in frequency in recent years, down to maybe 1-2 a year, and it’s been a year or so since my last one, but apparently that’s enough). And, as I am also approaching my mid-30s, and have a family history of blood clots (unexplained), the ladybits doctor I saw yesterday wants me to go on an IUD. I am not sure what I want to do.
It took years to find a pill I like. Currently, I take Nordette/Portia, for 2 or 3 months straight. Now I only get hormonal migraines (non-aura) once every three months, instead of every three weeks. I like the predictability of being able to control when I get my period. I like that it’s only 3 or 4 days, and it starts on Mondays at around noon. I like that my cysts have gone away. (I do dislike the lack of libido, however)
OTOH, the Mirena IUD is very low hormones, and no estrogen…so lady bits doctor says my libido may perk up a bit. And, apparently insurance will pick up the tab. And the idea that it reduces my risk of my brain exploding is a nice perk, too.
I’ll say right up front I have never used it. I had four friends who did, one had heavy irregular bleeding for a year, the other had spotting for a year. The last two had the device perferate their uterus’ and fall to their rectums. They both had to have it surgically removed. Something to think about.
I use the copper IUD and have loved it. I was struggling with getting anti-depressant medication dialed in and wanted a hormone-free alternative, (which is why I opted not to go with Mirena.) The only big drawback is that my periods are MUCH heavier than they were on BCP’s, but otherwise it’s been great. I’d ask your gyno if they have a recommendation of copper vs. Mirena. I had a naturopath allude to Mirena having some side-effects, but I have no idea if that was due to her being a naturopath or if there was something to be concerned about.
I had my Mirena inserted in May 2009 during my period. And would highly recommend it. I made the decision after talking with my Dr (internist); my gyn, and two good friends who are gyn/ob. And I am so glad I made the decision.
For me insertion was a breeze (i have a full post detailing these experiences a few months ago - if you search instigator in the forum it is one of the first things to be listed). After having it inserted, I have spotting for about 6 weeks. The spotting was rather light and I used a panty liner when not exercising and a tampon when exercising. Since the spotting stopped, I have no had a period or any heave spotting. I do sometimes have extremely (and I mean very light) minor spotting during intense exercise (runs longer than 20 miles, etc) but nothing that I need a panty liner/tampon for. My libido has drastically improved.
I talked with my dr and friends about the risks (and others) that the previous poster have mentioned and determined that they are very rare. I also know several other women who have IUDs and love them. Search this forum as we have had several discussions on this.
There is a community/message board for women with IUDs and women who want IUDs that I found helpful (see below). Most of the women here really love their IUDs and are up front and honest about their experiences.
Hope some of this helps. And feel free to ask me more specific questions if you have any.
I have the 10 year ParaGard copper IUD with no hormones. I specifically chose it b/c I did not want any hormones in order to see how my system is normally regulating itself. I had it placed about 3 months ago, so I’m still getting used to it. Like someone else said, the bleeding is much heavier than normal. It’s fine now that I know what to expect.
I also had some discomfort during the first cycle when I ovulated the first time.
I’m still liking it better than pills, but I’ve had some discomfort and PMS issues that the pills prevented. It’s just something to get used to, I guess. I’m not a fan of being on extra hormones and medications, so this made more sense to me.
Having it placed was no big deal - took 20 minutes. I haven’t had kids, which most people do before they have one, and it was still fine.
Thanks! This is great. All my internet searches have turned up thus far have been horror stories, so this is good to see. I think it’s like most things on the internet…in general, when people are HAPPY about an experience, they accept it and move on and don’t give it much more thought. But when people are pissed, well, they will go anywhere and everywhere to complain
I’ve had the Mirena for 2 1/2 years now and have had no complaints. I had some spotting for the first year and 1/2 but since then my period is long gone - the only symptoms I have of it is bloating each month but nothing beyond that. I would say give it a try, especially if your insurance covers it. If you don’t like it you can always have taken out.
The Pill did a number on my sex drive, but when I went on Lexapro, it pretty much erased it. Like if I never had sex again, I’d wouldn’t miss it at all. I started taking Buspar (after Wellbutrin did nothing) as an add-on to see if that helped…and while the drive is zero, I CAN finish, if only on my own with mechanical assistance
I know Mirena has SOME progestin, but will I get any of my drive back?
Lexapro was brutal on the s-drive for sure. I’m on Wellbutrin right now and Deplin (not anti-depressant but prescribed for my ‘heightened sensitivity disorder’ and enables the anti-depressant to work better). This combination changed me from a dried up old lady who hid from her husband into well, let’s just say a firecracker. Deplin isn’t covered by most insurances (seen as a dietary supplement which is dumb) but you can get a discount on it by going to their website and printing out a coupon. You will need a Rx for it though. Talk to you Dr. about it.
Copper IUD here and I’m so glad I did it. I wanted to get off all synthetic hormones because I’d been on the pill for 21 years. My periods are heavier but I’m also perimenopausal so I want to know what my system is up to. It also varies by month as to how heavy it is. I also get crampy but I’m fine with that since I am not back to what mother nature intended, so to speak.
Insertion was no problem at all and I’ve never had kids. Took just a couple minutes. One or two days of cramps and that’s it. I got it 2 years ago and no problems.
I am onto my second Mirena and it’s my preferred method of bc. I also have history of migraines. Yeah, I’d say they’ve improved a lot. I thought it was just because I am more active. Perhaps also because I am no longer on the pill…
I barely get a period with Mirena, but I know I still have a cycle from other indicators and my bone density is through the roof, so I know it’s not a training-related phenomenon.
If a guy’s package is on the large side, I sometimes feel it kind of tender and (this might be in my head) I often feel a bit bloated a couple days after the deed(s). But, it’s just a localized release of progesterone, so I don’t feel the psychological side effects that I used to on high progesterone pills.
I’ve had the mirena going on three years. I still get my period (for the majority, it’s supposed to go away!) but it’s very light and the spotting will last about a week, no more. The mirena causes an increase in the amount of mucus for some women, so a panty liner may be necessary at certain times of the month but on the whole, it’s been great for me.
I am almost at 5 years with mine and will have a new one put in once I do hit 5 years! I love it - I haven’t had a period in the entire 5 years, light spotting only It is incredible!!
My dr did the same. And as a precaution take 600-800 mg Advil before the appointment. Both my dr and my friends recommended this. Not sure if it helped or not but I had very little cramping and pain after the insertion.
Good Luck and remember to breathe during the sounding and insertion. Let us know how it goes.
Apparently, the cytotec did not dissolve at all–despite being put in last night around 9 PM (so 12 hours before). The Dr. was like, “Hmm, what’s this white pill? Oh! It’s the cytotec.” Like, what did you THINK it was? I don’t stick random objects up the hoopter.
I have no idea how people have children. Seriously.
Anyway, so he had a new nurse trainee, so every thing kind of took twice as long… like, “Hand me the XYZ” “No…the other thing” “Nooooooooo…okay, go down the hall and get…” But hey, everyone’s gotta learn somehow, right?
I did have to sit for a bit with the clamp on the cervix, b/c the nurse had to go off looking for something. That was one a bit painful.
They went through 3 IUDs, b/c apparently the tilt of my uterus kept springing them open prematurely.
But eventually it was in. Holy hannah. That hurt. (And I broke my femur this winter, so pain and I are on an okay basis normally) I got a little woogie headed and thought I was going to puke, so I got a cold compress and some soda.
But 4 advil later, and it just sort of feels like bad cramps, so I must have survived. Apparently, due to the odd angle/fold of my uterus, I may be more prone to having the IUD come out or perforate–but he said that it is still a very, very small chance.
Doc said to wait a full month before quitting the pill…but the package insert says a week…what did you all do?
I loved my Mirena for the three years I had it before I got pregnant on it. And then had a miscarriage. For 999 out of 1000 people is works. But just in case, if you are in a long-term relationship you should still have a discussion about what you would do in the case of an accidental pregnancy.
I really feel for you and the pain you went through! I recently tried to get a new Mirena (yes, despite the failure of the first one because I tried BCP and it made me horribly depressed) and after 10 minutes of trying to get it inserted, I told them to stop because I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. And I have had 4 natural childbirths!
Best of luck with your Mirena.