Anyone following the Frank Meza alleged cheating story?

Marathon Investigation just put up analysis of his world record setting Phoenix marathon:

This comes on the heels of his race at LA Marathon (another record breaking performance).

Of course, Let’s Run is all over this too.

This guy appears to have become really good at hitting the mats at just the right time after learning from a couple dq’s and a ban based on impossible splits at CIM. Without the abundance of photos and video and people like Derek and folks on letsrun willing to comb through it in detail, matching splits with other runners, etc. he would be getting away with this now.

well there goes my day lol

Screw reading the Mueller Report. I’m heading to lets run right now.

I could read Crime and Punishment, I could read Life and Fate, I could read War and Peace.

But I chose to read every page of the Frank Meza cheating thread on Letsrun.

Every page.

This guy appears to have become really good at hitting the mats at just the right time

Yeah, that took some planning. RD’s might need to start randomizing timing mat placement. I wonder if he used the timing mat placement from the previous year or if it’s in the race info or if he drove the course before the race.

well there goes my day lol

59 pages? There goes a couple of days

well there goes my day lol

59 pages? There goes a couple of days

I’m old enough to remember that guy from Philly a few years ago that cheated to BQ. that was a crazy long thread on letsrun.

well there goes my day lol

59 pages? There goes a couple of days

I’m old enough to remember that guy from Philly a few years ago that cheated to BQ. that was a crazy long thread on letsrun.

Mike Rossi wasn’t that long ago

Yep. I’ve been a lurker on all the epic cheater threads over the years: Kip Litton, Rossi, Robert Young, Dave Reading, Alex Viada, Parvaneh/Larry, and other minor ones. I usually start out willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but then turn when evidence accumulates.

Derek caught him dead to rights. I had been HIGHLY skeptical of his times all along wondering what PEDs the dude was taking, but in the end it turned out he was just another course cutter. Doesn’t matter the age, sex, professional or non-professional status; but all sport is chock full of cheaters looking for whatever measure of glory they need to try and fill the bottomless hole in their psyche.

well there goes my day lol

59 pages? There goes a couple of days

challenge accepted

He can’t have been cheating, he doesn’t have double letters. /pink

Derek caught him dead to rights.

False. The LR sleuths wrapped this up in a nice bow for Derek.

I just killed a few hours over on LR…

I’m surprised that more cheating like this hasn’t happened - methodical planning, cross the mat whenever it is the right time, hop back in the car. I think it’s interesting that more participants don’t see something is up and say something.

Courses really do need a random split or two, camera, whatever, to help this issue. I think a random split would really do the trick. Maybe two back to back like 50 yards apart. That way you can’t use the “it must have missed me” excuse.

i think it also comes down to people not reporting strange/unusual circumstances. i watched two people swap a bib at raleigh 70.3 a few years ago. they were slow, so i chalked it up under “don’t really care” but i should have made some sort of report/inquiry. even just to establish a circumstance worth investigating should questions arise over that bib’s result.

GPS has hiccups and failures, but maybe start making timing chips with built in GPS. Then, if there’s ever a discrepancy…just pull up the GPS track.

That wouldn’t prevent chip/bib swaps, but you couldn’t cut at that point.

GPS has hiccups and failures, but maybe start making timing chips with built in GPS. Then, if there’s ever a discrepancy…just pull up the GPS track.

That wouldn’t prevent chip/bib swaps, but you couldn’t cut at that point.

But not so often that a single person should have repeated missed mats. Of course that’s not the case with Mr. Meza, but in other high profile cheating cases it was one missed mat after another, or the same missed mat in the same race, different years.

well there goes my day lol
Haha, mine too.

I liked this statement from a Frank supporter on page 2: “when you are a fast runner, the mats don’t always pick up on the chips”

well there goes my day lol
Haha, mine too.

I liked this statement from a Frank supporter on page 2: “when you are a fast runner, the mats don’t always pick up on the chips”

That is a true statement, if you can outrun radio waves all kinds of problems can happen…