Anyone else's sex drive go into the stratosphere when they can't train like they want?

no women’s forum so this is going here… real question though; I’m WAY more interested in sex when I can’t train. What are others’ experiences?
Can anyone chime in with scientific explanations?

I suppose we could ask Captain Canada how HIS training plan changes with respect to training volume…

Lavender Room is still open.

Lavender Room is still open.

BLeP would kick it back here. This is tri related

Lavender Room is still open.

This is a tri/training related question and belongs here.

Yes, huge difference. It seems less than 10 hours is the line in the sand for me. I’ll be 49 this month for reference.

thanks for answering what I am very aware is a pretty personal question.

Long time lurker, finally signed up specifically to support Dr Tigerchick and my fellow gals. I am also a gynecologist so now that there’s no women’s forum, by all means ask questions about your periods and such on the main forum :slight_smile:

Personally, I do notice my sex drive is slightly lower when endurance training but maybe not so much when lifting more. Scientifically, I think that’s likely due to suppression of androgen (testosterone) hormones during strenuous long stuff. Maybe you are experiencing a little surge after being suppressed for a while. Hey, maybe that’s why all these triathletes on here are so cranky all the time.

Hey, maybe that’s why all these triathletes on here are so cranky all the time.

That and we’re married

glad to have you and thanks for the personal data and professional insight.

Have you seen the Seinfeld junior mint episode?

Lavender Room is still open.


Lavender Room is still open.


Well, closed minds are welcome to simply pass over.

M55. I would say it’s the opposite for me. I’m not sure I’d use the adjective WAY in all caps. But, it is a noticeable difference.

I don’t know if there is a male/female difference in this respect… I guess it could make sense that our different hormones respond differently to exercise.

I think you missed the point…if we want to talk about our sex life, I think it belongs in the lavender room.

Ok. I just think who cares where. We are adults. It got posted here, and is a discussion the pertains to training. Seems to fit fine. If you don’t want to participate or see other people have a safe and honest discussion about a very acceptable topic IMO, then feel free to bypass. And if you don’t mind the discussion, then you don’t care where it is held.

Impact of endurance training on sex drive is a perfectly appropriate topic for the main forum.

no women’s forum so this is going here… real question though; I’m WAY more interested in sex when I can’t train. What are others’ experiences?
Can anyone chime in with scientific explanations?

I suppose we could ask Captain Canada how HIS training plan changes with respect to training volume…

This belongs to the main forum, after all, Captain Canada’s training plan was also posted here.

And might I add, after 15 years, we are still referencing the wonder that is Captain Canada’s training plan. I cannot explain the privilege I feel to exist in the same timeline as that.

F41, I can say in my younger years that 100% as training volume went up, libido went down/nonexistent. It seems though the past couple years it doesn’t matter if my training volume is high or not it’s nowhere to be found, but that’s a whole different topic, lol (peri menopause)

no women’s forum so this is going here… real question though; I’m WAY more interested in sex when I can’t train. What are others’ experiences?
Can anyone chime in with scientific explanations?

I suppose we could ask Captain Canada how HIS training plan changes with respect to training volume…

Nah, if anything I am more interested in sex when training hard. When I’m tapering or just taking it easy, I find it easier to not talk to every hot chick I see. :slight_smile:

Have you seen the Seinfeld junior mint episode?

Lol, yes I have. It’s also one of my favorite nicknames for our dog

90 min endurance training + 30 min resistance or intensity and “it is on”

3 hrs training day, less interest

5 hr training day, I just want to nap


And yes, this belongs in the main forum. Actually any topic that Tigerchik thinks she would post in womens forum is cool here. The guys who don’t like it can go somewhere else.