Anyone doing the NYC Triathlon or Du?

Is anyone racing the NYC Triathlon this Sunday? I’m not for various reasons (see footer for more if you wanna hear all about it) but I’d love to know how it’s gone if you’ve done this race before, or what you’re expecting for this year’s race now that it’s in October rather than midsummer.

Curious as to thoughts especially re: this race vs Jones Beach 70.3 which just happened last weekend. For locals, did you choose one over the other? what went into that decision?

Is anyone racing the NYC Triathlon this Sunday? I’m not for various reasons (see footer for more if you wanna hear all about it) but I’d love to know how it’s gone if you’ve done this race before, or what you’re expecting for this year’s race now that it’s in October rather than midsummer.

Curious as to thoughts especially re: this race vs Jones Beach 70.3 which just happened last weekend. For locals, did you choose one over the other? what went into that decision?

I’ve done it in the past when it was always smoking hot in July. I really like the race. So, I’d definitely consider it again in the cooler weather…

How is the current flooding and weather going to affect Sunday’s race? It looks like Sunday’s weather is lovely but the current rain is going to carry on until tomorrow morning. Surely it’s overwhelming emergency crews and first responders.

I can’t see the race happening Sunday.

It is an absolute mess here today. I hope they don’t cancel the race, but I doubt we will swim.

I can’t see the race happening Sunday.

The swim is gonna be epic.

Also, I feel for those in Brooklyn.

“Due to recent inclement weather, Packet Pickup and Bike Check-in hours will be modified. We are continuing to monitor the weather forecast and will advise all athletes should any additional modifications need to be made for the 2023 NYC Tri.”

From Instagram: “We are continually monitoring weather conditions and the status of the Hudson River in partnership with City officials. Should the swim portion of the race need to be modified, we will notify athletes with updated race plans via the email address used in registration, along with our social media platforms.”

Extreme irony: they cancelled the swim and turned the whole thing into a duathlon. L O L