I am looking at buying a new trisuit for next season. Currently, I am just playing a waiting game for when inventory is discounted. One suit that is really intriguing (and expensive!) is Speedo’s Fastskin II. Is this suit just a speedsuit (possibly illegal next year?) and needs to be taken off for the bike and run? Or does it have some padding for the bike portion? I currently have a Zoot trisuit and it is pretty decent, but won’t make it through next year. If there are better alternatives that are also less expensive, please let me know. It seems De Soto’s products are held in very high regard here as well.
I’m working on a review right now of the following suits:
and hopefully some others (we’ll who else I can get to send me suits!)
But I’d definitely recommend looking at the DeSoto Liftfoil & Kiwami Amphibian + A-Suit.
Thanks for the recommendation! Even with the search function there is really not a whole lot of detailed review information on tri suits. Race day clothing and even training apparel that performs is very important. I look forward to reading those reviews. I really need to find a good De Soto dealer around my area, there is one, but their selection is really bad at this time of year.
Speedo Fastskin 2 tops, shorts, and tri-suits have no cycling pad in the shorts and no pockets in back. They’re also conspicuously pricey. No recommendation here.
That this apparel was chosen for age group Team USA this year (triathlon and duathlon) was ridiculous. Must’ve been part of USAT’s new, over-the-top sponsor marketing efforts.
I’ve got the exact suit you pictured. It doesn’t have a pad for riding so its really only useful as-is for sprint distances. Otherwise you throw a pair of tri shorts underneath and you can go all day long.
If you’ve worn one of these suits you’ll realize why people like them. They are tight yet flexible and supportive in all the muscle areas. These are really nice if you like feeling free while you’re swimming - hardly any restriction. Its kinda the Porsche of skinsuits - not really everyone’s cup of tea but well worth it to those who appreciate it.
That’s about all for this late night ramble. Enjoy!
That is exactly what I wanted to know about this suit. I can now cross that off my list of suitable suits for next season.
I wrote up a short review of the top of the line 2xu and speedo suits. Do a search for it and drop me a pm if you have any questions. I’d be happy to help you with any questions on those two suits. I’ve also tried the zero suit.