Any easy/cheap ways to get more reach on a QR PRSix2?

I own a QR PRSix2 size 54. I would like to experiment with stretching out a bit more, or possibly shifting my seat forward, but I already have my pads shifted all the way forward and I already rest my elbows directly on the pads.

I have the stock 90mm stem at the moment. QR quoted me $300 (!!) to buy their OEM 110mm stem, but that seems a bit ridiculous, and it only buys me 2cm. I know that I can find aftermarket stems for cheaper, even ones that will be compatible with my Aeria hydration system, but that feels like a last resort.

Is there a simpler solution to shift the bars/pads forward? Like pad risers that stack “diagonally” forward instead of straight up? Or an intermediate mounting plate for the pads that would give me additional forward bolt slots? Curious if anyone has a clever fix here or if I just need to go for a longer stem.

which bars have you got?