Another shaving thread

Legs have been shaved for a month now and I love it. Shaved legs with flip flops on hairy feet looks a little off to me. I didn’t do the feet in fear of an uncomfortableness with dress shoes on. Are legs + feet the norm here?

legs, feet, balls, ass, back, chest… my arms arnt that hairy but they might be next…

i don’t do the feet as often, but i do if i know i’m wearing flipflops

Are you a hobbit?
Go for it, if I had hairy feet I would do it…

Do it and don’t forget your toes either!

Are you a hobbit?
Go for it, if I had hairy feet I would do it…

No they’re not hairy and the hair is blonde.

Must be hard to find shoes that fit!

Those look like my feet!
At 5’5" I’m a bit tall for a Hobbit. (but not by much)