Another example of why people are fed up with the Dems and Politics overall

This administration is about helping the poor, and providing more college aide… and yet

They have F’d up Fafsa, the calculation for money available for college is wrong, but wont be changed till next year, meaning thousands of folks who should get aide, who got it last year, wont. Oops sorry.

And its such a mess that this year they are way behind in telling colleges who is elligable for how much, so colleges are having to delay sending offers, which means kids don’t even know if they can continue in college next year or start…

The U.S. Department of Education said Tuesday that it would be transmitting families’ financial-aid data to colleges in the first half of March. The information is crucial to colleges’ ability to determine how much aid students will receive. Previously, the agency had said the data would be available to schools in the last week of January.
Even under that late-January timeline, college counselors and others were concerned students and families would be rushed into making their college decisions. Typically, schools ask students to commit to a school by May 1, but the rollout of the FAFSA form could push them to extend that deadline.

Sure if this were an administration that didn’t think this kind of support was important this would not be surprising, but UHM college cost’s was one of the talking points. Well at least this is not an election year and they can do … oh wait never mind.

This place is so Anti-trump / Ant-republican, that it chooses to ignore the failings and flaws in the Dem’s house. Well there are many, and why a lot of American’s look at all of this as horse shit politic’s and it doesn’t matter who gets elected, we will get screwed either way, so they don’t vote.

Sure you might think Trump will do far worse, to the family waiting to see if they can afford to send the first child ever in the family to college, this is a pretty bad F up and enough for them not to want to support this administration or at least feel like they don’t care about me either.

I am in the throws of all things college student wise and this does suck. Those FAFSA forms in and of themselves suck and it took my wife hours and hours to fill the thing out. What a beating.

Nothing runs quite so smooth as when the government takes it over.

Lots of kids potentially taking a gap year because of this.

With this, the border issue, and the Dems wanting men to play on your daughter’s sport’s teams, there are plenty of reasons a family would not want Biden to stay in the WH.

I am in the throws of all things college student wise and this does suck. Those FAFSA forms in and of themselves suck and it took my wife hours and hours to fill the thing out. What a beating.

Nothing runs quite so smooth as when the government takes it over.

Lots of kids potentially taking a gap year because of this.

With this, the border issue, and the Dems wanting men to play on your daughter’s sport’s teams, there are plenty of reasons a family would not want Biden to stay in the WH.

You betcha, l am so looking forward to trump/putin 2.0

It’s gonna be a blast!

I endured the process 3X each time under the impression it was a “mandatory” part of the process while knowing we would get no benefit from it. If there is a way to “opt out” it is not very clear.

That said, I’m having a hard time tying this very closely directly with the Biden admin. This falls under the “we’re from the govt and we’re here to help” category for me. Regardless of the powers that be at the moment, less is more to me.

It might be informative to know the cause of the delay.

The government IS bureaucracy and red tape.
It’s all the things I don’t like.

The border patrol, the military, the police, freeways, my hunting range in Colorado, social security, Medicare, sports stadiums, Jefferson County schools (my kids attend)!!!

These things ARE freedom and America!!!

The government should stay away from my stuff.

The government will have to pry my interstate highway and my military pension from my cold dead hands!!

Hurray, Trump!!

He is going to keep those socialist bankers from stealing my pension, freeway and hunting grounds.

Weird. I had my daughter fill all that out. They are college students after all.

I am in the throws of all things college student wise and this does suck. Those FAFSA forms in and of themselves suck and it took my wife hours and hours to fill the thing out. What a beating.

Nothing runs quite so smooth as when the government takes it over.

Lots of kids potentially taking a gap year because of this.

With this, the border issue, and the Dems wanting men to play on your daughter’s sport’s teams, there are plenty of reasons a family would not want Biden to stay in the WH.

I would get out of that America if I were you. In my America I took 30 minutes to fill out the FAFSA, have no border problems even though I live three miles from the busiest border crossing, and have seen no cases of boys playing on girl’s teams.

The government IS bureaucracy and red tape.
It’s all the things I don’t like.

The border patrol, the military, the police, freeways, my hunting range in Colorado, social security, Medicare, sports stadiums, Jefferson County schools (my kids attend)!!!

These things ARE freedom and America!!!

The government should stay away from my stuff.

The government will have to pry my interstate highway and my military pension from my cold dead hands!!

Hurray, Trump!!

He is going to keep those socialist bankers from stealing my pension, freeway and hunting grounds.

mmmmm kay then… thanks for the response…

I am in the throws of all things college student wise and this does suck. Those FAFSA forms in and of themselves suck and it took my wife hours and hours to fill the thing out. What a beating.

Nothing runs quite so smooth as when the government takes it over.

Lots of kids potentially taking a gap year because of this.

With this, the border issue, and the Dems wanting men to play on your daughter’s sport’s teams, there are plenty of reasons a family would not want Biden to stay in the WH.

I would get out of that America if I were you. In my America I took 30 minutes to fill out the FAFSA, have no border problems even though I live three miles from the busiest border crossing, and have seen no cases of boys playing on girl’s teams.

Clearly you’re not watching enough Fox News

Not defending Dems, but doesn’t this have more to do with bureaucratic error than politics or parties. It’s an administrative fuck up, but I don’t see how it can be attributed to ideology or anything partisan.

I suspect that institutions will grant the necessary additional time. After all, they want the money.

I am in the throws of all things college student wise and this does suck. Those FAFSA forms in and of themselves suck and it took my wife hours and hours to fill the thing out. What a beating.

Nothing runs quite so smooth as when the government takes it over.

Lots of kids potentially taking a gap year because of this.

With this, the border issue, and the Dems wanting men to play on your daughter’s sport’s teams, there are plenty of reasons a family would not want Biden to stay in the WH.

Which wife was that?

Not defending Dems, but doesn’t this have more to do with bureaucratic error than politics or parties. It’s an administrative fuck up, but I don’t see how it can be attributed to ideology or anything partisan.

I suspect that institutions will grant the necessary additional time. After all, they want the money.

buddha seems pretty pro bureaucracy so you may want to direct this at him. Although weirdly, he seems to be clinging to an interstate with fingers that are cold or almost cold or something at the moment so he might be otherwise occupied.

I am in the throws of all things college student wise and this does suck. Those FAFSA forms in and of themselves suck and it took my wife hours and hours to fill the thing out. What a beating.

Nothing runs quite so smooth as when the government takes it over.

Lots of kids potentially taking a gap year because of this.

With this, the border issue, and the Dems wanting men to play on your daughter’s sport’s teams, there are plenty of reasons a family would not want Biden to stay in the WH.

I am sorry trying to be a nicer person and this place doesn’t help that.

But this years forms took my daughter and I about 5 maybe 10 min each to do. In the past the old form took maybe 30 min.

You either have money in to many places that you don’t track, or don’t know how to say the alternative. Now your post’s in the past have shown the alternative, so maybe that is simply the answer.

They literally want 3 things from you, How much do you make, How much do you have in investments, (not including retirment and home you live in) and how much do you have in cash.

How long does that take. I mean yes your name, address, soc but I hope those are easy enough.

I could have filled that form out in under 2 hours even if I could only type using my tongue.

I literally have no clue how I could spend hours and hours doing that form.

Please explain as best you can what was so hard it took hours to do.

Here is the guide,

and a screen shot of the info needed. What of this do you not have quick access to? these are hot links if someone wants to know more detail in each one.

Between your first 2 pages of last years tax form and your financials, thats pretty much all you need. Again, unless you have much more money, and highly complex finances which probably means you don’t need fafsa.

As an example I opened the Parent household information link… Its 1 question household size.

Screenshot 2023-12-26 202036.png

Not defending Dems, but doesn’t this have more to do with bureaucratic error than politics or parties. It’s an administrative fuck up, but I don’t see how it can be attributed to ideology or anything partisan.

I suspect that institutions will grant the necessary additional time. After all, they want the money.

buddha seems pretty pro bureaucracy so you may want to direct this at him. Although weirdly, he seems to be clinging to an interstate with fingers that are cold or almost cold or something at the moment so he might be otherwise occupied.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. Really don’t care much either, but carry on if you want.

Not defending Dems, but doesn’t this have more to do with bureaucratic error than politics or parties. It’s an administrative fuck up, but I don’t see how it can be attributed to ideology or anything partisan.

I suspect that institutions will grant the necessary additional time. After all, they want the money.

buddha seems pretty pro bureaucracy so you may want to direct this at him. Although weirdly, he seems to be clinging to an interstate with fingers that are cold or almost cold or something at the moment so he might be otherwise occupied.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. Really don’t care much either, but carry on if you want.

ok likewise and same to you.

Going through this right now. Submitted FASBA Jan 4th, opening was the 2nd. We keep checking but no movement. We won’t get anything anyway but have to complete it. Visited a college last week and my son wants to commit on a shooting scholarship.

We can’t proceed with signing or anything until the FEDS get their issues fixed and we can have a number that would be meaningless to us.

I hope this formats over here are all the questions.

Question 1
Your last name
Question 2
Your first name
Question 3
Your middle initial
Question 4
Your permanent mailing address
Question 5
Your city
Question 6
Your state
Question 7
Your ZIP code
Question 8
Your Social Security Number
Question 9
Your date of birth
Question 10
Your telephone number
Question 11
Your driver’s license number
Question 12
Your driver’s license state
Question 13
Your e-mail adress
Question 14
Are you a U.S. citizen
Question 15
Your Alien registration number
Question 16
What is your marital status?
Question 17
Month and year you were married, separated, divorced, or widowed
Question 18
What is your state of legal residence?
Question 19
Did you become a legal resident of your state before January 1, 2014?
Question 20
Month and year you became a legal resident
Question 21
Are you male or female?
Question 22
Do you want us to register you with the Selective Service System?
Question 23
Have you been convicted for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an
offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid (grants, work-study,
and/or loans)?
Question 24 and 25
Highest school your parent completed
Question 26
What will your high school completion status be when you begin college in the
2019–2020 school year?
Question 27
Student’s High School Name, City, and State
Question 28
Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before you begin the 2019–2020
school year?
Question 29
What will your college grade level be when you begin the 2019–2020 school
Question 30
What degree or certificate will you be working on when you begin the 2019–
2020 school year?
Question 31
Are you interested in being considered for work- study?
Question 32
Have you completed a 2017 income tax return?
Question 33
What income tax return did you file or will you file for 2017?
Question 34
For 2017, what is or will be your tax filing status according to your tax
Question 35
Were you eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ?
Question 36
What was your adjusted gross income for 2017?
Question 37
What was your income tax for 2017?
Question 38
How many exemptions did you claim?
Question 39
How much did you earn from working in 2017?
Question 40
How much did your spouse earn from working in 2017?
Question 41
What is the total current balance of your cash, savings, and checking
Question 42
What is the net worth of your investments?
Question 43
What is the net worth of your current businesses and/or investment farms?
Question 44
a) What were your total education credits?
b) How much total child support did you pay?
c) What were your taxable earnings from need-based employment programs?
d) How much taxable college grant or scholarship aid did you report to the IRS
as income?
e) How much combat pay or special combat pay did you report in your AGI?
f) What were your earnings from work under a Cooperative Education
Program offered by a college?
Question 45
a) What were your total tax-deferred pension payments?
b) How much did you pay to your IRA or Keogh?
c) How much total child support did you receive?
d) What was your total tax-exempt interest income?
e) What were your total untaxed portions of IRA distributions? f) What were your total untaxed portions of pensions?
g) What were your total allowances received?
h) What were your total veterans noneducation benefits?
i) What was the total of your other untaxed income or benefits?j) What other money has been paid on your behalf?
Question 46
Were you born before January 1, 1996?
Question 47
Are you married?
Question 48
At the beginning of the 2019–2020 school year, will you be working on a
master’s or doctorate program (such as an MA, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, EdD, or graduate
certificate, etc.?)
Question 49
Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for
purposes other than training?
Question 50
Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?
Question 51
Do you now have or will you have children who will receive more than half
of their support from you between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020?
Question 52
Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with
you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June
30, 2020?
Question 53
At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased,
were you in foster care or were you a dependent or ward of the court?
Question 54
As determined by a court in your state of legal residence, are you or were
you an emancipated minor?
Question 55
Does someone other than your parent or stepparent have legal
guardianship of you, as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
Question 56
At any time on or after July 1, 2018, did your high school or school district
homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or
were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?
Question 57
At any time on or after July 1, 2018, did the director of an emergency
shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was
homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?
Question 58
At any time on or after July 1, 2018, did the director of a runaway or
homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an
unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being
Question 59
As of today, what is the marital status of your parents?
Question 60
Month and year your parents were married, separated, divorced, or
Question 61 and 65
Parent’s Social Security Number
Question 62 and 66
Parent’s last name
Question 63 and 67
Parent’s first initial
Question 64 and 68
Parent’s date of birth
Question 69
Your parent’s e-mail address
Question 70
What is your parents’ state of legal residence?
Question 71
Did your parents become legal residents of their state before January 1,
Question 72
Month and year your parents became legal residents
Question 73
Your parents’ number of family members in 2019–2020 (household size)
Question 74
How many people in your parents’ household will be college students in
Question 75 to 79
Parents Received Medicaid/Supplemental Security
Income/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/Free or Reduced Price
School Lunch/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children?
Question 80
Have your parents completed a 2017 income tax return?
Question 81
What type of income tax return did your parents file or will they file for
Question 82
For 2017, what is or will be your parents’ tax filing status according to
their tax return?
Question 83
Were your parents eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ?
Question 84
Is either of your parents a dislocated worker?
Question 85
What was your parents’ adjusted gross income for 2017?
Question 86
What was your parents’ total income tax for 2017?
Question 87
How many exemptions did your parents claim?
Question 88 and 89
How much did your parent earn from working in 2017?
Question 90
What is the total current balance of your parents’ cash, savings, and
checking accounts?
Question 91
What is the net worth of your parents’ investments?
Question 92
What is the net worth of your parents’ current businesses and/or investment farms?
Question 93
a) What were your parents’ total education credits?
b) How much total child support did your parents pay?
c) What were your parents’ taxable earnings from need-based employment
d) How much taxable college grant or scholarship aid did your parents report to the IRS as Income?
e) How much combat pay or special combat pay did your parents report in their AGI?
f) What were your parents’ earnings from work under a Cooperative Education Program offered by a college?
Question 94
a) What were your parents’ total tax-deferred pension payments?
b) How much did your parents pay to their IRA or Keogh?
c) How much total child support did your parents receive?
d) What was your parents’ total tax-exempt interest income?
e) What were your parents’ total untaxed portions of IRA distributions?
f) What were your parents’ total untaxed portions of pensions?
g) What were your parents’ total allowances received?
h) What were your parents’ total veterans noneducation benefits?
i) What was the total of your parents’ other untaxed income or benefits?
Question 95
Your number of family members in 2019–2020 (household size
Question 96
How many people in your household will be in college in 2019–2020?
Question 97 to 101
Students Received Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Free or Reduced Price School
Lunch, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Question 102
Are you or your spouse a dislocated worker?
Question 103a, 103c, 103e, 103g
Federal School Code
Question 103b, 103d, 103f, 103h
Housing Plans
Question 104
Date this form was completed
Question 105
Student and Parent signature
Question 106
Preparer’s Social Security Number
Question 107
Preparer’s Employer Identification Number
Question 108
Preparer’s Signature and Date

It might be informative to know the cause of the delay.

They simplified the form, and changed the calculations, including inflation.

They forgot to add the inflation numbers to the new income levels (that wont be fixed till next year)

Implimenting the new formula into their calculations has caused delay.

thats about the best information I have been able to find, and I believe is covered in the linked article.

Not defending Dems, but doesn’t this have more to do with bureaucratic error than politics or parties. It’s an administrative fuck up, but I don’t see how it can be attributed to ideology or anything partisan.

I suspect that institutions will grant the necessary additional time. After all, they want the money.

^^This got nothing to do with Dems or politics.