Ann Coulter sure does not like catholics

Well, apparently, conservatives have a big disdain for many groups, but now catholics are thrown in the pile?? Wow, l just don’t get it.

(from 6:00 to 11:00ish)

The Nazis & The Klan put Catholics very high up on their Bad Lists

she apparently doesn’t like Indians either

Vivek Ramaswamy Praises Ann Coulter for Saying He’s Too ‘Indian’ to Vote For (

"I still would not have voted for you because you’re an Indian.”

she apparently doesn’t like Indians either

Vivek Ramaswamy Praises Ann Coulter for Saying He’s Too ‘Indian’ to Vote For (
"I still would not have voted for you because you’re an Indian.”

Yeah, that comes up in the first few minutes too. But we know how they hate brown people, but even super white catholics? Why them?

she apparently doesn’t like Indians either

Vivek Ramaswamy Praises Ann Coulter for Saying He’s Too ‘Indian’ to Vote For (
"I still would not have voted for you because you’re an Indian.”

Yeah, that comes up in the first few minutes too. But we know how they hate brown people, but even super white catholics? Why them?

As mentioned, the Klan types have never liked Catholics. It was a big deal when JFK was elected that he was Catholic and would supposedly have divided loyalties.

Well, apparently, conservatives have a big disdain for many groups, but now catholics are thrown in the pile??

Since the 70s.

A key tenant of christian conservativism is evangelical protestantism. A key tenant of evangelical protestantism is anti-catholicism.

I didn’t realize this was a thing until moving to the country and hearing someone make a distinction between Christian and Catholic when talking about Joe Biden.

Well, apparently, conservatives have a big disdain for many groups, but now catholics are thrown in the pile??

Since the 70s.

A key tenant of christian conservativism is evangelical protestantism. A key tenant of evangelical protestantism is anti-catholicism.

So catholics, even today, are despised?

So catholics, even today, are despised?

Among a pretty narrow cohort. I get the sense that whenever Coulter feels she needs to feel relevant again she trots out some more-repulsive-than-usual rhetoric.

So catholics, even today, are despised?

Among a pretty narrow cohort. I get the sense that whenever Coulter feels she needs to feel relevant again she trots out some more-repulsive-than-usual rhetoric.

So she doesn’t really believe this stuff about Indians and Catholics, it is just a P.R. move on her part? Kind of like shooting one’s puppy? Does she want to be trump’s VP pick?

Well, apparently, conservatives have a big disdain for many groups, but now catholics are thrown in the pile??

Since the 70s.

A key tenant of christian conservativism is evangelical protestantism. A key tenant of evangelical protestantism is anti-catholicism.

Since the 1670s I assume you mean.

The anti-Catholic movement has been a part of this nation since we began.

I’d argue it moderated most in the 1980’s and 1990’s and has resurfaced in the last 15-20 years with the ties to evangelicals.

So she doesn’t really believe this stuff about Indians and Catholics, it is just a P.R. move on her part? Kind of like shooting one’s puppy? Does she want to be trump’s VP pick?

She’s gone after Trump for being too woke and liberal in the past, so she probably knows she’s out for VP. Also too smart, I think, to be Trump VP.

I have no idea what she really believes.

The Nazis & The Klan put Catholics very high up on their Bad Lists

Yup. #1 for the Klan is the blacks. The Jews and the Catholics were tied for 2nd but the Jews have pulled ahead while Catholics are firmly in 3rd now.

My dad was born in Alabama.

So she doesn’t really believe this stuff about Indians and Catholics, it is just a P.R. move on her part? Kind of like shooting one’s puppy? Does she want to be trump’s VP pick?

She’s gone after Trump for being too woke and liberal in the past, so she probably knows she’s out for VP. Also too smart, I think, to be Trump VP.

I have no idea what she really believes.

She hasn’t been relevant in years. She really has no strong convictions, just like all these carnival barkers she is just trying to be controversial to keep her name out there in public view.

I didn’t realize this was a thing until moving to the country and hearing someone make a distinction between Christian and Catholic when talking about Joe Biden.

Yes, it’s bizarre. Peter was the rock Jesus built his church on and Catholicism and Christain were synonymous for a thousand years until there was a split with the Eastern Orthodox church and then subsequent splits over the centuries. But most fundamentally to be Christen is to believe Jesus was the son of God and died on the cross for our redemption. The rest is nit-picking about doctrine and interpretation.

The rest is nit-picking about doctrine and interpretation.

I wouldn’t call the vast differences in bureaucratic and personal autonomy nitpicking. There have been great costs exacted to carve out freedom from giant bureaucracies and to carve out a space where the relationship with God is a personal one, not mediated by a government structure through required rituals and “works.” And of course a social pressure to tithe.

The rest is nit-picking about doctrine and interpretation.

I wouldn’t call the vast differences in bureaucratic and personal autonomy nitpicking. There have been great costs exacted to carve out freedom from giant bureaucracies and to carve out a space where the relationship with God is a personal one, not mediated by a government structure through required rituals and “works.” And of course a social pressure to tithe.

What…you mean you can’t tithe your way into Heaven. Enter Martin Luther stage left.

we know how they hate brown people, but even super white catholics? Why them?

There is a long history:

  1. Racism - the Catholic Church was associated with “lesser Europeans” (I.e. Italians, Irish).
    Now it is increasingly associated with Latin Americans.
    The Pope himself is from this demographic.

  2. Catholic ideology -
    A) Proto-Democratic
    B) Proto-Universalist/Globalist
    C) Proto-humanist
    D) Proto-intellectual.
    “God’s Corrupt Bureaucracy” - contains all of the strains of modern progressive/leftist institutions.
    (Mostly co-opted for power structures. But there none the less)

  3. Recent History-
    During the cold war the Catholic Church was a mild adversary of both fascist AND communist nationalism. It opposed all manner of “crimes against humanity.”

The fall of the Soviet Union largely meant an end for communist nationalism and communist “crimes against humanity.”

There are arguably no communists left!!

Only different flavors of fascism and nationalism!!

The Catholic Church is reliable against fascism (at least since WW2).

Well, apparently, conservatives have a big disdain for many groups, but now catholics are thrown in the pile?? Wow, l just don’t get it.

(from 6:00 to 11:00ish)

Nothing new, Catholic colleagues I had in NC thought they were treated worse than the non-religious amongst us.

Well, apparently, conservatives have a big disdain for many groups, but now catholics are thrown in the pile??

Since the 70s.

A key tenant of christian conservativism is evangelical protestantism. A key tenant of evangelical protestantism is anti-catholicism.

Since the 1670s I assume you mean.

The anti-Catholic movement has been a part of this nation since we began.

I’d argue it moderated most in the 1980’s and 1990’s and has resurfaced in the last 15-20 years with the ties to THOUSANDS of pedophile clergy.

Fixed it with the bolded.