An Analysis of Rappstar's Ride at IMC

Jordan was kind to send me his power file from IMC. He gave me permission to share the data. I know a lot of people have a ton of respect for Jordan on this forum so I thought an analysis of his power file would be educational and interesting for everyone, including myself. It was quite evident when I received his file that he rode almost identical to how I rode the course except his pushes bigger watts, obviously. So, I looked at his file in detail and he rode the course almost identical to how I described what I felt was the best way to execute the IM bike in previous threads on ST. Here’s one of the more recent threads:;search_string=;#1441672

Here are some notable #s: Coasting time: ~14min (4.9% of the ride). His VI (Variability Index) was 1.04. It’s very common to see >1.1s at IMC. The point being is that his variability was quite low. TSS of 271 and overall IF of .75. He rode Richter at 80 - 85% of FTP and YL at ~75% of FTP. He rode the rollers (uphill) and McClean Creek at 85 - 90% of FTP. He rode the flats between McClean and Richter at 74 - 75% of FTP and rode 76% after the rollers up to YL. He exceeded his FTP once for a period of >15secs. ****** Close to even splitting power between 1st and 2nd half (291w/282w vs 287w/276w). Neg split power is clearly difficult and probably not ideal to do at IMC given the significant downhill back into town during the last ~12miles.So, my take is that I think there’s a good reason why Jordan was 5th overall. I believe he set himself up perfectly for the run. Note that my analysis was limited to just power on the bike. A more thorough analysis would have me looking at nutrition/hydration intake and HR data.
As a comparison, here are my numbers (40 - 44AG): Coasting time: ~14min which was 4.3% of my ride since I’m on the bike a bit longer. VI was 1.05. The difference is pretty insignificant but I would consider Jordan’s ride to be a tad steadier than mine.
TSS of 289 and an overall IF of .74. I rode Richter and YL both at 80 - 85% of FTP. I rode the rollers at 85 - 90% of FTP and hit McClean a bit too hard at 95% of FTP. I rode all of the flat sections around 72 - 73% of FTP. The reason for the difference here is because he should be targeting a higher NP/IF for the flats because he’s on the bike for a shorter period of time than I am. Again, power in the flats should be targeted at your overall goal for the race. ******I exceeded my FTP once for a period of >15secs. Also close to even splitting power between 1st and 2nd half (202w/192w vs 197w/188w).
I think a lot of translation of how you should execute the IM bike gets lost on a forum when we use subjective terminology. This is why I’ve been trying to explain IM bike execution in terms of AP, NP, VI, IF, TSS, etc. I hope people find this analysis interesting and educational. I threw this out there because I’ve received at least a dozen or so e-mails recently asking specific questions about proper execution on the bike. For those doing IMW, maybe it will give you something to think about for this coming weekend. IMW will be more challenging to ride so steady so discipline and patience on the bike will be key. I don’t think you have any significant climbs at IMW but just lots of rolling stuff which people have a tendency to attack a bit too hard, imho.

Let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m sure Jordan will answer questions too.

Thanks, Chris

That’s a nice ride. And ~375W FT! Major respect!!

The low VI is really interesting, given what I have heard about the course.

VERY educational.

Thank you for taking the time to put all of that together and then posting.


I think a lot of translation of how you should execute the IM bike gets lost on a forum when we use subjective terminology.

Interestingly, the race plan that Jordan put together and executed on race day was composed of subjective terminology. And having the right race plan and execution is more important than this kind of after-analysis.

That’s a nice ride. And ~375W FT! Major respect!!

The low VI is really interesting, given what I have heard about the course.

Slight correction… Jordan’s FTP is actually 385w.

Thanks, Chris

I think a lot of translation of how you should execute the IM bike gets lost on a forum when we use subjective terminology.

Interestingly, the race plan that Jordan put together and executed on race day was composed of subjective terminology. And having the right race plan and execution is more important than this kind of after-analysis.

How unfortunate… The only input you can offer is something negative.

How do you know it’s the right race plan? Also, how do you know he even executed his race plan? Lastly, how do you suppose you can prove it to me (or anyone for that matter)?


  1. Jordan had a successful race, therefore he had the right plan.
  2. I talked to him. Between looking at a power file or actually talking to athletes, I prefer the latter.
  3. I have no desire to prove anything to you or anyone else.

In a Quality Control type of analysis, you MUST be able to make measurements. Quality Control programs don’t assure the best results, but, QC programs allow one to test, measure, analyze, attempt to control the inputs, retest, measure, analyze. So, you are on the way to a QC program, with the resultant potential of better results…don’t let nay-sayers sway you away from your efforts.

Reminds me of what I heard a crusty older surgeon say, when a patient was bleeding and we were trying to determine why…he wanted to just “give more protamine”. And he said, “My experience is better than your science.” He was wrong, it was platelet dysfunction, not “heparin rebound”, and the patient would have suffered had we not taken the “New Science” approach, based on learning more about the nuts and bolts of clotting systems, based on QC analysis, instead of taking the know-it-all’s “experience is all that matters” approach.

  1. I have no desire to prove anything to you or anyone else.

Don’t sell yourself short. You just proved you are a real … (I will leave this up to the reader) :wink:

BTW. Really enjoyed the original post. I guess the take away for us with less gadgets (e.g. power meters), is that even bike pacing is the key to a successful IM races in most cases. That was also my experience in one foray into the IM arena.

  1. Jordan had a successful race, therefore he had the right plan.
  2. I talked to him. Between looking at a power file or actually talking to athletes, I prefer the latter.
  3. I have no desire to prove anything to you or anyone else.

Clearly, you missed my point but I’m not interested in having a debate with you. Please just show the slightest bit of class and either contribute your criticism in a positive manner or just move on.

Thanks, Chris

… This is why I’ve been trying to explain IM bike execution in terms of AP, NP, VI, IF, TSS, etc. I hope people find this analysis interesting and educational. …

 Well, it was interesting. Probably would be more so if I knew what AP, NP, VI, IF, TSS, and FTP stood for.

Looks like your health has improved sufficiently to the point that you’re back at being a dick again. That makes me happy.

… This is why I’ve been trying to explain IM bike execution in terms of AP, NP, VI, IF, TSS, etc. I hope people find this analysis interesting and educational. …

Well, it was interesting. Probably would be more so if I knew what AP, NP, VI, IF, TSS, and FTP stood for.

My sincere apologies… I made some poor assumptions. Here you go:

AP = average power
NP = Normalized power – please see:
VI = Variability Index (NP/AP)
IF = Intensity Factor – again, please see:
TSS = Training Stress Score – see above link
FTP = Functional Threshold Power – see above link

These are components of Dr. Coggan’s NP Construct/Concept/Paradigm.

Thanks, Chris

thanks for sharing, interesting to read the numbers. Been chased by jordan all day, i could have guesstimate test numbers from the pacing we both did.

for those that dont understand these concepts… i would resume the analyse to this: easy on the climb, stong on the flat

“for those that dont understand these concepts… i would resume the analyse to this: easy on the climb, stong on the flat”

Jonny, whoever told you that is wrong!!!


Seriously Jonny, you need to stop listening to any idiot that comes up to you with tips!

thanks for sharing, interesting to read the numbers. Been chased by jordan all day, i could have guesstimate test numbers from the pacing we both did.

for those that dont understand these concepts… i would resume the analyse to this: easy on the climb, stong on the flat
Your simplification is pretty spot on, at least in terms of “relatively.” I wasn’t actually easy on the climbs or stronger on the flats, just even, which is, I guess, abnormal. I think you did a good job of pacing too. Probably you came to a similar approach through good coaching and also knowing the course from having lots of experience riding it. I didn’t have that luxury (course knowledge), so fortunately I had a powermeter and good coaching!

Seriously Jonny, you need to stop listening to any idiot that comes up to you with tips!
LLLLLLLLLLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL but but but, the guy was a doctor!!!

He’s not a real doctor, he doesn’t have a PhD!

Seriously Jonny, you need to stop listening to any idiot that comes up to you with tips!
LLLLLLLLLLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL but but but, the guy was a doctor!!!
Is a dentist a real doctor? :wink: