Americans… pick your poison

You can either agree to a merger or else we’ll just take over in cahoots with Mexico.

Don’t laugh…I have seen some legit reasons for Canada, USA and Mexico to come together as one. They would be pretty unbeatable for a long time.

Windy told me to tell everyone he’s totally on board and welcomes our new Hoser Overlords with open arms!

Yeah, with either of these models Canada gets inland Florida (aka Illinois)

Colorado should not be in Jesusland. We even have a Jewish governor. We should be like West Berlin — an oasis surrounded by red.

Colorado should not be in Jesusland. We even have a Jewish governor. We should be like West Berlin — an oasis surrounded by red.

Merger discussions are ongoing. Canada might be amenable to allowing Colorado to join.

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

That is not an option. Merge or be taken. Resistance is futile.

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

That is not an option. Merge or be taken. Resistance is futile.

OK, we can call it a merger is your frozen egos need that, but I insist on it being;


I think you should carve out Fla and make it MAGAland.

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

That is not an option. Merge or be taken. Resistance is futile.

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Post-merger, who controls the strategic maple syrup reserve?

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

That is not an option. Merge or be taken. Resistance is futile.

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Post-merger, who controls the strategic maple syrup reserve?

the elected PresMinister, of course.

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

That is not an option. Merge or be taken. Resistance is futile.

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Post-merger, who controls the strategic maple syrup reserve?

the elected PresMinister, of course.

It better be a ConstiParlimentaMagnaCarta-protected right, or you can come try to take the pancake fork out of my glutinously sticky hands.

Don’t laugh…I have seen some legit reasons for Canada, USA and Mexico to come together as one. They would be pretty unbeatable for a long time.

If it mean we can get a stronger taco game up here, I’m all in.

Be warned though. If you think your immigration situation is insane, you don’t want to dig too deep in to ours.

USC should include Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona - that would keep things contiguous. And perhaps we can negotiate including the Wasatch Mountains. I don’t want to have to travel internationally to ski there.

From Wisconsin I thank you, Canada.

I think you should carve out Fla and make it MAGAland.

That would be great, no one wants florida anyway. let trump rule his minions in MAGAland and let’s put them out there on their own so we don’t have to deal with their stupidity.

I’m displeased with Virginia being assigned to Jesusland but it’s not incorrect.

Pennsylvania benefits from geography not ideology.

I’m fine with the US taking over Canada, but I say we name it after the dominant state and call it;

The United States of New York!!!

That is not an option. Merge or be taken. Resistance is futile.

You forgot to say please and thank you, or maybe soorry.

It’s so cute that you think it would be you guys swallowing us, instead of the inevitable spread of our infection to you.

Colorado should not be in Jesusland. We even have a Jewish governor. We should be like West Berlin — an oasis surrounded by red.

Merger discussions are ongoing. Canada might be amenable to allowing Colorado to join.

We do have some of the best Hockey. Avs, University of Denver. Pretty Awesome…