American Zofingen 2016 Official Thread

Ok doods and doodettes, we’re less than 30 days out from the best duathlon in America - American Zofingen and there hasn’t been near enough smack going around.
Proud to say I’ll be bringing my ‘A’ game for the ‘C’ race (that being Canadian Women’s) for the first time. That’ll leave me plenty of time to get beer and heckle people like Murphy’s Law for a change.

did not register is still better than winning CWD…



2 bike rides since mid October, both in early December…so 2 in the last 6 months. All bikes sitting on wheels without air at this point. Will try to get my first ride of 2016 in this weekend. It is going to be messy…even in the CWD.

Thanks for starting this on my birthday; 66 years old and still kicking ass!

Here in Shandaken at the north end of Ulster County the hills are bigger but the roads are not as steep as AZ. Do to a trip to South Beach Tri and then hand surgery, I finally got out for only my second mountain ride today and I bonked like I have never before bonked. Riding downhill from Hunter to Phoenicia I had nothing. All I kept telling myself was "at least you don’t have to run 5 miles after this. I was tired yesterday for my hill run but got it done. I guess that’s why I paid for it today. Swim only tomorrow. Same bike loop, Phoenicia, Shandaken, Lexington, Hunter, Phoenicia, on Friday. It will have to be better, it can’t get any worse.

Heading up there for 2 loops on Saturday. I’ll be in great shape for CWD myself (geezer division anyway)

I need to get in better drinking shape so I’m hitting the Otter hard after the ride!

AmZof. Again. Woot!

Stillrollin, which Greezer division are you?

CDW needs more old guys!

I’ll be there to Sherpa for a friend, heckle the guys she chicks, and generally congratulate myself that I still have enough sanity left to not compete in this bad boy. I’ll probably train on the course the day before the race to stop me from bitching a few weeks later about the difficulty of the Quassy course.

50-54. You’re safe :wink:

I’ll try to save some beer for ya!

So who is in for Long Course? This will be my third, hoping the adage is true about the third time.

I punked out after it took me 3 weeks to recover from last years Chris Gleason middle distance. What a great race. Really wish I was racing but that bike course (and run leg) is evil.

Sounds like you’re down for some triyoda-inspired Irish Car Bombs.

I’m in for my second time at long course. I’m in the geezer division 50-54. Totally looking forward to the torture.

This thread is not official until King Murphy’s Law decides to grace you with his presence.
Sadly I will miss AZ this year, but I will be at nationals in Bend. I will buy any AZ finishers a beer at the best place in Bend if you make it out to OR.

LC for me. Missed last year from a stress fracture in femur. Bike volume is down, run volume is eh, cognitive ability is dull…everything seems to say GO TIME!!!

I’m in for my 1st LC, but unlike Jelana suggests, I doubt I’ll be chicking anyone here.

Did a two loop bike / 1 loop run scout last Saturday and concluded I’m in for a world of hurt come race day.

Has anyone ever crawled for a trail run before, or will I be the first?

Definitely not the first! I remember repeating-run when you can, walk when you can’t- over and over in my head once the 2nd run leg began.

Bike volume is down, run volume is eh, cognitive ability is dull…everything seems to say GO TIME!!!

The only thing more epic than lack of fitness or motivation would be pulling a Hafferty and racing up to LC after signing up for short or GCG.

Tsunami - I think I’ve crawled the second run during 8 of my 9 LC races. That’s about all you can do when the body starts revolting. Which usually starts about 3 hours in.

Well ok then, it’s settled. I will add knee pads to my gear list!

Honestly, I don’t know how you guys do LC.
Though one veteran told me he actually thought Middle Distance was tougher mentally.

Either way, my hats off to you guys. Ya crazy bastards.