America West - will they take my bike case?

Their website says they won’t take baggage larger than 80 inches total (H+W+L), and my Tri All 3 case is close to 100 inches. Anybody flown on AW lately with their bike case? Any problems at check-in? I would hate to get to the airport and be told my bike isn’t welcomed.

Why on earth wouldn’t you just ship it FedEx. I just shipped a bike today for 25 dollars. No carrying it in and out of airports, no lost luggage, no problems with them not taking it.

I agree, except I only have one bike and I really can’t be without it (for training purposes) for more than a day or two. I will look into, however.

You probably won’t like this…

I just flew AW to Sacramento for the 1/2 Vineman and spent 40 minutes at the ticket counter getting my bike on the plane. I have the TriBasics case that is custom sized for my 61 cm bike (love being a Clyde) and is well over the 80 in. They told me at one point that my bike absolutely would NOT be on the flight. Nice.

I pulled the Frequent Flyer/Silver Status card and got them to let the case. Then they hit me with the charge. I fought again, and was very adamant in my fight as a frequent flier, Silver member, and USAT member. In the end I did get my bike on the plane and was able to avoid the fees, just keep on working with them and ask to speak with more and more supervisors.

Be sure to show your USAT card, and if you have a chance to get the USAT number attached to your flight plans with AW you should be able to overcome a lot of the problems that I had. In the future if you make your flight reservations with USAT Travel, you should be able to travel problem-free with AW since they are partnered, but you need the USAT code in your itinerary. Good luck.

America Worst?

Are you kidding? Get the USAT card out, your America Worst FF card out on the table for the passenger service rep to SEE - and raise your voice a bit. That airline blows huge chunks.

Fly UAL, be a P1K and you won’t have those issues.

  • kd and AWorst haterade drinker!!!

I flew with AWA several times. They never lost my bags, never charged for the bike, always took my bike boxes even when I had the big Tri All case.

best thing is to check with them directly, or email me your exact flight details and I can see with a friend here…

yeah, but dude… your bike box is probably small enough to fit within the 80 inch limit… haha

wishing i was in EP this week. sigh

I fly America West to most of my non-local races and they’ve never had issues with my Triall3 case (which is also about 100 inches total L+W+H) In fact, as I believe someone else mentioned, if you show your USAT card, they’ll waive the $80 fee (for the rest of this year anyway, then their policy is changing.)

Their website says they won’t take baggage larger than 80 inches total (H+W+L), and my Tri All 3 case is close to 100 inches. Anybody flown on AW lately with their bike case? Any problems at check-in? I would hate to get to the airport and be told my bike isn’t welcomed.