Amazing Race picking game

Just like the Survivor game I thought it would be fun to do the same with Amazing Race. One pick per episode, no repeats, if your pick is not eliminated because a non elimination round you are saved just as they are. Have to get your vote in before the episode airs. I thought this could be a lot of fun also. : )

Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 9:30

Guess your going to make me watch CBS Wed. night. Have they both been 1.5 episodes? or is this a new longer episode thing for both of them. I see its the same schedule everyweek so not a premiere night thing.

I haven’t watched The Amazing Race in years, thought I always liked it

If you can find the movie Phil Keoghan made about his ride across the US for MS, I highly recommend it

I knew both premiers were an hour and a half but I didn’t realize all episodes would be 90 minutes. It will interesting how things go with the longer episodes.

Lets see if we can get this one going also.

Week 1 Steve Cargile and Anna Leigh Wilson

Week One Malaina Hatcher & Andrea Simpson

Week 1 Liam Hykel and Yemeri Hykel

I liked some of the earlier seasons when the contestants had to actually get themselves to each place. That sort of died out as smartphones took over the world.

Newer shows are just a bunch of mini contests the producers created, with a big helping of advertiser product placement. Sigh.

It is still amusing watching these people try to drive a manual transmission though.

Have not watched for a while. Did they change the rules? They use to not be able to have smartphones or GPS/

Jocelyn Chao and Victor Limary

I don’t like my pic. They are much better than I thought they would be.

Or are we supposed to pick the episode winner?

No, that was a good pick. You are suppose to pick who you don’t think will lose and be out for the episode. If your pick gets voted out you are out. If you run out of votes because you can only pick a team once you are out. First round is the most difficult because it’s a complete unknown. Now you have had a chance to watch and evaluate. You have a lot more information and intuition to go on now. We are limited to what the show presents and the narrative they present. You have to develop your own picking strategy. In playing the Survivor game I always tried to pick the person I thought was least likely to get voted off. It has been pretty successful. The downside is you run out of votes because all your picks are still in the game and you are out of picks. The other strategy is to make a pick you think is weak but aren’t going to get voted out on the next episode but soon. That strategy never worked well for me.

I liked some of the earlier seasons when the contestants had to actually get themselves to each place. That sort of died out as smartphones took over the world.

Newer shows are just a bunch of mini contests the producers created, with a big helping of advertiser product placement. Sigh.

It is still amusing watching these people try to drive a manual transmission though.

Have not watched for a while. Did they change the rules? They use to not be able to have smartphones or GPS/

Those are still the rules but contestants can just ask someone on the street to use a phone to look something up for them.

And the show doesn’t have the contestants book their own flights anymore. Probably a few other changes I’ve forgotten.

Lol so I get to eat crow. One of the first things Phil says in the first episode: “airports are back in play”.

I was only half watching but nearly jumped out of my seat cheering when he said this. So excited for this season!

Week 1 Liam & Yeremi

Week 2 Morgan & Lena

Week 1: Jocelyn Chao and Victory Limary

Week 2: Steve Cargile and Anna Leigh Wilson

Week 1 Steve Cargile and Anna Leigh Wilson

Lets play with fire

Week 2 Malaina & Adrea

Week two Robbin Tomich and Chelsea Day

Week 1 Steve Cargile and Anna Leigh Wilson

Lets play with fire

Week 2 Malaina & Adrea

At the flower challenge, I thought I was dropping out of both contests…

Week 3 Joel & Garrett

That would have been a bad spanking if you had lost. You should never go to Vegas if this is your gambling strategy. 😅

That was a good episode. So interesting. Loved seeing Thailand and the culture and challenges. This was in your first picks wheel house both language and culture but we have to see how things unfold when they travel to different places and different challenges.