AMA Oceanside Pro Men's Race with Justin Riele (8th Place Pro & formerly average amateur)

Hey Slowtwitch. It’s been 2 years since I posted on here, when I shared a detailed race recap after winning the 70.3 Oceanside amateur race, and I thought it’d be fun to come back on and share a brief recap after this weekend’s 8th place result in the pro field, my best race and result to date I’d say given the depth of the field.

I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have, so post away. Data, race dynamics, mindset, whatever is interesting. I’m traveling for work all week this week (no not triathlon, actual work…) and on a plane right now. You can follow me on instagram @justinriele if interested as well as YouTube where I’ll share a longer form race recap. Thank you!

Recap below -

I’ve had a solid off season of consistent training, and couldn’t wait to see how I stack up against the best in the world at Oceanside. After racing with a hip stress fracture last year and ending most of my season after this race a year ago, I was hungry for redemption. With Lionel Sanders, Sam Long, Jackson Laundry, Patrick Lange, Joe Skipper, and many more Ironman champions featured on the start list, I was definitely a bit nervous and had some imposter syndrome, but I knew this could be an opportunity to make a statement that I belonged here.

It was full gas from the gun, and I came out of the water in the main front pack just 30 seconds behind the leaders after a very strong swim. I settled into a strong bike group with Braden Currie, Patrick Lange, and Florian Angert for the first 10 miles as we started chasing down the three guys that had swam just 30 seconds up ahead.

I knew the legs were firing well, and I was in a comfortable position settling into race power after dropping Patrick and Florian with relative ease. At about mile 20, the bike race really started heating up when Sam Long, Lionel Sanders, and Jackson Laundry bridged up to the front. I knew this was go-time - I could take a risk and try to ride with the big boys going full gas and risk blowing up my run, or I could play it a bit safer and settle in with Marc, Braden, and Jelle for the rest of the ride. I decided to go for it, and spent 6 minutes averaging 392 watts solo to bridge back up to Sam Lionel Jackson and Max, and nobody else was able to match the effort. I settled into the last position of the front group of 5, and thanks to Sam’s heroic effort on the front of the train, we proceeded to put 4-5 minutes into most of our chasers over the last 20 miles. I came off the bike in 5th place in a solid position to hang on for life on the run, with a 2:06 bike split averaging over 320w with 41 minutes above 350w - by far my hardest and best ride to date.

I ran a 1:19 half marathon - not my best and not my worst, despite some headache / migraine issues in the first 5k and very smashed bike legs. I hung on for 8th place after Jelle Geen, Braden Currie, and Marc Dubrick ran me down in the closing miles. It’s certainly my proudest and best result in the sport so far amongst the competitive field, taking down some of my idols for the first time like Joe Skipper, Chris Leiferman, Patrick Lange, Florian Angert, and Matt Hanson in an honest race. I crossed in 8th place but you would have thought I won by the photo.

I punched my ticket to the 70.3 World Championships in New Zealand, and should now move into a Top 100 PTO World Ranking and Top 10 American ranking shortly.

Congrats on your awesome race! 8th pro, but I believe 1st pro with a full time job, which is very impressive in and of itself. I have been enjoying your youtube videos quite a bit, as they give good insight to how much of a delicate balance training 20 hours a week plus a full time job really is.

Anyway, my questions for you are:

  1. I would like to know your max 30 second, 1 minute, 2 minute and 5 minute powers during the race. It must have been quite punchy with the hills, wind, and surges from the pack.
  2. How did you feel coming off the bike? Do you think that you can improve your run split more by gaining additional bike fitness, or additional run fitness" Judging by your strava it looks like your run training is well-thought out but perhaps has some room to grow in terms of volume and intensity. Have you ever run an open half marathon or 10k? Do you think you have the ability to eventually run 1:12 off the bike?
  3. What other races will you be doing this year?

Again, congrats and keep posting youtube videos please!

No questions, just wanted to say congratulations for an excellent race performance.

Justin- great race! It’s been awesome watching you move through the amateur ranks and now the pros.

A couple of questions:

  1. equipment - what helmet, shoes (bike and run), aero calf sleeves? Any reason for those choices?
  2. nutrition- calories/hr and what form
  3. how fast were you moving in transition to stay with the groups?

Congrats on your awesome race! 8th pro, but I believe 1st pro with a full time job, which is very impressive in and of itself. I have been enjoying your youtube videos quite a bit, as they give good insight to how much of a delicate balance training 20 hours a week plus a full time job really is.

Anyway, my questions for you are:

  1. I would like to know your max 30 second, 1 minute, 2 minute and 5 minute powers during the race. It must have been quite punchy with the hills, wind, and surges from the pack.
    See the chart below!
  2. How did you feel coming off the bike? Do you think that you can improve your run split more by gaining additional bike fitness, or additional run fitness" Judging by your strava it looks like your run training is well-thought out but perhaps has some room to grow in terms of volume and intensity. Have you ever run an open half marathon or 10k? Do you think you have the ability to eventually run 1:12 off the bike?
    I felt OK. Like maybe 5/10. I was tired for sure and very empty from all the surges. But I went out at 5:42 in my first mile so I knew I wasn’t broken. After an effort like that you never really know until you start running…
    I definitely could have run faster if I had taken the bike easier, probably 1:16-1:17 but not 1:15. I think I have room to improve to a 1:17 with more bike training and hope to show that in St. G while still coming off the bike again with Lionel & Jackkson. I think yes there is room to grow in both volume and intensity on the run, but the risk of injury is fresh from last year, and I want to be conservative. I’m still walking a thin line in my run training at 40 miles a week with one hard session and a brick Saturday.

Re: will I ever run 1:12. I remember in 2019 when I got 50th place in my age group at 70.3 Worlds and ran a 1:30, I believed I would never have the ability to run a 1:20 or ride 300 watts. But I just kept chipping away. I can’t really wrap my head around running 1:12 yet, but F it, why not in a few years? I would probably run 1:12 in an open half marathon right now. I’d definitely have to improve my top end run ability, efficiency, and my bike legs for that to come together. But maybe if everything goes perfect by 2026 yeah. But by then everyone might be running 1:08 every time haha.
3. What other races will you be doing this year?
70.3 St George, 70.3 Mont Tremblant, IM Lake Placid through July.

Then the rest is up in the air but I’ll do either 70.3 Worlds or Indian Wells to cap the year off. Dream would be Kona qualification at Placid and/or maybe earn / get lucky with a wild card to PTO Lake Las Vegas, which is my hometown race as I’m the only male pro in Nevada (Henderson).

Again, congrats and keep posting youtube videos please!


Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 12.37.11 PM.png

I’m traveling for work all week this week (no not triathlon, actual work…) and on a plane right now

In order of interesting :

What’s your “real job” ?

What tires/pressure did you ride ?

Have you ever aero tested ?

I saw on Insta you got a new wetsuit before the race - looked like the most basic Roka Mav Comp II. Curious about that choice, versus some of the more featured and expensive wetsuits out there. Why did you pick this one?

What does your bike training look like? What do you believe has helped you become strong enough to ride like that? Well done!

Give the ‘about to turn pro’ self of 18 months ago a few bullets of advice: general to others as well as any special to you.

Hey Justin, congrats on your amazing performance!
1)Do you find it useful to have workouts where you ride in Zone 2 (I guess it’s around 220W for you) indoors for several hours, mostly maintaining the same wattage throughout the 3-4 hours?
Or do you think it’s more beneficial to add some short intervals to this type of workouts?
2) Do you perform any strength exercises to prevent lower back injuries? If yes, which ones?

Justin- great race! It’s been awesome watching you move through the amateur ranks and now the pros.

A couple of questions:

  1. equipment - what helmet, shoes (bike and run), aero calf sleeves? Any reason for those choices?
    Bike: HJC Adwatt helmet, Bont Zero shoes, Wyn Repulic Calf Sleeves. I saw Chelsea and some top pros wearing the HJC and my friend said it tested fastest lol. It looks sweet and the visor is giant, it’s super light and comfy. Bont Zero - Jan and Lionel wear them, they probably aren’t slow! haha. Calf Sleeves - Wyn is a sponsor. They feel fast! I might get into a wind tunnel this summer after I get my new bike set up (Felt IA 2.0)
    Run: Nike AlphaFly 3. First race in them - sweet.

  2. nutrition- calories/hr and what form
    Pre race: one Neversecond caf gel + one DeltaG ketone shot.
    Bike: 100 grams an hour of NeverSecond. 3 scoops of C30 mix in each bottle + one Caf gel.
    Run: 3 neversecond gels and on course water & a coke when i had a headache

  3. how fast were you moving in transition to stay with the groups?
    I’m running like 9/10 effort in T1 and 7/10 in T2. Not sure how fast, probably 5:30/mile pace

It looks like my training peaks image file isn’t loading showing my max power numbers. Here they are:

5 sec: 650w
10sec: 618w
20sec: 541w
30 sec: 518w
1 min: 442w
2 min: 419w
5 min: 391w

I’m traveling for work all week this week (no not triathlon, actual work…) and on a plane right now

In order of interesting :

What’s your “real job” ?
short answer: I lead a marketing team at a financial technology company called Upstart.

longer answer for the tech guys out there, I’m Senior Director of Demand Generation at Upstart, a publicly traded Fintech that uses AI to expand access to credit and make better credit decisions. My team is responsible for generating meetings with executives at the top 2000 banks & credit unions + 10,000 auto dealerships in the US. I report to VP Marketing and lead a team of 16 people (with a couple managers as well, not all my direct reports…) across outbound BDRs, digital marketing, account-based marketing & direct mail, and content marketing, and work closely with our two VP Sales and Rev Ops / Analytics teams. I’ve been there for over 3 years and joined before our IPO in 2020.

What tires/pressure did you ride ?
Rear tire Conti GP TT tubeless 25mm, 80 PSI
Front tire Vittoria Corsa Speed tubleess 26mm, 80 PSI

No particular reason other than the Corsa was still pretty fresh and my rear one had a sketchy looking gash from Ecuador that I needed to replace, figured I’d try conti TT with the disc.
Have you ever aero tested ?
I bought a Notio last year and tried to do some self- testing but now that I’m on the other side of it, I’m not sure it was actually accurate or helpful enough. The conditions have to be PERFECT for outdoor testing IMO. and they just weren’t - too much wind and not a flat enough surface. so I’ll go with - No. I’d like to do wind tunnel testing at some point this year.

I saw on Insta you got a new wetsuit before the race - looked like the most basic Roka Mav Comp II. Curious about that choice, versus some of the more featured and expensive wetsuits out there. Why did you pick this one?

Roka is a sponsor of my Team EMJ, who generously gave me the Roka Maverick Pro II (it was not the comp). I think it’s their second highest-end one vs. the X, but if you read the details it’s pretty much the same exact paneling, rubber quality, etc. as the X. just as fast.

What does your bike training look like? What do you believe has helped you become strong enough to ride like that? Well done!

Everything is on Strava (and I mean everything - power, heart rate, etc. from every ride I’ve ever done).

I ride 10-12 hours a week with a few big easy volume weeks a couple times a year. But it’s been like 5 years of riding a lot and being super consistent. In 2021 for example I rode a century almost every weekend for 3-4 months to start the year. Make the long rides long, the hard rides hard, and the easy rides easy… and don’t skip rides.

Give the ‘about to turn pro’ self of 18 months ago a few bullets of advice: general to others as well as any special to you.

I like this one.
Don’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone. You’re doing this for yourself.Don’t sign up for Clash Miami in March. Be patient, it’s a long season (I believe this pressure I put on myself led to injury)Don’t rush the run progression. Be patient and it will come.If you feel ANY pain or niggles, back the fuck off. Immediately. If you’re going to train like a pro and have the results of a pro while working a full time job, you’ll need to act and live like a pro - even more so than others. Stop drinking, prioritize sleep (9pm bedtime every night), cancel social plans, and hire a physical therapist & strength coach. Schedule a recurring weekly massage every single week.^(These are all things I’ve been doing since recovering from my injury last summer)

Hey Justin, congrats on your amazing performance!
1)Do you find it useful to have workouts where you ride in Zone 2 (I guess it’s around 220W for you) indoors for several hours, mostly maintaining the same wattage throughout the 3-4 hours?
Or do you think it’s more beneficial to add some short intervals to this type of workouts?
2) Do you perform any strength exercises to prevent lower back injuries? If yes, which ones?

  1. Hot take - I don’t think it matters that much when you’re training hard. I use lactate and consider the upper end of my zone 2 to be 260watts (where I hit 1.2mMol / 128bpm HR) but that’s different for everyone. I definitely do varied wattage just to keep it interesting but a typical indoor zone 2 ride I’ll do will be 30 mins warmup at whatever I’m feeling that day (anything from 180-220w) and then 30-60mins @ 250w, then cooldown easy again. When I’m doing high volume and I’m fit, “zone 2” doesn’t always feel super easy for me. I feel like it used to be a lot easier when I was training 10-12 hours a week and was more anaerobic.

Front tire Vittoria Corsa Speed tubleess 26mm, 80 PSI

I assume hooked ?

Front tire Vittoria Corsa Speed tubleess 26mm, 80 PSI

I assume hooked ?

Yes. ENVE 7.8 + Disc. Probably 6.7 hookless soon

Front tire Vittoria Corsa Speed tubleess 26mm, 80 PSI

I assume hooked ?

Yes. ENVE 7.8 + Disc. Probably 6.7 hookless soon

Do your due diligence :slight_smile: