Alpe d huez triathlon 2024

Hi new to the alpe de huez TRI. I’m 5ft 115lbs I currently ride a blue road bike w rim brakes it’s got climbing gear and I did escape from Alcatraz and Boulder IM on it. Any tips from anyone who’s done Alpe before as to what is a good bike to upgrade to for the TRI? Also Do I need trail shoes for this run? And what’s the best way to do accommodations at the site? And for anyone from the US any good place in the US that I could fly to to practice technical training for alpe? Do we even have inclines and switch backs like that in the americas ? Thanks sooo much

Whiteface Mountain is almost the exact same distance and average gradient of Alp d’Huez. That’s as helpful as I can be unfortunately.

So stoked to see this thread- and yes I was going to reply with the exact same comment. I signed up the day registration opened and I’ve been trying to get on Whiteface every chance since. 8 miles and 8% average incline just like Alp D’Huez.

As for bike choice, the average speed for the top guys are under 30 kph, about 18 mph. Even within the pro fields it’s about a 50/50 split between road bikes and triathlon bikes.

My bike choice is going to be my 2017 Giant Propel, an aero road bike, with 808s and a set of clip on aerobars.

To the original poster, where in the states do you live? I’m in upstate NY about 2 hours south of Whiteface.

Whiteface Mountain is almost the exact same distance and average gradient of Alp d’Huez. That’s as helpful as I can be unfortunately.

Wish I had asked this question before doing the race this year!! I’m 6hrs from Whiteface but could have accommodation 3hrs away.

To the OP I did the long course this year and it was an epic race. Thought I held myself in check throughout the first 5 hours of the bike but still cracked on the ride up Alpe d’Huez. You have no idea what it’s like to ride up mountains for 90+min with minimal respite if you haven’t done it. I rented a bike for the race because of other travel pre/post race and needed every part of of the 34/34 setup that was on the bike but had no issues with the bike (brought my own saddle). I did IM Tremblant in 2019 and found this ride much harder/longer (in terms of time).

Did not need anything special for run shoes. Certainly there are trails and rocky sections but you also have crushed gravel and some paved sections so do not need trail shoes.

Accommodation- stayed in Bourg d’Oisans at the bottom of the mountain and loved it. Top of the Alpe was not very impressive in terms of restaurants/shops etc. and much better down below. Also, they have a shuttle from town in the morning to race start which is super easy. The only catch was having to ride down after the race but it was fun to rip it back down the mountain (but figure out transportation for any spectators because there is no shuttle back down).

I haven’t done the triathlon but I have ridden up both the Alpe and the Col d’Ornon (and descended this one in the direct the tri goes). I would recommend a road bike with clip on aero bars, both for comfort on the long ascents and handling going down.

Wahhh someone responded - I’m in chicago but planning to take a trip/s between now and race day and looking to see if training in and altitude room will help

Still shopping for bikes but there are too much and not enough options - having difficulty discerning and narrowing down.

Have you don’t the race before? I also was waiting to sign up. Signed up for 70.3 and now I’m kinda scared that I did cause I have nothing to compare it to in the states.

@mustgofaster how long did it take you in mon tremblanc for your full and how long did it take you w alpe?

The long course race feels like doing 3/4 of an Ironman.
The super hard bike with a run at 6000ft is something else…

One of the coolest races I have ever done.

Can’t help with your question because I haven’t don this race yet but I’m registered for the Long in 2024. I’m bringing my road bike for comfort, handling, and disc brakes but I’m also doing a 10-day camp leading up to the race so lots of riding.

For those that have done this race - how technical is the descending? I’m not good at letting it rip downhill - self preservation I guess :slight_smile:

For those that have done this race - how technical is the descending? I’m not good at letting it rip downhill - self preservation I guess :slight_smile:

Only the Col D’Ornon down to Bourg D’Oisans is somewhat technical from what I remember.

Use your brakes early and you’ll be fine.

My only regret is not bringing a compact crankset. 36/28 was not enough granny gear for my tired legs on the AdH ascent.

A set of shorty aero bars for the first 30kms and some of the middle section would have been nice too.

Thanks. I’ve got 48/35 and can put a 10-33 or even 10-36 cassette on so should have enough gears.

Darn, you are probably very far from any similar mountains. I still recommend Whiteface/Lake Placid for a nearly identical climb.

Another spot I might recommend to visit is Reno/Tahoe. There is Mt. Rose and a few other good climbs, though they aren’t quite as steep as Whiteface or Alp D’Huez. But you will get a touch of that altitude with some time spent there, plus it is just beautiful.

Any aero road bike I think would be great, and if the cassette that comes with it isn’t enough for your climbing needs, another cassette is a reasonable buy.

I have not done the race before, and to be honest I love the fact that there is nothing else to compare it to here in the US. As somebody else mentioned, the time out racing compared more similarly to a 3/4 Ironman than a half, so I’d basically recommend trying to be prepared for an Ironman bike leg, but there’s room to skimp on run training (a little…), with no need to prepare for the marathon.

I’m sure there are great places I don’t know if with huge climbs, especially in the Rocky Mountains, these are just the two spots I’m familiar with first hand!

@mustgofaster how long did it take you in mon tremblanc for your full and how long did it take you w alpe?

I went 5:45 on the bike in Tremblant and 6:50at Alpe d’Huez . I rode both courses really conservative but my IF at Tremblant was .71 and I finished in France at .74. I got to the bottom of the Alpe in 5hrs just as planned and then cracked badly on the climb. I had a cadence of 50-60 after things went sour for me. That ride put me mid-pack for 50-54 AG, but I expected to ride 20min faster than I did. On the other big climb it took me 1:20, but I felt great. First climb, easy power, lots of shade. Huez has no shade and neither does the climb before, and it was getting hot. So plan for that. Really it was the non-stop climb without respite that got me and if I could do it over I would have found a mountain to learn what that experience was like. I climbed the backside of the mountain 2 days before and it was fun, but race day the legs gave out.

Descents can be technical, especially the second one, but I found them lots of fun and there was plenty of space on the road.

Oh, and don’t believe the BS about getting through the first 3 corners at 12% then things get easier. 9,10,11% grades can still kick your ass 😁

Last thing - if I get another chance I am totally going back. The race really was epic and I’d love another go at it.

So if not 36/28 what’s the most ideal for someone who isn’t strong on the bike?

Anyone in the states up for a whiteface trip between now and race day?

I know it’s not quite the same but have you tried doing indoor rides on ROUVY or zwift where they have versions of the alpe or even maybe the whole course on ROUVY? When I did alpe on ROUVY I was amazed how that constant effort with no rest really built up in my legs, it would be worth doing it a few times indoors just to get used to that?

If you are a weaker cyclist, Ad’H is probably a bad choice for a race, lol.

A 1:1 gear for the first couple kms of the Alpe might not be a bad idea.

The year I did it, it was also 30C and there is very little shade. I cooked my brain with my aero helmet.

So if not 36/28 what’s the most ideal for someone who isn’t strong on the bike?

Anyone in the states up for a whiteface trip between now and race day?

34/34 - that’s what I had and until things went all wrong on the last climb, the easy gears were just right up until then. 36/28 - not really feasible for most folks at those grades in my opinion.

The bike shop at bottom of Alpe d’Huez has 34/34 as the default on their rentals for a reason…

I’m signed up to do the race next year. Does anyone know any places to rent a good road bike for the race?

I don’t know where to hire a bike but I would contact the race organisers for suggestions.

A good friend entered last night so we will be at the race in 2 cars. A bit nearer the start date I will come back and see if we can support anyone travelling alone as we will have a van and a car.