So, as I expose more and more of my sick life to you all…what is with itchy taint? Am I the only one? I seriously can scratch (lightly) at the taint for five minutes or so, eyes rolling back in my head wishing that I could thump my leg like Estee does when I rub her belly. More often than not this is after a long ride (and shower). There are no symptoms of anything such as jock itch…just itch. (the pure pleasure of scratching this itch is something that no woman unfortunatly could ever enjoy). Is this normal? I mean, some guys just scratch their balls cause it feels good right?
I like to put one hand down my pants and just hold my junk, especially on a cold day. I was notorious for it in high school and college during track workouts. Finish an interval and one hand went down the shorts. It was such a common occurence that there were many pictures of it with which my coach made a collage and he gave me the collage and one glove (to keep the other hand warm with) at our team dinner my senior year.
My parents were somewhat confused…
Same here man - and I like the dog analogy. Seems perfectly normal to Al Bundy and me
I wonder what Cathy thinks of this thread.
I wonder what Cathy thinks of this thread.
Who’s Cathy? Does she want to marry me?
the rate your going, it’s bachelor hood. I can help you “refine” your threads so that women won’t run in the other direction. This would be a good start in finding that special someone.
Ball scratching
asking about female secretions
not helping
I am no doctor but a topical ointment might be in order.
It’s like a heat reservoir down there. Everyone else is stupid for not shoving their hands down their shorts when it’s cold outside.
well, it sounds to me like you have dry taint. do you put lotion on after your shower?
try lotion with oatmeal, and buy all natural soaps like what you would find at the health food stores.
Try this, use it three times a day for 20 min.
I’d just recommend baby powder… It’s so refreshing to have that baby fresh scent…
Man, you’s got some tainted luv, that’s wot it wuzz.
Because you can…
Kitty - should I find a lotion with a nice flavor? You know, just in case something comes up.
Kitty - should I find a lotion with a nice flavor? You know, just in case something comes up.
Don’t worry…taint going to happen.
try lotion with oatmeal, and buy all natural soaps like what you would find at the health food stores.
Kitty, keep in mind who you’re talking to. Right now Chip is sitting naked with “the boys” submerged in a bowl of oatmeal.
Confucious say “Man who go to bed with itchy bottom wake up with smelly finger”.
Am I the only one here that realizes that if R10C uses scented lotion and/or soaps “down there”, he’s going to be walking around asking everyone “Hey wanna smell sumpin?”
Maybe it’s time for some new cycling shorts? Could it be dried jelly from the PBJ incident? Please tell me it ain’t itchy due to “razor burn” … or don’t tell me.
kid…must keep those fingernails short or you’ll be in a world of pain
Hmmm, where is you numb finger while your scratching…
Maybe we are on to something here???