All settled. thanks all - Only one registered for an event

Hey everyone,
I’m registered for a duathlon coming up… but I’m the only one registered.
The same event also has a sprint and oly tri with several dozens registered…

my big goal races later this year are duathlon, so I really want to get that duathlon feel again under my legs since it’s been a while since I’ve duathlon-ed

My dilemma is… would it be looked down on to “race” the duathlon solo? Or should I consider swapping to one of the triathlons (mind you, I have not done any swimming in several months)…

what would you do?
Thanks :slight_smile:
–edit: no additional responses needed. thanks :slight_smile:

Just do the duathlon. Nobody and i guarantee NOBDOY will judge you.

Do what you want to do. Nobody else gives a single fuck.

Podium finish baby!

Do what works for you and your season! If the duathlon “sparks joy” - then race the du :slight_smile:

Thanks for your responses so far. DU it is!

thread closed :slight_smile:

why pay to do a solo workout? can do that for free any time, any day…

Hey everyone,
I’m registered for a duathlon coming up… but I’m the only one registered.
The same event also has a sprint and oly tri with several dozens registered…

my big goal races later this year are duathlon, so I really want to get that duathlon feel again under my legs since it’s been a while since I’ve duathlon-ed

My dilemma is… would it be looked down on to “race” the duathlon solo? Or should I consider swapping to one of the triathlons (mind you, I have not done any swimming in several months)…

what would you do?
Thanks :slight_smile:
–edit: no additional responses needed. thanks :slight_smile:

Sounds like a win to me. It’s a great feeling :slight_smile:

Who wants to come in a guaranteed LAST place !?!?


why pay to do a solo workout? can do that for free any time, any day…

Interesting scenario. Should the RD give nogluten a refund if nogluten asked for it? I probably would, after suggesting that nogluten do one of tris instead or offering a credit to a future event that has multiple entries. :slight_smile:

I suggested to OP to have the RD start him 20 minutes after our Olympic start. That way we all come together in T1 and have the rest of the race to push each other. Either way, OP is on the local elite racing team that gets a steep discount for the race. And OP’s focus is on duathlons later this year, so I think racing the solo du while being pushed by others is worth it.

My advice would be to make sure that your pictures on the podium are cropped so that the empty spots can’t be seen.

LOL! noted! turns out the water quality could be poor, which means the RD said there’s a change everyone will be part of a du. we shall see!

LOL! noted! turns out the water quality could be poor, which means the RD said there’s a change everyone will be part of a du. we shall see!
That would be a classic picture at the race start. A whole bunch of sad and disappointed triathletes and one lone duathlete with the biggest smile on his face.

Hey everyone,
I’m registered for a duathlon coming up… but I’m the only one registered.
The same event also has a sprint and oly tri with several dozens registered…

my big goal races later this year are duathlon, so I really want to get that duathlon feel again under my legs since it’s been a while since I’ve duathlon-ed

My dilemma is… would it be looked down on to “race” the duathlon solo? Or should I consider swapping to one of the triathlons (mind you, I have not done any swimming in several months)…

what would you do?
Thanks :slight_smile:
–edit: no additional responses needed. thanks :slight_smile:

oh, but additional responses from you are needed, bc I want to know that you’re going to do what you should do, which is race it and snag the overall W. That’s ABSOLUTELY what I would do. I’m not at all being sarcastic.

Yes, I plan on racing the duathlon regardless of if the tri happens or if it becomes a massive duathlon due to water quality.
There’s now someone else signed up!

Yes, I plan on racing the duathlon regardless of if the tri happens or if it becomes a massive duathlon due to water quality.
There’s now someone else signed up!

You must crush them :slight_smile:

I suggested to OP to have the RD start him 20 minutes after our Olympic start. That way we all come together in T1 and have the rest of the race to push each other. Either way, OP is on the local elite racing team that gets a steep discount for the race. And OP’s focus is on duathlons later this year, so I think racing the solo du while being pushed by others is worth it.

if its a du, then there should be a run before. a 5k run should be similar to 1500m swim. starting run and swim at same time, top guys should be together and he will get the proper taxing effort, so he isnt just fresh legs on the bike