Last year we did an alcohol free January and it was a big success. We’d love it if you’d join us in 2017. The only rule is we don’t consume any alcohol, beer, wine, mimosas, Jack D, etc. till February 1. Think of the calories you won’t consume and maybe diminish that winter weight gain. For most of us this is a simple thing to do over 30 days. However, there are a few of us who need a short vacation from booze and this gives you a legitimate reason to do it. If someone asks, just say the doctor asked you to do it.
This what I put up on 1/1/16 to kick off last years event. It can be seen in it’s entirety at:
January 1st 2016 The Case for an Alcohol-Free January
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If you’re a regular imbiber, consider joining one of our contributors for a real New Year’s challenge.
**by John Post, MD
Yesterday an article on the Mayo Clinic website posed the question, “Does drinking alcohol kill brain cells?” Although the answer is no, alcohol is a neurotoxin that can disrupt communications in the brain. It also affects brain cell functions directly and indirectly through different organ dysfunction and vitamin deficiency. People can have different symptoms, depending on the area of the brain affected.
It’s not something most triathletes think about while they pour a post-ride beer. Most of us enjoy a glass of wine with dinner some nights, beer on the weekends or at the local pub watching the Patriots, and a mixed drink or two at a party. Moderation in all things, right? I’ve found over the years, and was taught in medical school, that most people reveal only about half their actual alcohol consumption when asked. Some even less. Think about it.
In short, please consider joining a group of fellow triathletes choosing to leave alcohol behind for a month.
…That is for the month of Feb though, and basically it is for charity (IIRC cancer) there is an honour system whereby if you have a drink you pay extra to the charity etc. IE a self imposed fine, sort of fun. Although we are in Can we have had a few others do some variation of “30 days post super bowl”
I think jan 1st might be a bit of a stretch for most…
…That is for the month of Feb though, and basically it is for charity (IIRC cancer) there is an honour system whereby if you have a drink you pay extra to the charity etc. IE a self imposed fine, sort of fun. Although we are in Can we have had a few others do some variation of “30 days post super bowl”
I think jan 1st might be a bit of a stretch for most…
my 2c
I think our neighbors to the north have it right. If you’re going to cut out the booze for a month, go with the shortest month on the calendar!
Hey John…I signed up to the alcohol free life back in 2002 in moral support of a family member who wanted to do it for self purification reasons…turns out, I stayed off permanently, but he’s back on (only very occasionally though, so mission accomplished).
Why not remove sodas, bottled juices and added sugars from this too and anything that comes out of a vending machine. Alcohol is the easy thing to remove because it’s not in your hand all the time, but the other stuff is all over and creeps up easily. I think this is where most of us fail.
This is an excellent idea. The health benefits of avoiding alcohol are many. But there are other benefits as well. The resolve needed to abstain from alcohol only strengthens the many other disciplines needed for our sport. For me, indulgence leads to indulgence…as it’s a lot harder to turn down that dessert or get up for an early run after a glass or two of wine. Discipline begets discipline, and little victories lead to big victories. The 2017 triathlon season starts now.
This is an excellent idea. The health benefits of avoiding alcohol are many. But there are other benefits as well. The resolve needed to abstain from alcohol only strengthens the many other disciplines needed for our sport. For me, indulgence leads to indulgence…as it’s a lot harder to turn down that dessert or get up for an early run after a glass or two of wine. Discipline begets discipline, and little victories lead to big victories. The 2017 triathlon season starts now.
The road to success is indeed the discipline that comes with little victories. I say that every year the person who is successful is the one that made most of those 10,000 small decisions in a favourable way over the year, over the other guy who ignored many. 10,000 sounds like a big number, but with 24 hours in a day x 365 days, it’s barely 1 good decision per hour every day all year. It all adds up. There is no single big decision that results in a big success. It’s a ton of small ones. Wealth barber approach to everything. Just chip away at the micro scale until you have the macro scale outcome that you want.
My wife and I had some drinks on 1/01, but as of yesterday we’re not drinking the rest of January. Pretty big deal for me, as I’ve essentially turned into a functioning alcoholic and have been drinking way more than anyone should be pretty much every day of the week. I’m the type that can either not drink at all the entire night, or if I have one drink I drink till I go to bed basically… So pretty confident that going these 30 days won’t be an issue, just need to figure out new habits afterwards so I don’t fall back into the same trap.
I’m in. Lots of empty calories, and I really need to drop some pounds. Not to mention the money saved on not having a fridge always filled with nice craft IPAs and such.