
With the Victoria Day long weekend just behind us, Summer is officially here in Vancouver with the opening of Kits Pool. I didn’t make it out on the weekend, so my first trip out to Mecca was last night after work.

Yesterday was an absolutely stunning day, with temps in the upper 20’s and clear blue skies. I got to the pool shortly after 18:00, and although it was busy, there was plenty of room for everyone - “serious” swimmers, kids playing, posers hanging out on deck, and the like. The pretty people were out in full force, either strutting around on deck vying for attention, or just lounging about and generally being the center of much attention. The difference between those who have it and those who don’t is painfully apparent here.

I hopped in with the “real swimmers”, and took off for my warmup. WOW. I’d forgotten how much I love this pool! There’s just something about swimming outdoors in salt water that just feels so right. Add to that the fact that the pool is 137m long, and you’ve got a little slice of heaven. There were one or two semi-fast swimmers there (1:35/100 types), myself, and a bunch of slow sloggers. Then there were the tri-geeks with the race cap, fins, hand paddles, pull buoys, and giant SEAL masks. Some had full wetsuits on, too. :wink:

I’m not sure if it was the extra buoyancy provided by the salt water, or just that I was so happy to be swimming @ Kits - but I was swimming bilaterally with very little difficulty, and just CRUISING (for me). I knocked out 550 is what seemed like nothing flat, and moved on to my drill sets, etc. Damn - have I mentioned how much I love this pool?

My workout was over far too soon, and it was with great reluctance that I pulled myself from the water and hit the showers. I had a 1:20 run to do, and I knew I’d be back today for another session.

Damn - I love this pool!



that’s a beaut. reminds me of the one where i grew up, and is now gone :(…Dreamland Pool in portsmouth, ohio. big, beautiful and nostalgic. very cool that it’s salt water–the benefits of being seaside!!! enjoy your summer!!

“Then there were the tri-geeks with the race cap, fins, hand paddles, pull buoys, and giant SEAL masks. Some had full wetsuits on, too. ;)”

your learning is coming along quite well I see. LOL!

Amazing. You are a lucky man.

I really should head out there sometimes, I can’t believe I’ve never swum in that pool!

With the weather so nice it’s also time to get in at sasamat lake for some OW practice, plenty of people seemed to do that on Sat/Sun mornings last year.

Hey Khai, I remember debuting there on it’s last open day last September. Even on a typical wet and blowy VAncouver morning, it was a pleasure to swim there. Coolest part was being told by Carole Montgomery, when I was in Tri-Action the day before, that I should husslw down there before it closed the next evening!

We had a lovely sea swim this evening in the sunshine, best way to end the week!

My local outdoor oly pool opens tomorrow morning at 10 am! Not nearly as cool as the super long sea water one but I still can’t wait!!! Swimming outdoors is where its at!

This is the pool on the edge of that great park in Vancouver correct - My wife and I went to BC for a vacation one year and went for the 6 ± loop run around the park and came across this pool - spectacular. We immediately ran back to the hotel - through the gay side of town correct, to get our suits and we went for a swim. Great times!

Lucky you! Sounds like a blast. Tomorrow I’ll be in Lake Michigan where they say the water’s about 50 degrees F. A lot longer than 137 m!

You might be thinking of the Second Besch pool in Stanley Park, with the 50m lanes. Also a very nice pool… this one (Kits) is 137.5m long. Both are great but Kits is by far the nicest pool I have ever swum in… and I still haven’t made it in this year yet! Bad AndyPants! :stuck_out_tongue:

Did any jackass’s have a Garmin GPS receiver hooked to their swim cap and were using a snorkle?

I was just thinking that today as I was swimming (@ Kits AGAIN! :slight_smile: ) With the description of the Seawall run and the trip back to the hotel via Davie, it must have been 2nd Beach Pool.


Certainly nothing to sneeze at, but I love my Kits. :slight_smile:

Hehehe… the pool deck is one place where I never want someone to walk up to me and say “hey, you must be a triathlete!”

Did any jackass’s have a Garmin GPS receiver hooked to their swim cap and were using a snorkle?

Wasn’t checking caps for GPS units, but I did see a snorkel on deck today…

Amen brother, Amen.