Ah the hypocrisy of the Left on the Death Penalty


Unlike many of you I favor the death penalty. Democrats want to abolish it, or so one would have thought.

IMO this is a really bad look for the Garland/Biden DoJ. I’m okay with putting him to death but then I’m not a hypocrite on the issue.

Who is “the left”? I am anti death penalty. Even for this asshole. They shouldn’t be putting him to death if they have that stance.

Here’s a question for you, are all exceptions to rules hypocrisy? Or just exceptions to rules that you don’t like?

Yep. That is wrong. He shouldn’t do that.

Who is “the left”? I am anti death penalty. Even for this asshole. They shouldn’t be putting him to death if they have that stance.

Here’s a question for you, are all exceptions to rules hypocrisy? Or just exceptions to rules that you don’t like?

What part of abolish is unclear to you? If Biden and Co. had said the death penalty should be rarely used that is different wouldn’t you agree? All of the specious arguments for not using it evaporate when the hypocrites use it.

Doesn’t seem like “hypocrisy of the Left.” Seems like an AG trying to make difficult decisions on when to prosecute capital cases where death penalty is in play. He’s mostly overruled prosecutors initial plans to seek the death penalty, only allowing it, reportedly, on 2 previous occasions, and with some sort of guidance or thought process regarding which cases represent the greatest harm to the country.

Inconsistent? Maybe. Difficult decisions to make? For sure. A signal of wholesale hypocrisy on “the Left?” Not really.

One might ask you why you hold a position on the death penalty inconsistent with that of your Church, which you defend so frequently. Is that hypocritical as well?

I am totally cool with tossing this guy in the volcano.

Doesn’t seem like “hypocrisy of the Left.” Seems like an AG trying to make difficult decisions on when to prosecute capital cases where death penalty is in play. He’s mostly overruled prosecutors initial plans to seek the death penalty, only allowing it, reportedly, on 2 previous occasions, and with some sort of guidance or thought process regarding which cases represent the greatest harm to the country.

Inconsistent? Maybe. Difficult decisions to make? For sure. A signal of wholesale hypocrisy on “the Left?” Not really.

One might ask you why you hold a position on the death penalty inconsistent with that of your Church, which you defend so frequently. Is that hypocritical as well?

This is the first initiated case the other two were carryover cases from the previous administration.

It’s their fucking platform man


Why this case? Why not others?

Windy the Catholic whining about hypocrisy is deliciously ironic.

I would be cool with the death penalty if it brought the dead victims back to life. But it never does.

I am not cool with the death penalty as an act of vengeance. Plus, it sends a stupid message: “Don’t kill people! But if you kill someone, then we will kill you!”

Plus, our country has a very bad habit of executing a lot of completely innocent people. Which is a far, far worse problem. For reference, currently being decided by the idiots in the scotus:

I would be cool with the death penalty if it brought the dead victims back to life. But it never does.

I am not cool with the death penalty as an act of vengeance. Plus, it sends a stupid message: “Don’t kill people! But if you kill someone, then we will kill you!”

Plus, our country has a very bad habit of executing a lot of completely innocent people. Which is a far, far worse problem. For reference, currently being decided by the idiots in the scotus:

A bit disjointed…do you favor the death penalty if you know they’re guilty

Who is “the left”?

the list goes on

This is the first initiated case the other two were carryover cases from the previous administration.

And he had the option of not continuing to prosecute those two previous cases as capital death penalty cases, it seems.

It’s their fucking platform man

It’s the platform of the DNC. The AG is supposed to be an enforcer of the law, independent from party platforms. I sure as shit don’t want the AG taking the party platform (either party) into consideration when he makes these decisions.

Why this case? Why not others?

That’s up to the DoJ to explain, but it looks like maybe it’s because of the very specific hate crime aspect of the killings, and extensive planning meant to kill or injure specifically as many Blacks as possible.

Regardless, it’s still not “hypocrisy of the Left” writ large, just because the DoJ has initiated a single death penalty case in the past 3 years.

Who is “the left”? I am anti death penalty. Even for this asshole. They shouldn’t be putting him to death if they have that stance.

Here’s a question for you, are all exceptions to rules hypocrisy? Or just exceptions to rules that you don’t like?

What part of abolish is unclear to you? If Biden and Co. had said the death penalty should be rarely used that is different wouldn’t you agree? All of the specious arguments for not using it evaporate when the hypocrites use it.

I already said that I disagree with this decision.

I before E except after C.


I would be cool with the death penalty if it brought the dead victims back to life. But it never does.

I am not cool with the death penalty as an act of vengeance. Plus, it sends a stupid message: “Don’t kill people! But if you kill someone, then we will kill you!”

Plus, our country has a very bad habit of executing a lot of completely innocent people. Which is a far, far worse problem. For reference, currently being decided by the idiots in the scotus:

A bit disjointed…do you favor the death penalty if you know they’re guilty


Plus, our country has a very bad habit of executing a lot of completely innocent people./quote]

Doesn’t Windy complain about this all the time with his murder reports of Chicago?

You raise an interesting point. When the white supremist, who is the subject of this thread, shot up a black grocery store Windy jumped to deflect from his attack with his usual “whattabout Chicago?” post.

When Garland took office, did he promise to abolish the death penalty? He ordered a moratorium on executions — not a moratorium on seeking the death penalty — to allow DOJ to review some policies, particularly in light of how Barr’s DOJ had pushed for executions. Obviously he is going to be less supportive of the death penalty than Barr, and seeking that penalty in just one case (in 3 years) is consistent with that. How is he being hypocritical? Are his only options to be totally opposed or strongly in favor?


When Garland took office, did he promise to abolish the death penalty? He ordered a moratorium on executions — not a moratorium on seeking the death penalty — to allow DOJ to review some policies, particularly in light of how Barr’s DOJ had pushed for executions. Obviously he is going to be less supportive of the death penalty than Barr, and seeking that penalty in just one case (in 3 years) is consistent with that. How is he being hypocritical? Are his only options to be totally opposed or strongly in favor?


Not only that, but apparently if he doesn’t abide by the right option, the entire “Left” is hypocritical.

Not speaking as a Democrat but as someone who previously opposed the death penalty.

Fry this fucker.

In all honesty, I don’t value all human lives equally anymore and I don’t see our country as the beacon of justice in the world that I once did. So let’s start with the easy cases like these and toss his ass into the volcano.

Otherwise I have no opinion or comment on Garland’s situation.

Not speaking as a Democrat but as someone who previously opposed the death penalty.

Fry this fucker.

In all honesty, I don’t value all human lives equally anymore and I don’t see our country as the beacon of justice in the world that I once did. So let’s start with the easy cases like these and toss his ass into the volcano.

Otherwise I have no opinion or comment on Garland’s situation.

This is more or less where I land as well. If there’s anyone who deserves it, it’s this guy.

I worked two death penalty eligible cases as a detective. Both were pled out when the death penalty was taken off the table. Both were serial murderers who raped and killed for sport; and deserved to die for their crimes.

It doesn’t always have to be about deterrence. Some times vengeance is righteous and enough of a reason.