Age Group DQ for positive test

Derik Feliz Afornali from Brazil was DQ’d due to testing positive for Clomifine and has a 2 year ban. Dude won his AG in several 70.3’s and competed in Hawaii in 2017 and 2022.

It’s sad that AG athletes dope.

Pretty safe bet that more Age Groupers dope than Pro’s…by a huge margin.

“Clomiphene is used to induce ovulation (egg production) in women who do not produce ova (eggs) but wish to become pregnant (infertility).”
confused dog.jpg

“clomiphene can be used to prevent or mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid abuse such as gynaecomastia or to increase endogenous free testosterone”

Guy didn’t even fight it and it still took well over a year for it to be released. He’s able to start racing again later this year.

Pretty safe bet that more Age Groupers dope than Pro’s…by a huge margin.

Pro tri is cleaner than some other endurance sports not because of any moral high ground but because there’s so little money in professional triathlon. It takes funds and connections to dope without getting caught.

Many age groupers are loaded and (apparently) don’t mind spending on their hobby.

“clomiphene can be used to prevent or mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid abuse such as gynaecomastia or to increase endogenous free testosterone”

Yeah, my understanding is that it’s used to boost endogenous testosterone production in males.

It’s sad that AG athletes dope.

I don’t get it at all. It’s not ok for professionals either, but at least I can understand when championships and significant money are on the line. But when it’s age group bragging rights, and you’d know that it really wasn’t you - why bother?!?…-on-ironman-athlete/

Guy didn’t even fight it and it still took well over a year for it to be released. He’s able to start racing again later this year.

The link also says it was an out-of-competition test. So Ironman must have had sufficient evidence that they wanted to send a Doping Control Officer to his hotel 3 days before the IMWC.

LMAO he doped to win an AG where the best in his AG are actually pros? So he wanted to brag about being like the 76th? 100th? best 30-34M in the world? That’s remarkably pathetic.

October 4, 2022. So was he tested in Kona? I’m assume they were tipped off since I don’t think they’d do out-of-competition testing on an AGer without some strong evidence.

October 4, 2022. So was he tested in Kona? I’m assume they were tipped off since I don’t think they’d do out-of-competition testing on an AGer without some strong evidence.

They can’t do an out-of-competition test unless you’ve signed that you consent to their anti-doping program, as part of the Kona/Nice or 70.3 qualification. They can’t just roll up to a random AG’s house and demand a sample. Even for WC qualified athletes, they wouldn’t test you unless there was a tip.

Just out of curiosity, I’m wondering what the worst would happen if they wanted to test an AG athlete either in or out of competition and they said no. I suspect the worst is that they’d bar you from participating in their events, no? Would they bother even referring you to WADA, and even if they did, what are they going to do? If dude knew he was glowing, I figure that the easy way out is just to say no.

Pretty safe bet that more Age Groupers dope than Pro’s…by a huge margin.

This is our annual reminder that just because they caught someone doesn’t mean that the sport is dirty or clean - it just means that they caught someone. A very good anti-doping regime which catches a few people in a relatively clean sport looks the same from the outside as a poor anti-doping regime which catches a few people in a dirty sport.

Said another way - when anti-doping is doing what it’s supposed to be doing, will only produce negative headlines.

October 4, 2022. So was he tested in Kona? I’m assume they were tipped off since I don’t think they’d do out-of-competition testing on an AGer without some strong evidence.

They can’t do an out-of-competition test unless you’ve signed that you consent to their anti-doping program, as part of the Kona/Nice or 70.3 qualification. They can’t just roll up to a random AG’s house and demand a sample. Even for WC qualified athletes, they wouldn’t test you unless there was a tip.

Just out of curiosity, I’m wondering what the worst would happen if they wanted to test an AG athlete either in or out of competition and they said no. I suspect the worst is that they’d bar you from participating in their events, no? Would they bother even referring you to WADA, and even if they did, what are they going to do? If dude knew he was glowing, I figure that the easy way out is just to say no.

IIRC, there’s a check box on active that you have read the drug testing/doping policy when you sign up for any Ironman branded race. I haven’t read through it but I wonder if that policy is the same as the world championship policy you typically get handed at slot allocation.

You could turn them away regardless if you were in the pool or not, it would basically be a positive test and likely a 4 year ban.

For pros there is big $ on the line and more incentive to get on the hot sauce. It’s ridiculously easy to pass these tests. Fans continue to be naive and that’s fine, but you’re delusional if you think less than 15% of the PTO top 100 wouldn’t piss purple.

Maybe this needs to be it own thread but this kinda brings up a question I’ve had for a while.

How many of you out there in AG categories have ever been tested? I came from primary racing bikes (crits & road racing) and over 4 years I was tested twice. I never won a race they were both random draws at an event. I’ve been doing triathlon for a lot longer. I race 6-8 times a year. A couple Ironman events and other USAT sanctioned events and I have never been tested or even seen someone get tested. I’ve podiumed races and finish near the front in short course stuff. So I’m just curious as to how often are AG athletes even tested?

This is our annual reminder that just because they caught someone doesn’t mean that the sport is dirty or clean - it just means that they caught someone.

I would agree if you had results showing that 1000 athletes were tested and only 1 failed a doping test. Or something to that effect.

“clomiphene can be used to prevent or mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid abuse such as gynaecomastia or to increase endogenous free testosterone”

Yeah, my understanding is that it’s used to boost endogenous testosterone production in males.

Its mainly used for post cycle therapy after exogenous testosterone usage.

“clomiphene can be used to prevent or mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid abuse such as gynaecomastia or to increase endogenous free testosterone”

Yeah, my understanding is that it’s used to boost endogenous testosterone production in males.

Its mainly used for post cycle therapy after exogenous testosterone usage.

So not just taking it, taking so much he needed to manage the side effects. Insane.

Ironman has tested AGers at Worlds check-ins before (and got 3 positives back in 2018), which I believe this date lines up with