Age grade formula for triathlon

Hi all.

I wondered if anyone had any experience in creating and using an age grade formula for triathlon similar to the ones you can use for running eg Runners World

We thought we would run a secondary age adjusted scoreboard at our local triathlon series to perhaps garner a little bit of extra competition and interest. A formula I could use in excel would be amazing if anyone had one (even just for running).

I should say our series is 3 races all over different distances, a sprint, standard and a 100km race (so trendy).


Interesting concept. What I’ve found is that in my mid 40’s my bike and swim are as good as they were ten years ago, but the run is getting harder and harder to maintain (or just slow by a tiny bit). If there were some formula, I think it would be relatively similar to the running formula, with less weight put on swim and bike.

The link to info from Alan Jones on the WMA age-grading calculator site gives lots of info on how the age-graded formulas for running are calculated.

Good luck!

The Veterans Time Trials Association has an age adjustment chart where you can enter the ride distance. Its a bit limited, starting at 40 years old, and doesn’t give a baseline time. But at least for 40+, it gives an offset time adjustment…