Now that I ordered my 909’s; with the GUARANTY from efernand / tribiguy / jusitn in LI / aduncan and Tom D that my bike time at IM CdA will be well under 5hrs. As a consequence I don’t even train anymore
My next question is :
what are the best tubulars to put on these jewels? It will be my first experience with tubulars.
Since I am now on the hook to get you under 5 hours I better chime in here. Get the Conti Cometition GPs, pump them up to 220 psi and you can just backpeddle to a 4:45 bike split.
Seriously though. I have some old Conti LAs on my HED Jets, and a Conti Sprinter on my HED Disk. The Sprinter was my spare before I got my disk, and unfortunately is yellow, and doesn’t make the LA on my front wheel.
I really like the Contis, but the LAs are getting pretty worn, and I hate the missmatched colors so I am going to replace them this year. Of course this means getting 4 tires, 3 to mount and a spare, so I have to save some pennies.
My sister got a good deal on some Tufos, I forget which model and really likes them. I have heard good things about them and am seriously considering them for myself, mostly because of the lower cost.
I got race wheels last year and on the advise of many posters in this forum got Tufo S3 Lites. I can’t give you a comparison as they are the only tubies I’ve riden but I’m totally satisfied that they are an excellent tire. They are rated for 220 psi so I would go anaerobic pumping them up to 200+ before a race! Then Tom Demerly and others posted that pressure that high is never needed and actually slows you down. The reasons sited make sense so I rolled out at 120 front/140rear for my first race this year. (I weigh 215) Anyway, back to your question, I’d say try the tufo S3 lites.
Unless you have more $$ than is good for you, put a Sprinter on the rear and Podium on the front and call it a day (actually a couple of years race use is no stretch for this combo). Tufos are reputed to be economical and fast, but I have no experience with them…YET. The colors will look cool on your wheels though!
I had a problem with a Sprinter & a Giro - felt a bump at the valve stem while riding. No problems with the GP. I’m currently running GP rear & Veloflex front (I like the Veloflex feel (especially in the front), but having to inflate it every day is a pain!). My Sprinter & Giro experience is a case of one (statistically insignificant?) - just figured I’d mention it in case others had a similar experience.
The sprinters I saw were lumpy and not long lasting. I like to order my tires from someone that has fresh tires. I mean not somthing sitting on the shelf to long. tells me they sell like 40 TUFOs to 1 other . I can’t aford to spend to much money on tires so it’s s22s for me. Nice and round no lumps long lasting $25.00 training tire. I don’t get to see many other tires . I got a Hutchinson Tempo 2 lumpy ,cheep and about the same price. Good luck… .thanks Dirtball