Hi everyone,
I’m in the market for a new time trial helmet and could use some advice. I’ve previously used the Giro Aerohead 1 and the Rudy Project The Wing, so I’m familiar with their strengths and weaknesses.
My main focus is finding the right balance between aerodynamics and ventilation, especially for long-distance races where temperatures can range from 16-27°C.
Some details:
I average 205W and typically hold a 38 km/h average speed on Ironman flat courses.
I’m considering helmets like the Giro Aerohead 2, Rudy Wingdream, or Ekoi Pure Aero.
Which helmet do you recommend for balancing aero gains with comfort in warmer conditions? Are there newer helmets that outperform the ones I’ve used?
With helmets it’s best to test otherwise you’re guessing. yet if you’re going to guess then the aerohead is still a really good choice, even with the latest entrants into the market.
I have both of these helmets. I put up a comparison here. Rudy Test | Strava
The Giro was surprisingly well ventilated, the Wing Dream felt very similar to the previous version.
I’ll be getting CDA numbers off both of these helmets, but something to think about is the weight distribution. The Giro Arrowhead is 10g lighter, but feels significantly heavier on the neck given the way the weight of the helmet hangs off the front. If you’re not going to do anything further than 70.3, I’d say the Giro would be fine, 4-5 hours in the Aerohead II would be a hell of a neck workout.
I’ll also say this, the Giro out of position is quite the event. If you’re standing up, or dont have the helmet positioned just right, the airflow def catches in the huge wing that comes off the back.
ALSO, for whatever it’s worth, not doing a full aero test, My CDA was on average a .261 in full winter kit using the Giro vs. .280 in the Rudy, in see kit, on the same route.
tbh, I think the larger frontal profile from both helmets allows for better airflow to seep in from underneath, rather than through vents up top. Either way, you’d want to train in either of them for a few hot days before taking out to race in, so to know what you’re in for.
A bit of follow up here. I was able to test the Wind Dream against the Wing on an athlete yesterday. The Wing Dream was faster than the Wing but not earth shatteringly faster.
Great idea on that ‘private test lane’ of yours, as long as you don’t plan it on April 12 to 16 as the Gizmo man is already taken for on those dates for our aerocamp
By the way, got the first Wingdream in today, I was quite surprised how well it fit’s.
But in heaven’s name was the designer under influence of a particular substance when the clip was designed……
If you need a 3rd person and two more Gizmo’s LMK.
Yeah the test section is pretty sweet. The occasional walker or bike, no cars and a built in bike rack where the gate and post meet. Just wish there was more shade for me.
I have another spot in town I can go to in case the prevailing winds decide to go in a different direction.