Aero Sensor Rental

I haven’t been able to find anyone that does this, but maybe it already exists.

  • If there was a service that rented out aero sensors for you to use on your own with no coaching or analysis would you be interested?

I haven’t been able to find anyone that does this, but maybe it already exists.

  • If there was a service that rented out aero sensors for you to use on your own with no coaching or analysis would you be interested?

Doesn’t exist. Without the analysis it’s just another workout.

You can rent them with someone to run the tests. That’s the smarter pathway because in most cases you’re getting someone who can analysis, can trouble shoot if the numbers are more/less correct, if there was a powermeter spike or dropout, speed sensor dropout, evaluate the changing wind conditions/directions and what’s that doing to testing, understands what the capabilities of the sensor is and how best to change/modify the testing course based on conditions and I could go on and on.

I’ve tested 100s of hours with an aero sensor outside and outside testing is more difficult than people think. Less stressful than the wind tunnel but way more difficult.

I know what I charge people per hour at A2 wind tunnel and per hour outside. People should be paying more per hour for outside testing just due to the greater difficulty.