Aero Sensor Recommendation

I have been trying to do Chung testing for awhile, but one of the rules is its cannot be windy. I live in DFW and its always windy. I was wondering if any of the current aero sensors remove the wind constraint? I have found the following through other topics in this forum, but nothing really comparing them.

The AeroSensor

Notio Aerometer

AeroLab AeroPro


Anybody with experience that can weigh in on these? Any great sensors that I have missed?

I have owed an aerosensor since Oct last year so I can only give you a perspective on that device, which I have also commented on in some of the various other aero device threads, especially the “which should I buy thread” if you haven’t already found/read that one?

In short, to get a consistent calibration factor when outdoor testing, this required a completely windless session (in my chosen test site) in my experience. Where I live is relatively windy (or swarming with mosquitoes at night when the wind generally dies down a little) too so this really hampers how much testing I can do. Some of that may also be down to what testing sites you can find local to you, and whether you can minimise traffic and natural/building obstructions that can impact a “steady airflow”

If you have already determined a calibration factor and you are only testing something which you know (or believe) to not impact the cal fac (something which I haven’t gained enough good data on to know for myself which changes do or do not change cal fac) then the consistency in the inter-run CdA numbers is very good (typically <1%) I have found, even in what I would call moderate wind conditions (up to ~10-20kph)

I have been trying to do Chung testing for awhile, but one of the rules is its cannot be windy. I live in DFW and its always windy. I was wondering if any of the current aero sensors remove the wind constraint? I have found the following through other topics in this forum, but nothing really comparing them.

The AeroSensor

Notio Aerometer

AeroLab AeroPro


Anybody with experience that can weigh in on these? Any great sensors that I have missed?

I see Aerosensor has a 20% sale going on

have owed an aerosensor since Oct last year so I can only give you a perspective on that device, which I have also commented on in some of the various other aero device threads, especially the “which should I buy thread” if you haven’t already found/read that one?

In short, to get a consistent calibration factor when outdoor testing, this required a completely windless session (in my chosen test site) in my experience. Where I live is relatively windy (or swarming with mosquitoes at night when the wind generally dies down a little) too so this really hampers how much testing I can do. Some of that may also be down to what testing sites you can find local to you, and whether you can minimise traffic and natural/building obstructions that can impact a “steady airflow”

If you have already determined a calibration factor and you are only testing something which you know (or believe) to not impact the cal fac (something which I haven’t gained enough good data on to know for myself which changes do or do not change cal fac) then the consistency in the inter-run CdA numbers is very good (typically <1%) I have found, even in what I would call moderate wind conditions (up to ~10-20kph)

Yeah I saw that thread, the Gizmo is the answer there.

Ok thank you for the information regarding winds, thats helpful!

Yeah I saw that thread, the Gizmo is the answer there.

Ok thank you for the information regarding winds, thats helpful!

I don’t think the Gizmo is commercially available.

I’ll give it 2 thumbs up though as I’ve been using one for a few years now.

I don’t think the Gizmo is commercially available.

I’ll give it 2 thumbs up though as I’ve been using one for a few years now.

Yeah I couldnt find it, which is why I started this thread since that one pivoted to everyone talking about how great the device that you cannot buy is haha

I am going to put my Aerosensor in the classifieds. It’s openbox but never used. I don’t have the time I thought I would have this year for testing and racing.

Hit me up if you are interested, I’ll sell it for a good price.

Yeah I couldnt find it, which is why I started this thread since that one pivoted to everyone talking about how great the device that you cannot buy is haha

I think, and Marc can elaborate more, that the plans are to get it into the hands of a/the few people that tend to do a lot of aero testing and/or are experienced aero testers.

In reply to “Yeah I saw that thread, the Gizmo is the answer there”

It may be, it may not be…As I said in that thread, based on my experience with the aerosensor the first question I would now ask the developer/manufacturer/seller of an aerosensor I was interested in purchasing is, show me actual in-depth data on how consistent cal facs are in increasing wind conditions (understandably no need to show me proprietary info such as how they calculate the cal fac, just the data on how consistent they are, or aren’t, in increasing wind)… I asked that question, but never got a reply, so I cant draw any conclusion on whether it would be the answer, for me…

I think, and Marc can elaborate more, that the plans are to get it into the hands of a/the few people that tend to do a lot of aero testing and/or are experienced aero testers.

Any recommendations for good testers in the DFW area? My CDA is abysmal and I could probably use more help than just a sensor.