Aero Calf Sleeves

Are the aero calf sleeves or socks worth it? What’s the average wattage save? Any recommendations on good brands?’s_Calf_Sleeve_Test_P8005395/?search_string=calf%20sleeves#p8005395

I almost feel like there should be a sticky at the top about aero calf sleeves since it seems to get asked about every 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for putting three links in one thread

I just tested with Bryan

Zoot added nothing , Velotoze socks were a few watts

He did find me 25 more watts however so all good !

If you’re interested, there’s a fast or fiction episode in which they tested different sleeves on different athletes.

I just tested with Bryan

Zoot added nothing , Velotoze socks were a few watts

He did find me 25 more watts however so all good !

I’m Bryan, he’s Brian. :slight_smile:

Ahh yes so you are !

The Brian knows his stuff

Ahh yes so you are !

The Brian knows his stuff

Yep, I have tested with him twice.