Advice for Handlebar adjustment limit

Hello Slowman and community professionals,

Last week I had the fortune of meeting Slowman in San Ramon at Sports Basement. Thank you for your time and advice fitting me. We went through a fitting with the following results :

Saddle height: 690 mm
Pad elevation: 120 mm
Saddle to armrest: 450 mm
PAD X(C): 465 mm
PAD Y: 560mm

However, with the limitations on my handlebars (Vision Trimax) I was only able to get 65mm pad elevation and about 440mm from saddle to back of the armrest. After a few rides I find myself sliding forward on the bars to where my elbows sit on the front half of the pad. I would appreciate any advice if I should replace the stem with a longer one or replacing the bars with better adjust-ability.


Could you post a pic of your bike please?

My bike is a Cannondale Slice Hi-Mod. It has the stock components which includes Vision Trimax handle bars.

Pic doesn’t work. Probably limited to your fb friends .you should be able to upload a file straight to the forum

My appologies…


Good news - it’s easy to drop your pads down significantly.
We’re aiming to lower them by 55m (from 65 to 120)

You have what looks like a 100mm stem at -6 degrees. And a 20mm headset cover (the cone under the stem)
Changing to a 100x-17 and a 5mm (Cobb) cover gets 30mm

(actually, it looks like you have a 48 - the effect will be the same as the head tube angle is the same)

Then we can loose a lot with the aerobars too - the ones you have are very high stack. I don’t have that exact model here - I do have some Vision F.A.S.T here that are 40mm pad stack, but yours appear to add at least 15mm to that.

If you get the non adjustable Vision bars
The pad stack is 25mm in your width setting. So we loose another 30mm there (and make your bike a lot lighter.

We’ve actually overshot the mark, so you would have a couple of spacers under the stem, which may mean that you don’t have to remove the rubber cable cover.

For the reach, again there is a bit of uncertainty around the bars. The ones I have are 10mm further forward than the Team clip on.
However - going to the flatter stem increases the reach (as you’ll see in the calcs above). And lowering the pads will increase the measured reach from saddle to pads, so you likely won’t need a longer stem.


Thank you for the information! I think I’ll start with the stem. Is it safe to assume that by bring down the pad elevation my upper body weight will be directed towards the ground rather than the front of the bike perhaps causing that slide forward?